Parsian Katal Mohseni Headshot

Parsian Katal Mohseni

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Program Faculty, School of Chemistry and Materials Science

Office Location

Parsian Katal Mohseni

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Program Faculty, School of Chemistry and Materials Science


BS, Ph.D., McMaster University (Canada)


Dr. Parsian K. Mohseni holds B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Physics from McMaster University, where he conducted graduate research as part of the Centre for Emerging Device Technologies and the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2015, Dr. Mohseni joined the Microsystems Engineering Ph.D. Program at RIT as an Assistant Professor.

Dr. Mohseni’s research interests are cross-disciplinary in nature, spanning the fields of solid state physics, optoelectronics, materials characterization, nano-engineering, and physical chemistry. His primary research focus is bottom-up, heteroepitaxial crystal growth of III-V compound semiconductor nanowires on foreign, functional, and flexible substrates via MOCVD. Additionally, he is interested in novel, top-down methods for fabrication of III-V and Si nanostructures using the metal-assisted chemical etching technique. His research aims to establish innovative synthesis paradigms that allow for precise manipulation of material properties at the nanometer scale and enable next-generation device technologies in optoelectronics, photonics, nanoelectronics, and photovoltaic energy conversion.

Dr. Mohseni has received research awards from the Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations and the Ontario Centres of Excellence, along with Ontario Graduate Scholarships. His work has resulted in over 30 peer-reviewed publications and has been featured in MIT Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, Compound Semiconductor, and Materials Today, amongst others.

For more about information about Dr. Mohseni, please visit his research group’s website.


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Abrand, Alireza, et al. "Localized Self-Assembly of InAs Nanowire Arrays on Reusable Si Substrates for Substrate-Free Optoelectronics." ACS Applied Nano Materials 5. 1 (2022): 840-851. Web.
Choi, Wonsik, et al. "Selective Area Heteroepitaxy of p-i-n Junction GaP Nanopillar Arrays on Si (111) by MOCVD." IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. (2022): x-y. Web.
Song, Young Ho, et al. "Position Control of Self-Grown III–V Nanowire Arrays on Si Substrates via Micrometer-Size Patterns by Photolithography." Crystal Growth & Design. (2022): x-y. Web.
Hasan, Md Nazmul, et al. "Influences of Native Oxide on the Properties of Ultrathin Al2O3-Interfaced Si/GaAs Heterojunctions." Advanced Materials Interfaces. (2022): 2101531-6. Web.
Baboli, Mohadeseh A., et al. "Mixed-dimensional InAs nanowire on layered molybdenum disulfide heterostructures via selective-area van der Waals epitaxy." Nanoscale Advances 3. 10 (2021): 2802-2811. Print.
Choi, Wonsik, et al. "Monolithic lateral p–n junction GaAs nanowire diodes via selective lateral epitaxy." Nanotechnology 32. 50 (2021): 505203-8. Print.
Baboli, Mohadeseh A., et al. "Improving pseudo-van der Waals epitaxy of self-assembled InAs nanowires on graphene via MOCVD parameter space mapping." CrystEngComm 21. (2019): 602-615. Print.
Fedorenko, Anastasiia, et al. "Design and Simulation of the Bifacial III-V-Nanowire-on-Si Solar Cell." MRS Advances 4. (2019): 929-936. Web.
Wilhelm, Thomas S., et al. "Black GaAs with Sub-Wavelength Nanostructures Fabricated via Lithography-Free Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching." ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 8. 6 (2019): Q134-3. Print.
Biria, Saeid, et al. "Direct Light‐Writing of Nanoparticle‐Based Metallo‐Dielectric Optical Waveguide Arrays Over Silicon Solar Cells for Wide‐Angle Light Collecting Modules." Advanced Optical Materials 7. 21 (2019): 1900661-8. Print.
Wilhelm, Thomas S., et al. "Ordered Si Micropillar Arrays via Carbon-Nanotube-Assisted Chemical Etching for Applications Requiring Nonreflective Embedded Contacts." ACS Applied Nano Materials 2. 12 (2019): 7819–7826. Print.
Kim, Jeong Dong, et al. "Self-Anchored Catalyst Interface Enables Ordered Via Array Formation from Submicrometer to Millimeter Scale for Polycrystalline and Single-Crystalline Silicon." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10. 10 (2018): 9116-9122. Print.
Wilhelm, Thomas S., et al. "Ordered Al(x)Ga(1–x)As Nanopillar Arrays via Inverse Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10. (2018): 27488-27497. Print.
Kim, J.D., et al. "Scaling the Aspect Ratio of Nanoscale Closely Packed Silicon Vias by MacEtch: Kinetics of Carrier Generation and Mass Transport." Advanced Functional Materials 27. (2017): 1-8. Print.
Choi, W., et al. "Direct Electrical Probing of Period Modulation of Zinc-Dopant Distributions in Planar Gallium Arsenide Nanowires." ACS Nano 11. (2017): 1530-1539. Print.
Wilhelm, T.S., et al. "Fabrication of Suspended III-V Nanofoils by Inverse Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of InGaP/GaAs Heteroepitaxial Films." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10. (2018): 2058-2066. Print.
Song, Yi, et al. "Ultra-high Aspect Ratio InP Junctionless FinFETs by a Novel Wet Etching Method." IEEE Electron Device Letters 37. (2016): 970-973. Print.
Qu, Jiangtao, et al. "Direct Observation of Dopants Distribution and Diffusion in GaAs Planar Nanowires with Atom Probe Tomography." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8. (2016): 26244-26250. Web.
Kong, Lingyu, et al. "Evidences for Rredox Reaction Driven Charge Transfer and Mass Transport in Metal-assisted Chemical Etching of silicon." Scientific Reports - Nature 6. (2016): 36582-13. Web.
Liu, Runyu, et al. "Enhanced Optical Transmission through MacEtch-Fabricated Buried Metal Gratings." Advanced Materials. (2015): Not listed at time of submission. Web.
Full Patent
Li, Xiuling, et al. "Metal assisted chemical etching to produce III-V semiconductor nanostructures." U.S. Patent USRE48407E1. 26 Jan. 2021.
Published Conference Proceedings
Fedorenko, Anastasiia, et al. "Multi-Terminal Dual-Junction GaAs0.73P0.27/In0.22Ga0.78As Nanowire Solar Cell: An Integrated Approach to Simulation." Proceedings of the 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). Ed. N/A. Calgary, Canada: IEEE, 2021. Web.
D'Rozario, Julia R, et al. "Back Surface Reflectors for Thin III-V Multi-junction Space Photovoltaics." Proceedings of the 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). Ed. N/A. Calgary, Canada: IEEE, 2020. Web.
Fedorenko, Anastasiia, et al. "Towards High-Efficiency Triple-Junction Bifacial III-V Nanowire-on-Silicon Solar Cells: Design Approaches Enabling the Concept." Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). Ed. N/A. Chicago, IL: IEEE, 2020. Web.
Liu, Dong, et al. "Toward Diamond-Collector Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors via grafted GaAs-Diamond np junction." Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS). Ed. N/A. Nashville, TN: IEEE, 2020. Web.
Baboli, Mohadeseh A., et al. "Self-Assembled InAsP and lnAlAs Nanowires on Graphene Via Pseudo-Van Der Waals Epitaxy." Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO). Ed. N/A. Cork, Ireland: IEEE, 2018. Web.
Baboli, M.A., et al. "Selective-Area Van Der Waals Epitaxy of InAsP Nanowires on Two-Dimensional Nanosheets: III-V Integration on Graphene, h-BN, and MoS2." Proceedings of the Nanowire Week. Ed. K.A. Dick. Lund, Scania: Nanowire Week, 2017. Web.
Mohseni, P.K. "Technology Parameter Space Mapping of InAsPNW Arrays on Graphene, h-BN, and MoS2Toward Selective-Area van der Waals Epitaxy." Proceedings of the Electronic Materials Conference. Ed. S. Mohney. South Bend, IN: EMC, 2017. Web.
Li, Xiuling, et al. "III-V Nanowires and Nano fins: Growth, Etching, and Devices." Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials. Ed. S. Iwamoto. Tskuba, Ibaraki, Japan: n.p., Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Mohseni, Parsian K. "Solar Cells and Light Emitting Diodes via Wafer-Scale Monolithic Integration of III-V Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays on Si and Graphene." 39th IEEE EDS Activities in Western New York Conference. IEEE. Rochester, NY. 6 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Currently Teaching

1 - 4 Credits
Topics and subject areas that are not among the courses listed here are frequently offered under the special topics title. Under the same title also may be found experimental courses that may be offered for the first time. Such courses are offered in a formal format; that is, regularly scheduled class sessions with an instructor. The level of complexity is commensurate with an undergraduate engineering course at the 200 level.
4 Credits
A laboratory course in which students manufacture and test CMOS integrated circuits. Topics include design of individual process operations and their integration into a complete manufacturing sequence. Students are introduced to work in process tracking, ion implantation, oxidation, diffusion, plasma etch, LPCVD, and photolithography. Student learn VLSI design fundamentals of circuit simulation and layout. Analog and Digital CMOS devices are made and tested. This course is organized around multidisciplinary teams that address the management, engineering and operation of the student run CMOS factory.
1 Credits
In this seminar course students will present their latest research and learn about the research taking place in the program. All Microsystems Ph.D. students enrolled full time are required to attend each semester they are on campus.
3 Credits
This course is a capstone project using research facilities available inside or outside of RIT.
1 - 9 Credits
Dissertation research by the candidate for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis

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