SCARF Clothing Closet open to students in need of winter clothing

The SCARF Clothing Closet has been set up for students who are in need of winter clothing and are unable to find or purchase winter outerwear themselves. Gently used outerwear—such as coats, scarves, hats, gloves and boots—is available to help meet students’ basic needs at no cost.

The SCARF Clothing Closet will be open from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Nov. 7, 10:15-11:45 a.m. Nov. 11, 3-4 p.m. Nov. 12 and 10:15-11:45 a.m. Nov. 13.

The closet is located in Nathaniel Rochester Hall in room 1074 in the main lobby. Students unable to visit the closet at one of these times can e-mail for additional time to view the SCARF Clothing Closet.

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