Puzzles and Problems with PiRIT


Thomas Gosnell Hall - A-Level Atrium

For our exhibit, we plan to give visitors a variety of math problems and puzzles to solve. These will include physical puzzles as well as thought experiments. There will be a set of Fermi problems, which use math to make estimates about the subject (eg: how many Salvatore's pizza boxes do you need to cover a classroom?). We will have a range of complexity for these so visitors can select problems that align with their math expertise. We also plan to have origami puzzles (eg: how many folds would you need to make a butterfly?) and have origami paper so people can verify their answer and make a cute origami. We also plan to do a normal distribution peg board, where we will have all the visitors drop a marble down a Galton board and show that at the end it shows a normal distribution. We are creating some more puzzles like these! The visitors will have a chance to challenge themselves and engage with some fun math! We also plan to have giveaway things for people who get the right answers to incentivise people to actually give the puzzles a fair shot.


Thomas Gosnell Hall - A-Level Atrium


Nishka Desai
Owen Williams
Dorothy Suzuki-Burke
Jullia King

We are PiRIT, the mathematics club at RIT, and aim to excite students about math and give math enthusiasts a space to meet and collaborate with each other. We help students understand mathematics to a deeper level by taking it out of the classroom and mak

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