Automatic 3D Printer Pallet Loader


Engineering Technology Hall - 1130 McGowan Commons

We have created a automatic pallet loader to to remove and replace a magnetic build plate for 3D printers. We are using different mechanical, electrical, and controls engineering aspects we have learned in our careers at RIT. The importance of this project is the 3D printer will be used for an experimental new method of 3D printing curing with possibly dangerous lasers, and our machine will ensure that the prints will be removed and a build plate replaced with no harm to the user, along with allowing for lights-off 3D printing.


Engineering Technology Hall - 1130 McGowan Commons


Ernesto Walter Yelamo
Hector Samayoa
Stefano Farnedi
Evan Swartvagher
Michael Krutoyarsky

Professor Michael Caldwell & Cynthia Tawaf

This is a capstone Project for the college of engineering technology

Thank you to all of our sponsors!