Make & Test

The AMPrint Center has a world-class AM/3DP facility to support collaborative research projects, including state-of-the-art equipment for metal AM, ceramic AM, composite AM, polymer AM, functional printing (e.g. printed electronics, sensors, etc.), functional ink formulation, material characterization, and much more!

We are frequently asked by companies if we can provide fabrication and/or testing services that do not include any R&D component. In situations where we are asked to provide a service that is not readily available elsewhere in the state, we are often able to accomodate these requests on a simple fee-for-service basis. Note, however, that we do not provide services that one can readily get elsewhere in the state for the simple reason that we do not wish to compete with companies we partner with on a regular basis. In those instances, we are happy to provide referals to NYS companies where a requested service can be obtained. 

View a List of our Available Equipment and Capabilities