Leslie Kate Wright

Leslie Kate Wright

College of Science
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences

2022 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright,, Leslie Kate, et al. "The DNA Landscape: Development and Application of a New Framework for Visual Communication about DNA." CBE—Life Sciences Education 21. 3 (2022): 21:ar47, 1-8. Web. *

Newman, Dina L., et al. "Visual Literacy of Molecular Biology Revealed through a Card Sorting Task." Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. (2023): e00198-22. Web. *

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Newman, Dina L., et al. "Punnett squares or protein production? The expert-novice divide for conceptions of genes and gene expression." CBE Life Sciences Education 20. 4 (2021): 10. Web. *

Wright, Leslie Kate, et al. "Teaching Meiosis with the DNA Triangle Framework: A Classroom Activity that Changes How Students Think about Chromosomes." Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. (2021): 11. Web. *

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Cardinale, Jean A., Dina L. Newman, and L. Kate Wright. "An Online Interactive Video Vignette that Helps Students Learn Key Concepts of Fermentation and Respiration." Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 21. 2 (2020): 1-8. Print. *

Newman, Dina L, Jean Cardinale, and L. Kate Wright. "Interactive Video Vignettes (IVVs) to Help Students Learn Genetics Concepts." CourseSource 7. (2020): 1-8. Web. *

Wright, L. Kate, Grace E. Dy, and Dina L. Newman. "Undergraduate Textbook Representations of Meiosis Neglect Essential Elements." The American Biology Teacher 82. 5 (2020): 296–305. Print. *

2019 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kim, Thomas, L. Kate Wright, and Kathryn Miller. "An Examination of Students’ Perceptions of the Kekule´ resonance representation using a perceptual learning theory lens." Chemistry Education Research and Practice 10.1039/C9RP00009G. (2019): 1-8. Web. *

Donahue, Callie, et al. "A Close-up Look at PCR." CourseSource 6. (2019): 1-8. Web. *

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Arrows in Biology: Lack of Clarity and Consistency Points to Confusion for Learners." CBE Life Sciences Education Vol 17. 1 (2018): 1-13. Print. *

Newman, Dina L., et al. "Physical Models can Provide Superior Learning Opportunities Beyond the Benefits of Active Engagements." Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 46. 5 (2018): 435-44. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Wright, L. Kate and Dina L. Newman. "High School Teacher Conceptions and Lessons about Meiosis Reveal a Critical gap in Molecular level Knowledge." Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, 8th annual meeting. Ed. Mary Pat Wenderworth. Minneapolis, MN: n.p.. *

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Arrows in Biology: Lack of Clarity and Consistency Points to Confusion for Learners." CBE Life Sciences Education. (2017): 1-13. Print. *

Wright, L. Kate, Christina M. Catavero, and Dina L. Newman. "The DNA Triangle and Its Application to Learning Meiosis." CBE Life Sciences Education 16. 3 (2017): 1-14. Print. *

Newman, Dina L. and L. Kate Wright. "Meiosis: A Play in Three Acts, Starring DNA Sequence." CourseSource 4. (2017): 1-9. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Wright, L. Kate and Dina L. Newman. "Interactive Video Vignettes: Out-of-Class Priming Tools to Improve Student Learning of Biology Core Concepts." 24th Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators. 24th Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators. Denver, CO. 28 Jul. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Newman, Dina L. and L. Kate Wright. "Lack of Grounding in Molecular Understanding is a Barrier to Conceptual Understanding of Genetic Terminology." 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. Minneapolis, MN. 22 Jul. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Newman, Dina L., L. Kate Wright, and Jean A. Cardinale. "An Interactive Video Vignette Successfully Teaches Pedigree Analysis to Undergraduates." Proceedings of the American Society of Human Genetics. Ed. American Society of Human Genetics. Orlanda, FL: American Society of Human Genetics. *

Stefkovich, Meghan, et al. "3-D Physical Model-based Activities Benefit Student Learning in Multiple Ways." Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Ed. SABER. Minneapolis, MN: SABER. *

Wright, L. Kate and Dina L. Newman. "Exploration of the DNA Triangle and its Application to Learning Molecular Biology." Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Ed. SABER. Minneapolis, MN: SABER. *

Newman, Dina L. and L. Kate Wright. "Supporting Inclusivity and Improving Learning with Activities that Incorporate Physical Models of Molecular Biology Processes." Proceedings of the Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research. Ed. Susan Elrod. Easton, MA: Gordon Research Conference. *

Cardinale, Jean, Dina L. Newman, and Kate L. Wright. "Interactive Video Vignettes: Out-of-class Primers that Allow Personalized Active Learning for all Students." Proceedings of the Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research. Ed. Susan Elrod. Easton, MA: Gordon Research Conference. *

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Golshadi, Masoud, et al. "High Efficiency Gene Transfection of Cells through Carbon Nanotube Arrays." Small 12. 22 (2016): 3014-3020. Print. *

Newman, Dina L., et al. "Development of the Central Dogma Concept Inventory (CDC) Assessment Tool." CBE Life Sciences Education 15. (2016): 1-14. Print. *

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Web-based Interactive Video Vignettes Create a Personalized Active Learning Classroom for Introducing Big Ideas in Introductory Biology." Bioscene 42. 2 (2016): 32-43. Web. *

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, Leslie Kate. "Building a Model of Tumorigenesis: A small group activity for a cancer biology/cell biology course." CourseSource 2. (2015): 1-6. Print. *

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, L. Kate, J. Nick Fisk, and Dina L Newman. "DNA → RNA: What Do Students Think the Arrow Means?" CBE-Life Sciences Education 13. 2 (2014): 338-348. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Wright, L.Kate and Dina L. Newman. "Confusion Surrounding the Synthesis of Macromolecules From Building Blocks: A Crucial Gap Revealed." 4th Annual Society for Advancement of Undergraduate Education Conference. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, MN. Minneapolis, MN. 17-20 Jul. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Online Reading Informs Classroom Instruction and Promotes Collaborative Learning." Journal of College Science Teaching 43. 2 (2013): 44-53. Print. *

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Dual Orientation of the Outer Membrane Lipoprotein P6." Journal of Bacteriology 195. 14 (2013): 3252-9. Print. *

Wright, L. Kate and Dina L. Newman. "A PCR-Based Laboratory Exercise That Increases Student Understanding of Central Dogma Concepts." Journal of Biology and Microbiology Education. 14. 1 (2013): 93-100. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Lessons Learned from the First Year Implementation of a Two-Track Reformed Introductory Biology Course." Proceedings of the National Associations of Biology Teachers Research Symposium. Ed. Teddie Phillipson-Mower. Atlanta, GA: n.p., 2013. Web. «

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, Leslie Kate, et al. "Dimethyl Sulfoxide Exposure Modulates HL-60 Cell Rolling Interactions." Bioscience Reports 32. (2012): 375-82. Print. *

Wright, L. Kate, Christina Catavero, and Dina L. Newman. "Students Fail to Transfer Knowledge of Chromosome Structure to Topics Pertaining to Cell Division." CBE Life Sciences Education 11. 4 (2012): 425-436. Print. *

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, L. Kate and Dina L. Newman. "An Interactive Modeling Lesson Increases Student Understanding of Ploidy During Meiosis." Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 39. 5 (2011): 344-51. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Wright, L. Kate, Chistina Catevaro, and Dina L. Newman. "Why Undergraduate Biology Majors Miss the Concept of Homologous Chromosomes." Society for Advancement of Undergraduate Education conference, 1st Annual Conference. Society for Advancement of Undergraduate Education (SABER). University of Minnesota East campus, Minneapolis, MN. 29-31 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. £

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Newman, D. L., L.K. Wright, and H.C. Sweet. “A structured undergraduate research program that trains and prepares students for post-graduate education and scientific careers.” Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2010. 5010-5019. Print. *