Research Skill Training

Serious Games Literature

B. Tomaszewski, A. Konovitz-Davern, D. I. Schwartz, J. Szarzynski, L. Siedentopp, A. Miller, and J. Hartz, "GIS and Serious Games," in Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems. vol. 1, T. J. Cova and M.-H. Tsou, Eds., ed: Elsevier, 2018, pp. 369–383.

B. Tomaszewski and D. I. Schwartz, "Critical Spatial Thinking and Serious Geogames: A Position," in AGILE 2017 Workshop on Geogames and Geoplay, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2017, p. 3 pages.

B. Tomaszewski, D. I. Schwartz, and J. Szarzynski, "Crisis Response Serious Spatial Thinking Games: Spatial Think Aloud Study Results," in 13th International Conference of the International Association For The Study Of Information Systems For Crisis Response And Management (ISCRAM) 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016.

Serious Games Video (2014)

Serious GIS Game (SerGIS)

SerGIS Tutorial


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nsfreu2018 - pwd

Disaster Management Workshop

Disaster Management Workshop Slides

Scholarly Apparatus Workshop

Scholarly Apparatus Workshop Slides - BT

Scholarly Apparatus Workshop Slides - DS

Game Design Workshop

Game Design Workshop Slides 

Software Engineering for Disaster Management Workshop

Software Engineering for Disaster Management Workshop Slides

GIS Skill Training

Video Lecture Resources

GIS Skill Training Labs

Fundamentals of Geographic Information (PDF)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Basic
Purpose: The purpose of this lab will be for you gain knowledge on the mechanics of how geographic maps work as communication devices and to understand basic principles of geographic information as represented in paper maps. 

Peruse GIS Data Sites (PDF)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Basic
Purpose: The purpose of this lab will be for you gain experience and knowledge with web-based resources for obtaining GIS datasets.  

GIS Data Acquisition, Creation and Basic Display (PDF)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Intermediate
Purpose: The purpose of this lab will be for you gain experience and knowledge with how to acquire GIS data sets and incorporate them into GIS software (ArcMap). You will also gain basic experience with manipulating GIS data sets in ArcMap.  

Geodatabase and Reference Map Construction (PDF)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Advanced
Purpose: The purpose of this lab will be for you gain experience in cartographic design by constructing a reference map using ArcMap. (Google Drive) (Google Drive)

Geodatabase_and_Reference_Map_Construction_support_video.mp4 (Google Drive)

Hot Spot Analysis and Visualization (PDF)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Intermediate/Advanced
Purpose: The purpose of this lab will be for you gain experience and knowledge with Hot Spot Analysis and Visualization.  

Hot Spot Analysis and (Google Drive)

Basic Model Building with ArcMap (.mp4 video)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Basic
Purpose:  The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to make a basic model in ArcMap

Basic Model Building with ArcMap Notes (.pdf)

Basic Model Building with ArcMap Datasets (.zip)

Basic Python Programming in ArcMap (.mp4 video)
Prior GIS Skill Level Needed: Basic
Purpose:  The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to do basic Python programming in ArcMap

Basic Python Programming Datasets