2013 NTID Pre-Tenure Scholarship Award recipient

Gary Behm
Engineering Studies

Gary Behm was recognized for involving 29 students in his research and serving as an excellent model for his colleagues in involving students in scholarly activities. Many of these students benefitted by receiving their cooperative experience through the CAT Innovation Lab at different companies. Students gain greater awareness of the research process by using Behm's approach as a model. Behm serves as a mentor to students through natural interaction in the research environment, and utilizes research ideas that are practical to which the students can relate.

Since his mid-tenure review, he has made 11 internal presentations and 28 external presentations. He also has 13 patents for his work through IBM and 5 submitted through RIT.

"Gary is a brilliant innovator who consistently comes up with ingenious and practical ideas." – Dr. Andreas Savakis

"This dual responsibility has offered Gary a unique opportunity to have a positive impact upon our students, and NTID's investigations into new and innovative technologies that can benefit deaf and hard of hearing people." – Dr. Jim DeCaro

"Gary's willingness to share in scholarship and research activities with faculty peers and students has been exceptional." – Dr. Gary Long