Past Exhibition

Marking Matters In Time: Patricia Russotti

December 01, 2017–January 21, 2018

Image of Russoti's work with exhibition info
Perhaps creating something is nothing but an act of profound remembrance. (Rilke)

GALLERY TALK with Patricia Russotti
Friday, January 19, 6:00 PM
With Jamie M. Allen, Associate Curator of Photography, George Eastman Museum | Free and open to the public

This work investigates discrete collections of memory; the many layers we wrap around the day to day, for remembering, for letting go, or for discovering what, in the process, has become possible.

Patricia Russotti is Associate Professor in the School of Photographic Arts & Sciences at RIT. While she specializes in digital best practices and workflow, her personal work mediates the most basic elements of the natural world. Collecting specimens from her environment, Russotti carefully scans them, edits, and prints on various substrates to produce vivid images that mix scientific curiosity with a kind of magical realism.