Eugene Fram still means business

RIT Archives

Eugene Fram, front, Gene Draper and Kay Finley ponder student council finances during the 1958-1959 school year.

I met Eugene Fram when he became the advisor to RIT’s student government in the fall of 1958. The previous year, several of us who had been active in student council led a campaign to elect its officers with full student participation. After a spirited campaign, in which 75 percent of our peers voted, Art Gardner, Jennifer Brennan and I emerged as the leaders for the 1958-1959 year.

After three productive years of working closely with Mr. Robert Belknap, we faced an uncertain future with an untried advisor. Mr. Fram was probably younger than veterans like Art and myself, and he certainly knew less about our beloved institute than we seniors. It was also true that for chemistry and printing majors, this businessperson couldn’t compare with Mr. Belknap, one of our finest math instructors.

By the time we turned over the gavel to the next officers, we knew just how much Mr. Fram’s counsel and warmth had contributed to our success.

The (above) photograph from our Techmila hints at the funds we had to “worry” about. Always the avid investors, Gardner, Fram and I saw that the money was spent to the benefit of the entire student body. We had a wonderful time with Spring Weekend, Maynard Ferguson and A Date With Carmen (McRae). Our proudest achievement cost nothing beyond Mr. Fram’s wonderful leadership and encouragement. We were able to convince our fellow students and the administration that graduation honors should become an exciting new venture at RIT. Art Gardner alone became the first to graduate with highest honors, while I joined six others in attaining high honors.

Kay Finley ’59 (chemistry)

Most likely, we will never know the impact that Gene has had on so many individuals here in Rochester and beyond.

Gene served as a board member of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for six years. During that time, and for many years after, Gene has continued to be a good friend to CASA. He has listened and advised, and he has offered suggestions and encouragement. We actually consider ourselves to be quite fortunate to have been able to turn to Gene for his wisdom and friendship.

Laurie Holmes, recently retired director of CASA

Pat Slimmer, retired assistant director of CASA

What a great article on Dr. Fram. I am a graduate from 1962 in retail. Dr. Fram was one of the best educators I ever had. He was a guru in thought. He taught me (students) how to think and discuss. He prodded you for answers and how you reached them. He made us think, think, think and then activate our findings. I wish him well and a long life.

P.S. I must say based on his picture he has aged a heck of a lot better than most of his aged students.

John Deary ’62 (retail)

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