Constellation Cove
May 22, 2024
Megan Garcia, J.P Bungart, Tina Chen, Judy Derrick, Jessica Foronda, Nihal Karim, Johan-Marc Miango, Brooke Portz, Jailyn Talavera ’24
Constellation Cove is a capstone project made by the group Bad Assets, consisting of 7 designers and 3 developers from the Rochester Institute of Technology. This is a digital installation experience combining both the physical world and digital world for users to create constellations with physical stars they can use to build. This exhibition will be showcasing at Imagine RIT 2024 on Saturday, April 27th, 2024.
An interactive installation experience that allows users to create their own unique constellation with physical stars that will be projected into the galaxy, emphasizing a sense of community.
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