RIT Shows Documentary about Globalization and the Amazon Rainforest, Feb. 13

Gannett Lecture series presents The Charcoal People

What does globalization look like? The documentary, The Charcoal People, to be shown at Rochester Institute of Technology on Thursday, Feb. 13, reveals the human and environmental consequences of globalization in the rape of the Amazon rainforest.

The film, free and open to the public, is part of RIT’s Caroline Werner Gannett Lecture Series. The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the George Eastman Building, room 2000, and will be followed by a discussion led by Robert Manning, Gannett Professor of the Humanities and Gannett Lecture Series director.

The Charcoal People shows how the Amazon rainforest’s ecology is being threatened by the global expansion of an industry that offers its workers and families little hope of a decent life. It documents the experiences of thousands of migrant workers, known as Charcoal People, who slash and burn the Amazon forest for the production of high-grade iron ore mainly used by United States’ automotive and construction industries.

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