Marilyn Walker

Marilyn Walker

Assistant Professor
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Liberal Studies

2013 Submissions

Published Review

Walker, Dr. Marilyn. "Book Review of Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s." Rev. of Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s, eds. Sherrie J. Tucker, Randal Maurice Jelks, and Milton A. Cohen. American Studies Jul. 2013: 70-71. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Walker, Dr. Marilyn. "Major Themes in Antislavery Literature." Mrs. Miriam Lerner's Liberal Arts Core Team Event. RIT/NTID. Rochester, New York. 1 May 2013. Guest Lecture.

2012 Submissions

Published Review

Walker, Marilyn. "Review of Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s." Rev. of Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critis: Stevens, Cummings, Frost and Williams in the 1930s, by Milton A. Cohen. American Studies Dec. 2012: Print. ˜

Walker, Marilyn. "African Allusion in Eighteenth-Century." Rev. of The Black Aesthetic Unbound: Theorizing the Dilemma of Eighteenth-Century Literature, by April C.E. Langley. The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation 31 Dec. 2012: 135-137. Print. ˜

Walker, Marilyn. "African Allusion in Eighteenth-Century Literature." Rev. of The Black Aesthetic Unbound: Theorizing The Dilemma of Eighteenth-Century African American Literature, eds. Robert Markley, Jennifer Snead, and Alaina Pincus. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 2012: 135-137. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Walker, Marilyn. "Sentimental Journey is James Baldwin's 'Sonny's Blues'." 43rd Annual Conference of Northeast Modern Language Association. Northeast Modern Language Association. Rochester, NY. 1 Mar. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Walker, Marilyn. "Amelira Alderson Opie's Antislavery Verse for Children." William A. Kern Conference in Visual Communication. Rochester Institute of Technology/College of Liberal Arts. Rochester, NY. 3 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Walker, Marilyn. "Sentimental Journey in James Baldwin's 'Sonny's Blues.'." 43rd Annual Northeast Modern Language Association. Northeast Modern Language Association. Rochester, New York. 16 Mar. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

Walker, Marilyn. "Amelia Alderson Opie's Antislavery Verse for Children." William A. Kern Conference In Visual Communication. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 3 May 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Walker, Marilyn. "Portraits of Leadership: The Lives of Robert F. Panara and Robert R. Davila in the Deaf Classroom." 61st Annual New York State English Council. New York State English Council. Albany, New York. 19 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆