Writing and Rhetoric Immersion - Curriculum

Writing and Rhetoric Immersion

Choose three of the following:
   Worlds of Writing
   Creative Nonfiction Workshop
   Science Writing
Study of and practice in writing about science, environment, medicine and technology for audiences ranging from the general public to scientists and engineers. Starts with basic science writing for lay audiences, emphasizing writing strategies and techniques. Also explores problems of conveying highly complex technical information to multiple audiences, factors that influence science communication to the public, and interactions between scientists and journalists. The course examines new opportunities for covering science (especially on the internet), important ethical and practical constraints that govern the reporting of scientific information, and the cultural place of science in our society. Lecture (Spring).
   Written Argument
This course will focus on academic writing specifically, the arguments presented in different fields and professions about issues of significance. Students will learn about the rhetorical, ethical, emotional, historical and logical elements of persuasion as they relate to written and visual arguments and they will practice making claims, providing evidence, exploring underlying assumptions and anticipating counter-arguments as they relate to different audiences. In addition to argument analyses, students will develop arguments of their own through inquiry-based essays. Lecture (Fall, Spring).
   Writing the Self and Others
   Rhetoric of Science
   Introduction to Creative Writing
This course gives students the opportunity to write in different creative genres such as fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. In producing a portfolio, students will learn concrete elements of craft and techniques of improvisation to generate creative work. The course uses readings, peer feedback, workshops, and collaborative brainstorming to develop and refine texts for the printed page and beyond. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).