Publish your games and present them at top conferences
November 14, 2024
Nuha Syed, Sean Foley, Mason Hayes, Destiny Treptau, Ajay Ramnarine ’23
RIT prepares students with the tools necessary to succeed.

RIT prepares students with the tools necessary to succeed. Nuha Syed (GDD BS/MS ‘23) and her 2023 Game Design and Development Capstone team, Ultimate Developers, brought their game, Idol Hell, from concept to publication during her time here at RIT. Idol Hell is a beginner-friendly, 2D, Touhou-like, Shoot 'em up, bullet hell game taking inspiration from Japanese school idols and anime tropes! The Ultimate Developers took their game from Rochester, NY to San Francisco, CA for GDC and to Boston, MA for PAX East!