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Portrait of Kennedy Garger

Kennedy Garger

Personal Gender Pronouns: she/her/hers
Major: Psychology

Hometown: Avon, New York

Campus Involvement: The Honors Program at RIT, Colleges Against Cancer, Zeta Tau Alpha, Psych Club, and RIT Orientation.

My favorite experience at RIT in the College of Liberal Arts is that I got to study abroad in a program specific to my major. The summer after my first year at RIT, I spent about 6 weeks in Europe to study psychology at the Zagreb campus of RIT Croatia.

I always knew I wanted to study abroad in college, but I didn’t have a specific place in mind. When I heard that I could take classes I needed for my major anyways abroad, I was ecstatic. As well as classes, my program took a week long study trip to Vienna, Austria and Munich, Germany. There, we learned about famous psychologists from those countries and how psychology has impacted their histories. The whole experience was life-changing.