
Wegman, J.J.*, & DeLong, C.M. (2023). Investigating object recognition memory using sensory enrichment with a North American river otter (Lontra canadensis). Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens, 4, 335-363.
Wegman, J.J.*, Morrison, E.*, Wilcox, K.T.*, & DeLong, C.M. (2022). Visual perception of photographs of rotated 3D objects in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Animals, 12, 1797. 
Morrison, E.*, DeLong, C.M., & Wilcox, K.T.* (2020). How humans discriminate acoustically among bottlenose dolphin signature whistles with and without masking by boat noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(6), 4162-4174.
DeLong, C.M., & Burnett, C.* (2020). Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) use water as a tool in the floating object task. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 7(3), 327-342.
DeLong, C.M., Fellner, W., Wilcox, K.T.*, Odell, K., & Harley, H.E. (2020). Visual perception in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Successful recognition of 2D objects rotated in the picture and depth planes. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 134(2), 180-196. 
DeLong, C.M., Wright, C., Fobe, I.*, Wilcox, K.T.*, & Morrison, E.* (2019). North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) discriminate between 2D objects varying in shape and color. Learning and Behavior, 47, 91-104.
DeLong, C.M., Fobe, I.*, O'Leary, T.*, & Wilcox, K.T.*  (2018). Visual perception of planar-rotated 2D objects in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Behavioural Processes, 157, 263-278.
DeLong, C.M., Keller, A.M.*, Wilcox, K.T.*, Fobe, I.*, & Keenan, S.A.* (2018). Visual discrimination of geometric and complex 2D shapes in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Animal Behavior and Cognition, 5(3), 300-319.
Fobe, I.*, DeLong, C.M., & Wilcox, K.T.* (2018). An exploration of auditory rhythm perception in African penguins (Spheniscus demersus). Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 31(010001), 1-13.
DeLong, C.M. & Barbato, S.*, O’Leary, T.*, & Wilcox, K.T.* (2017). Small and large number discrimination in goldfish (Carassius auratus) with extensive training. Behavioural Processes, 141(2), 172-183.  
DeLong, C.M. (2017). Human listening experiments provide insight into cetacean auditory perception. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 29 (010001), 1-14.
Keller, A.M.* & DeLong, C.M. (2016). Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) and children (Homo sapiens) use stick tools in a puzzle box task involving semantic prospection. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 29. Retrieved from:
Branstetter, B., DeLong, C.M., Dziedzic, B.*, Black, A., & Bakhtiari, K. (2016). Recognition of frequency-modulated whistle-like sounds by a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and humans with transformations in amplitude, duration, and frequency. PLoS ONE, 11(2): e0147512.
Schlombs, C., Howard, M.A., DeLong, C.M., Lieberman, J. (2015). Changing an institutional environment through Appreciative Inquiry: Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Liberal Arts. Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal, 1, 103-121. Retrieved from
DeLong, C.M., Heberle, A.L.*, Wisniewski, M.G.*, & Mercado, E., III.  (2014). The ability to recognize objects from dolphin echoes generalizes across multiple orientations in humans and neural networks. Animal Cognition, 17(3), 543-557.
Hochberg, L.*, Alm, C.O., Rantanen, E.M., DeLong, C. M., & Haake, A. (2014). Decision style in a clinical reasoning corpus. In Proceedings of the BioNLP Workshop (pp. 83-87). Baltimore, MD: Association for Computational Linguistics.    
Hochberg, L.*, Alm, C.O., Rantanen, E.M., Yu, Q., DeLong, C.M., & Haake, A. (2014). Towards automatic annotation of clinical decision-making style. In Proceedings of the 8th Linguistic Annotation Workshop at the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 129-138).  Dublin, Ireland: International Committee on Computational Linguistics. Retrieved from 
Wisniewski, M.G.*, Mercado, E., III, DeLong, C.M., & Heberle, A.L.*, (2013). Exploring the capacity of neural networks to recognize objects from dolphin echoes across multiple orientations. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 (010035), 1-9.
DeLong, C.M., Heberle, A.L.*, Mata, K.*, Harley, H.E., & Au, W.W.L. (2013). Recognizing objects from multiple orientations using dolphin echoes. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 (010034), 1-9.  
Kannyo, I.* & DeLong, C.M. (2012). The effect of musical training on auditory perception. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 14 (025002), 1-10.  
Heberle, A.L.*, & DeLong, C.M. (2012). Auditory change detection with common and uncommon sounds. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 18 (025004), 1-9.
Mercado, E., III. & DeLong, C.M.  (2010). Dolphin cognition: Representations and processes in perception and memory. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 23, 344-378. Retrieved from: 
Ibsen, S.D.*, Au, W.W.L., Nachtigall, P.E., DeLong, C.M., & Breese, M.  (2010).  Changes in consistency patterns of click frequency content over time of an echolocating Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(6), 3821-3829.
Petrites, A.E.*, Eng, O.E.*, Mowlds, D.S.*, Simmons, J.A., & DeLong, C.M.  (2009).  Interpulse interval modulation by echolocating big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in different densities of obstacle clutter. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 195(6), 603-617.
Stamper, S.A.*, Simmons, J.A., DeLong, C.M., & Bragg, R.* (2008).  Detection of targets co-localized in clutter by echolocating big brown bats. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(1), 667-673.
Harley, H.E., & DeLong, C.M.  (2008). Echoic object recognition by the bottlenose dolphin. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 3, 46-65.
DeLong, C.M., Bragg, R.*, & Simmons, J.A.  (2008).  Evidence for spatial representation of object shape by echolocating bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(6), 4582-4598.
DeLong, C.M., Au, W.W.L, & Stamper, S.A.* (2007). Echo features used by human listeners to discriminate among objects that vary in material or structure: Implications for echolocating dolphins. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(1), 605-617.
DeLong, C.M., Au, W.W.L., Harley, H.E., Roitblat, H.L., & Pytka, L.* (2007). Human listeners provide insights into echo features used by dolphins to discriminate among objects.  Journal of Comparative Psychology, 121(3), 306-319.
Ibsen, S.D. *, Au, W.W.L., Nachtigall, P.E., DeLong, C.M., & Breese, M.  (2007).  Changes in signal parameters over time for an echolocating Atlantic bottlenose dolphin performing the same target discrimination task. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(4), 2446-2450.
DeLong, C.M., Au, W.W.L., Lemonds, D.W., Harley, H.E., & Roitblat, H.L. (2006). Acoustic features of objects matched by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(3), 1867-1879.
Mercado, E., III, & DeLong, C.M.  (2001). Experiments are the key to understanding socially acquired knowledge in cetaceans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24,  345.
Aubauer, R., Au, W.W.L., Nachtigall, P.E., Pawloski, D.A., & DeLong, C.M.  (2000). Classification of electronically generated phantom targets by an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 107(5), 2750-2754.

* indicates a student co-author