Guess That Brand! - A Marketing Trivia Game


Max Lowenthall Hall - 1050

Welcome to 'Guess That Brand!' a trivia game all about Marketing! Walk through our exhibit of the field of Marketing and step up to test your knowledge all about different brands and companies in our interactive exhibit put together by the MADPR Club. Inspired by game shows like Jeopardy, we'll test your knowledge on different logos, jingles, slogans, and more to see if you can guess which brand it belongs to. Contestants can compete to see who can get the most correct answers and receive some Saunders swag along the way. All the while, participants can learn all about what Marketers do and how it affects our day to day lives, and learn some things about what Marketing students at RIT go on to do. The exhibit will be located in a large space with a projector/large display and a decent capacity limit. The walkway between the door and the front of the room with the display will be lined with information about the Marketing industry and the roles it plays in day to day life and at RIT. Upon reaching the front, the guests will line up behind podiums with buttons and be asked to play the interactive trivia game to test their knowledge about brands. The moderator will ask them questions or show reference images, videos, or sound bytes and ask them to buzz in to guess that brand name. Saunders swag given to us by the college will be given out to participants, and the game will be the main attraction of the exhibit. Visitors should expect to spend around ten minutes in the exhibit exploring and playing the game, and will get educated on topics in Marketing all the while.


Max Lowenthall Hall - 1050


Scott Franco
Amy Li
Annie Hong
Laura Gutaman

Exhibit put together and being organized by the Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Club or MADPR. The exhibit will be part of the Saunders College of Business "Business District."

Thank you to all of our sponsors!