Feeling the Love

‘Wow, you must be really slow this time of year.’ The fact is that Shop One is incredibly busy! While you and I make New Years’ resolutions to re-new, change and re-fresh, Shop One does the same.

After a robust year of welcoming hundreds of new visitors to Shop One, bringing many new artists’ work into the gallery, we are ready to take stock and hit the refresh button. The walls are freshly painted, and a new group of work is on display. The new glass displays leverage the light emanating from the band of windows along the front of the gallery. And, we are doing the RIT happy dance. Come join us!

Shop One represents artists and designers that are creatively diverse and make high caliber work. That’s not Shop One talking…. it’s the feedback we hear each day. It’s a joy to surprise, delight and surpass expectations. We appreciate that you bring us suggestions and introduce new-to-us artists and designers. We are always looking bring outstanding artists into the Shop One fold.