Co-op and Undergraduate Students
Current Students
Alexander Ferreira
Alexander Borghetti Ferreira is a third-year mechanical engineering student enrolled in the BS/MEng
dual-degree program. Within the lab, Alexanders work principally concerns the fabrication of test
components via CNC operation for pool- and flow-boiling applications. Aside from his engineering
interests, Alexander is a member of the RIT Model United Nations and enjoys investing his leisure in the
study of linguistics, geography, and current geopolitical affairs.
Past Students
Adam Rosenfeld
Adam was a second year Microelectronic Engineering student. He began working in TAMFL in June 2014.
His main project was investigating pool boiling of sea water.
Andrew Greeley
Andrew Greeley was a 4th year Dual-Degree Mechanical Engineering student. Summer 2013 was his first co-op
with the Thermal Analysis, Microfluidics and Fuel Cell Lab. He worked on various flow and pool boiling experiments,
with future plans to work on fuel cells.
Andy White
Andy was a co-op student working on fuel cell related research.
Beverly Liriano
She was a fourth year mechanical engineering student when she completed her co-op in spring 2013-2014. She worked on
various projects in the fuel cell area. First, she finished the testing of the different parameters for the in-situ
project. Then, she proceeded in designing and building a different testing procedure to better analyze the physics
of the two-phase flow in the experiments. She worked with the Photon high-speed camera and MATLAB to analyze the data
collected during the testing phase.
Brandon Hayes
Brandon is a 3rd year Biomedical Engineering and Microelectronics Engineering student.
He works with the testing of surface enhancements to improve pool boiling; in addition,
he is looking at ways to optimize CNC manufacturing for micro-machining via high speed imaging.
Brittany Klimtzak
Brittany was a fourth year biomedical engineer and co-oped in fall of 2014. She ran pool boiling tests, analyzed data
and was an overall research assistant in the lab. She also designed a new test set-up and experiment with one of the
grad students. Over the summer of 2015, she did her own research on the effect of flow rate on droplet size from
coded syringes and presented at the undergrad research symposium.
Camila Gomez
Camila Gomez Serrano was a Dual Degree student entering her third year in RITs Mechanical Engineering program. She
began working in the TAmFL in summer 2012 under an award by the Center for Student Innovation and she joined the lab
in summer 2013 thanks to a research grant by the National Science Foundation. Her main project has been Flow Boiling
in micro-channels. Through preliminary testing, experimental parameters and materials were determined for the new set-up.
Currently, she performed the final calibration for the automation of the main components for a faster, safer and more
efficient set-up. She plans to continue working in the lab through the rest of her RIT career, further investigating
flow boiling.
Carmen Azzaretti was an BS Mechanical Engineering student who joined the lab in the spring of 2013. She concentrated
mainly in machine shop work but also developed and manufactured a new pool boiling set up for the thermal analysis lab.
Charles Schillberg
Charles began working at the TAMFL in the Fall of 2006 as a co-op student during his fourth year as a BS/MS Mechanical
Engineering student. He worked on water management studies in PEM fuel cells, specifically water droplet dynamics.
Christen Gillis
Christen Gillis is a student of mechanical engineering technology entering his junior year at RIT. During the first
Co-Op of his with the lab, he has had the opportunity to explore the micro-fabrication of parts and tools needed to aid
in the assembly and testing of various on going projects in the labs. He has made the most of this opportunity by gaining
experience with traditional and non-traditional manufacturing machines.
Christopher Donnelly
Chris Donnelly is a dual degree student entering his third year in RITs mechanical engineering program this fall. He began
working in TAmFL in June 2010 as his first co-op. His main project has been infrared imaging of flow boiling. Using a high
speed infrared camera and a large power source he filmed the heat transfer of nucleation events. He plans to continue working
in the lab through the academic year, further investigating flow boiling. His other work includes continuation of current
roughness experiments, and some design and machining of parts.
Daniel Zinobile
Dan Zinobile, a 3rd year at RIT, worked in the TAMFL lab during the summer of 2015. He mostly did work in the machine shop,
creating manifolds and milling down parts to fit into certain setups. He was also tasked with designing and building a prototype
for the piezo oscillator subsystem to be used in the meniscus heating project.
John Greeley
Jonathan Greeley is in his 4th year student studying mechanical engineering in the dual degree BS/MEng
program at RIT. At the lab, Jonathan assists with machining and production of test components and setups.
Outside of the lab, he is involved in the RIT Pep Band and the RIT Student Music Association, playing drums
and assisting with live sound production. Other interests include playing tennis, woodworking, and the outdoors.
Julian Peters
Julian Peters graduated from RIT in 2006 with a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering. He worked in the TAMFL lab as a
co-op during the summer of 2006.
Matt Benedict
Matt Benedict joined the team in December of 2006 to assist with the fuel cell research funded by the US Department of Energy.
Nicholas Asarese
Nicholas Asarese was a visiting CO-OP student from The George Washington University studying Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
He worked in the Thermal Analysis and Microfluidics Lab at RIT performing research for Fuel Cell Technology. Nicholas was specialized
in taking videos and images using the Photron high speed camera. Upon completion of his CO-OP, he returned to The George Washington
University to finish his undergraduate degree.
Ravi Gupta
Ravi is a 4th year mechanical engineering student at the University of Southern California. He has been a co-op student in the TAMFL
during the summer of 2010, studying evaporative heat transfer.
Savan Mestha
Savan is a 2nd year mechanical engineering student at the University of Maryland. He has joined the TAMFL lab in June 2010 as a co-op
student and is studying water transportation in trees.
Sean Ashman
Sean Ashman graduated from RIT in 2006 with his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently working on his MS degree.
Wunna Kyaw
Wunna Kyaw was a BS/MEng Mechanical Engineering student from Myanmar. He worked 3 quater blocks in the TAMFL lab, each quater in different positions.
In the fall of 2012, he worked in the in-stitu fuel cell lab where he collected videos and data. He also analyzed these data while machining some components
for the test set up. In the winter he moved to ex-stitu, where he helped calibrate the set up and analyze data from previous tests. In the summer of 2014,
he worked on the pool boiling project with Arvind. It was a great learning experience and he had a fun time working in the lab.