Women in Computing (WiC) at RIT


Golisano Hall - 2350

Women in Computing at RIT is a campus organization part of Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences that supports women and gender minorities in the computing field. We will showcase current projects members developed as part of WiCHacks, an all-women and gender minorities hackathon, and multiple projects built by the WiC Projects committee. Our WiC Projects committee will display our handwriting robot, our arcade cabinet, logo lamp, 3D printed objects, spheros that we use to teach the K-12 community about coding and more. We will also have our current members and committee heads talk about their part in the organization to present things we do.


Golisano Hall - 2350


Jaime Campanelli
Ashley Alt
Quincy Myles Jr
Kelsey Tirado
Alyssa Sfravara
Audrey Fuller
Jessica Ancillotti
Kristin Yap
Hanna Koh
Katie Collier
Lana Verschage
Olivia Nuccitelli
Peyton Wagner
Sam McQuate
Julia Han
Alanna Luce
Thalia Kennedy
Katie Niederhoff
Natalia Bozadzis
Allison Jankowski
Ainsley Ross

Lana Verschage

Women in Computing Organization

Exhibit Website

Thank you to all of our sponsors!