Get Yourself Tested (GYT)
March 25-29 | 1-3:30 p.m. | Student Health Center
Did you know many sexually transmitted infections (STI) have no symptoms? The only way you can be sure of your status is to Get Yourself Tested. Register for an STI screening at the Student Health Center
on campus next week, March 25-29.
How to Get Yourself Tested:
- Log in to the RIT Wellness Portal
- Select Schedule Appt. under the Appt. Scheduling drop down menu
- Select 1-STI Screening Week (March 25-29 only) under Reason for appointment
Not available for an appointment during GYT week? No problem. You can find everything you need at the Student Health Center
on campus year-round. The Student Health Center is a non-judgmental space for confidential screenings of all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia, & Gonorrhea, as well as treatment and prevention of STIs. You can stop by the office to pick up free condoms (both latex and non-latex), dental dams, and lubrication upon request.