Rick Mislan

Heashot of Rick Mislan

Rick Mislan was a 3rd year College of Liberal Arts student in 1989 when he took up the challenge of a CAB contest to “Name the New RIT Mascot". Rick quickly jotted down his entry, “RITchie,” and entered the contest. Rick's entry won and the rest is RIT history. In 2012, Rick was touring the RIT campus with his two daughters, when they came upon the Bengal statue outside of the Kodak quad. Rick told his girls his story about naming RITchie. The girls suggested that RITchie needed a book to tell his story. That moment that Rick and his two daughters began the process of writing the book about RITchie. 

Rick Mislan
Rochester Institute of Technology
Saunders College of Business
Marketing & Digital Business, MIS