What Recruiters Look For When Hiring
Presenter: Hannah Morgan
Job search and social media strategist
Webinar Date: 01-16-2018

What Recruiters Look For When Hiring

Increase your chances of landing a job faster by aligning your job search with what recruiters are looking for.

The key to getting a job is to understand where recruiters search for candidates and what they look for. Using responses from over 800 recruiters, this session will help you prioritize where and how you job search and improve your performance during the job interview.

You'll learn:

- The 7 most popular places you must use to get noticed by recruiters
- What to share and not to share on social media
- The 3 things you can do during your job interview to win over an interviewer
Hannah Morgan
Hannah Morgan / Job search and social media strategist
Hannah Morgan is a job search and social media strategist. She serves as a guide to today's complex job search. Hannah is passionate about keeping up with the latest trends and strategies in recruiting to help job seekers stand out in the competitive job market.
Media and career professionals recognize Hannah as an advocate for active careerists, providing actionable tips and advice. She is the author of two books and is frequently quoted in local and national media. She's also a regular contributor to U.S. News & World Report. You can learn more about Hannah on CareerSherpa.net and follow her on Twitter @careersherpa.