Float Your Ideas: Paper Boat Racing


Ritter Ice Arena - Main Floor

Our exhibit will have a crafting table where guests can assemble their paper boats. They will be given different origami designs and encouraged to try something new and creative. There will be craft materials such as buttons, paint, pipe cleaners, and more for decorating and making the paper boat your own. Once the boat is complete, guests will advance to a tub of water and race their boats against their friends. Propelled by the power of fans, the boats will speed across the sea before crossing the finish-line. We hope this will be a fun, high energy activity that will be involved for the guests as well as entertaining to watch. We will also be giving out pamphlets which emphasize the importance of women studying STEM and promote WOESS’ core messages.


Ritter Ice Arena - Main Floor


Lauren Stoll
Mariam Eleshaky
Anna Phan
Veronica Ajay Sankhe
Tessa Hansknecht
Courtney Keef
Jacqueline Paolercio
Penelope Russell
Claire Virnoche
Anika Khanam
Trang Phan

Women of Excellence Supporting STEM (WOESS for short) is a student organization on campus whose mission is to unify, empower, and promote excellence amongst women of all STEM disciplines. This would be our first time participating in ImagineRIT and we are

Thank you to all of our sponsors!