Computer Science - 2016 | Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Faculty Scholarship 2016

Computer Science

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Reynold Bailey

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Bennett, Justin, et al. "Looking at Faces: Autonomous Perspective Invariant Facial Gaze Analysis." Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception, July 2016, Anaheim CA. Ed. Reynold Bailey and Laura Trutoiu. New York, NY: ACM, Web. «

Pieszala, James, et al. "3D Gaze point Localization and Visualization Using LiDAR-based 3D Reconstructions." Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, March 2016, Charleston SC. Ed. Roman Bednarik and Frederick Shic. New York, NY: ACM, Web. «

Sridharan, Srinivas, et al. "Gaze Guidance for Improved Password Recollection." Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, March 2016, Charleston SC. Ed. Roman Bednarik and Frederick Shic. New York, NY: ACM, Web. «

Kothari, Rakshit, et al. "Novel Apparatus for Investigation of Eye Movements When Walking in the Presence of 3D Projected Obstacles." Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, March 2016, Charleston SC. Ed. Roman Bednarik and Frederic Shic. New York, NY: ACM, Web. «

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Kothari, Rakshit, et al. "The Influence of Biomechanics on Visual Attention while Walking." Proceedings of the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, May 2016, St. Pete Beach, FL. Ed. Dennis Levi. Novato, CA: VSS. *

Simon, Daniel, et al. "Automatic Scanpath Generation with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks." Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception, July 2016, Anaheim CA. Ed. Reynold Bailey and Laura Trutoiu. New York, NY: ACM. «

Sridharan, Srinivas and Reynold Bailey. "Saliency and Optical Flow for Gaze Guidance in Videos." Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception, July 2016, Anaheim CA. Ed. Reynold Bailey and Laura Trutoiu. New York, NY: ACM. «

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Ivona Bezakova

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Bezakova, Ivona, et al. "Approximation via Correlation Decay When Strong Spatial Mixing Fails." Proceedings of the 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP). Ed. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, et al. Rome, Italy: ICALP, 2016. Print. *

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Hans-Peter Bischof

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Cerrah, Tolga and Hans-Peter Bischof. "Advl: A Visualization Language for Dynamic Visualization." Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Visualization Methods. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. Las Vegas, NV: n.p., 2016. Print. *

Steven, Wardwell and Hans-Peter Bischof. "Distributed Collaborative Caching." Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. Las Vegas, NV: NV, 2016. Print. *

Cerrah, Tolga and Hans-Peter Bischof. "Advl: A Visualization Language for Dynamic Visualization." Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Visualization Methods. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. Las Vegas, NV: MSV, 2016. Print. *

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Zachary Butler

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Butler, Zack. "Mazes: Not Just For Kids." ACM Inroads 7. 3 (2016): 72. Print. *

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Christian Chilan

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Chilan, Christian M., et al. "Co-Design of Strain-Actuated Solar Arrays for Precision Pointing and Jitter Reduction." Proceedings of the 57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, January 4‐8, 2016, San Diego, California. Ed. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Reston, VA: n.p., Print. £

Baldini, Francesca, et al. "Fast Motion Planning for Agile Space Systems with Multiple Obstacles." Proceedings of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, September 13-16, 2016, Long Beach, California. Ed. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Reston, VA: n.p., Print. £

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Matthew Fluet

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Le, Matthew, Ryan Yates, and Matthew Fluet. "Revisiting Software Transactional Memory in Haskell." Proceedings of the Haskell’16: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Haskell; September 22-23, 2016, Nara, Japan. Ed. Geoffrey Mainland. New York, NY: ACM, 2016. Web. *

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Joe Geigel

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Geigel, Joe, et al. "PULSE: An Infrastructure for Collection of Audience Heartbeats for Music Visualization." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops). Ed. Max Mí¼hlhäuser. Sydney,, NSW: IEEE, Print. £

Caputo, Felipe, et al. "Farewell to Dawn: A Mixed Reality Dance Performance in a Virtual Space." Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters (SIGGRAPH '16). Ed. Rachel Albert. New York, NY: ACM, Print. *

McGowen, Victoria and Joe Geigel. "Automatic Blend Shape Creation for Facial Motion Capture." Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters (SIGGRAPH '16). Ed. Rachel Albert. New York, NY: ACM, Print. * £

Hollenbach, Andrew, Matthew Cox, and Joe Geigel. "A Dynamic 3D Performance Space for Control of Virtual Musical Instruments." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '16). Ed. Simon Ví¶lker. New York, NY: ACM, Print. * £

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Edith Hemaspaandra

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hemaspaandra, E., L. Hemaspaandra, and J. Rothe. "The Complexity of Online Voter Control in Sequential Elections." Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. (2016): 1-22. Web. *

Fitzsimmons, Z., E. Hemaspaandra, and L. Hemaspaandra. "Manipulation of Same-System Runoff Elections." Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 77. 3-4 (2016): 159—189. Print. *

Book Chapter

Caragiannis, I., E. Hemaspaandra, and L. Hemaspaandra. "Dodgson's Rule and Young's Rule." Handbook of Computational Social Choice. Cambridge, England: Handbook of Computational Social Choice, 2016. 103-126. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Hemaspaandra, E. and H. Schnoor. "Dichotomy for Pure Scoring Rules Under Manipulative Electoral Actions." Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016). Ed. . the Hague, the Netherlands: n.p., 2016. Web. «

Fitzsimmons, Z. and E. Hemaspaandra. "Modeling Single-Peakedness for Votes with Ties." Proceedings of the Eighth European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS 2016). Ed. . the Hague, the Netherlands: n.p., 2016. Web. «

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Christopher Homan

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Terkik, A, et al. "Analyzing Gender Bias in Student Evaluations." Proceedings of the Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Ed. COLING. Osaka, Japan: The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 2016. Web. *

Liu, Tong, et al. "Understanding Discourse on Work and Job-Related Well-Being in Public Social." Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Berlin, Germany. Ed. ACL. Berlin, Germany: n.p., 2016. Web. *

Cheng, Qijin, Tong Liu, and Christopher M. Homan. "Changes in Online Discourse of Suicide and Prevention After Robin Williams’ Death." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Ed. Unknown. Tokyo, Japan: n.p., Web. *

Lee, Sang Won, et al. "Creating Interactive Behaviors in Early Sketch by Recording and Remixing Demonstrations." Proceedings of the Human Computation. Ed. Unknown. Québec City, Canada: HCOMP, Web. *

Oak, Mayuresh, et al. "Generating Clinically Relevant Texts: A Case Study on Life-Changing Events." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Denver, Colorado: NAACL HLT, 2015. Web. *

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Peizhao Hu

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Zhong, Mingyang, et al. "Advancing Android Activity Recognition Service with Markov Smoother: Practical Solutions." Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing 38. (2016): 60-76. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Hu, Peizhao and Siyu Zhu. "Location Privacy Using Homomorphic Encryption." Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks. Guangzhou, CN: EAI, 2016. Web. *

Hu, Peizhao, et al. "Homomorphic Proximity Computation in Geosocial Networks." Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data (BigSecurity\'16, INFOCOM\'16 workshop). April 10-15, 2016. San Francisco, CA, USA. San Francisco, CA: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

Hu, Peizhao, et al. "Evaluation of Homomorphic Primitives for Computations on Encrypted Data for CPS systems." Proceedings of the IEEE - Smart City Security and Privacy Workshop (SCSP-W\'16, CPSweek\'16 workshop). April 11-14, 2016. Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

Jagadeesan, Yogesh, Peizhao Hu, and Carlos Rivero. "PLOMaR: An Ontology Framework for Context Modeling and Reasoning on Crowd-Sensing Platforms." Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea\'16, PerCom2016 workshop). March 14, 2016. Sydney, Australia. Sydney, Australia: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

Wang, Wenbo, et al. "Learning in Markov Game for Femtocell Power Allocation with Limited Coordination." Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. December 2016, Washington, DC USA. Washington, DC: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

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Alan Kaminsky

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Werner, Gordon, et al. "Implementing Authenticated Encryption Algorithm MK-3 on FPGA." Proceedings of the IEEE Military Communications Conference 2016 (MILCOM 2016), Baltimore, MD, USA, November 2016. Ed. Jerry Brand. Baltimore, MD: IEEE, 2016. Web. £

Full Patent

Kurdziel, Michael, et al. "Customizable encryption algorithm based on a sponge construction with authenticated and non-authenticated modes of operation." U.S. Patent 9,438,416. 6 Sep. 2016.

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Mohan Kumar

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Eary, Chance, Mohan Kumar, and Gergely Zaruba. "Delay Tolerant Lazy Release Consistency for Distributed Shared Memory in Opportunistic Networks." Pervasive and Mobile Computing 29. 7 (2016): 57-72. Print. ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Nguyen, Thanh-Binh, et al. "Learning Multifaceted Latent Activities from Heterogeneous Mobile Data." Proceedings of the Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 17-19 Oct. 2016, Montreal, Canada. Ed. IEEE. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, 2016. Web. ˜

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Minseok Kwon

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kim, Kwangsoo, et al. "Dynamic Vehicular Route Guidance Using Traffic Prediction Information." Mobile Information Systems, Special Issue on Advanced Technologies for Mobile IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems. (2016): 11. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Kwon, Minseok, Pedro Reviriego, and Salvatore Pontarelli. "A length-aware cuckoo filter for faster IP lookup." Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM Workshops. Ed. N/A. San Francisco, CA: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

Geigel, Joe, et al. "PULSE: An Infrastructure for Collection of Audience Heartbeats for Music Visualization." Proceedings of the IEEE PerCom. Ed. N/A. Sydney, Australia: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

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Cristian Linte

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

CA, Linte, Cahill ND, and Dangi S. "Integrating Atlas and Graph Cut Methods for Left Ventricle Segmentation from Cardiac Cine MRI." Lect Notes Comput Sci 10124. (2016): 76-86. Print. «

CA, Linte and Peters TM. "Image-guided Interventions and Computer-integrated Therapy: Quo Vadis?" Med Image Anal. 33. (2016): 56-63. Print. *

CA, Linte, et al. "An Interactive 3D Virtual Anatomy Puzzle for Learning and Simulation: Initial Demonstration and Evaluation." Stud Health Technol Inform 220. (2016): 233-40. Print. *

Book Chapter

CA, Linte, Peters TM, and Fenster A. "Image-guided Procedures: Tools, Techniques, and Clinical Applications." Advances in Medical Physics. Ed. Devon J. Godfrey, Jacob Van Dyk, Shiva K. Das, Bruce H. Curran, and Anthony B. Wolbarst. Chicago, IL: MPP Medical Physics Publishing, 2016. 97-113. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

CA, Linte, et al. "Automated Reconstruction of Standing Posture Panoramas from Multi-sector Long Limb X-ray Images." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural and Functional Imaging - San Diego CA Feb. 2016. Ed. B. Jimi and A. Krol. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2016. Print. *

CA, Linte and Ben-Zikri YK. "A Robust, Automated Left Ventricle Region of Interest Localization Technique Using a Cardiac Cine MRI Atlas." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-guided procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling - San Diego CA Feb 2016. Ed. ZR Yaniv and R Webster III. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2016. Print. *

CA, Linte, et al. "A Comparison Study of atlas-based 3D Cardiac MRI Segmentation: Global Versus Global and Local Transformations." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-guided procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling - San Diego CA Feb. 2016. Ed. ZR Yaniv and RJ Webster III. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2016. Print. *

CA, Linte, et al. "Experimental Characterization, Comparison, and Image Quality Assessment of Two Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Optison and Definity." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Ultrasound Imaging and Tomography - San Diego CA Feb 2016. Ed. N Duric and B Heude. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2016. Print. *

N, Ben-Zikri YK, Helguera M, Fetzer D, Linte CA and Cahill. "Comparison of Lesion-centered vs. Lung-centered Registration for Nodule Assessment from Lung CT Images." Proceedings of the Proc. IEEE Western NY Image Signal Process - Rochester NY Dec. 2015. Ed. R Ptucha, N Cahill, CA Linte and B Ghoraani. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

S, Dangi and Linte CA. "Integrating Atlas and Graph Cut Methods for Right Ventricle Segmentation from Cardiac Cine MRI." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling - Orlando FL Feb. 2017. Ed. RJ Webster III and B Fei. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Invited Paper

CA, Linte. "Virtual and Augmented Medical Imaging Environments: Applications to Simulation, Training, Surgical Planning and Interventional Guidance." Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. (2016). Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

G, Jalalahmadi. "An Inclusive Numerical Model to Study Geometrical and Biomechanical Properties of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm." Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics. 2016. Ed. Las Vegas NV 2016. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. ˜

CA, Linte, Man A, and Kormos M. "Development and Dissemination of Interactive Didactic Modules for Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Fluid Mechanics, Biomechanics and Systems Physiology." Proceedings of the 123rd Annual Conference& Exhibition of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Ed. New Orleans, LA, USA. June 26—29, 2016. New Orleans, LI: ASEE. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

CA, Linte. "From Medical Imaging to Minimally Invasive (Cardiac) Visualization for Diagnosis, Intervention Planning and Guidance: Technology and Applications." Computer-integrated Surgery. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC. 15 Nov. 2016. Guest Lecture. ˜

Invited Article/Publication

CA, Linte and Yaniv ZR. "Image-guided Interventions: We’ve Come a Long Way, But Are We There?" IEEE Pulse. (2016). Web. *

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Xumin Liu

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Liu, Xumin, Rajendra K. Raj, Alex Pantaleev, Chunmei Liu. "Incorporating Service-Oriented Programming into the Computer Science Curriculum." Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA: ASEE, 2016. Print. ∆

Jain, Navati, Chen (Cherie) Ding, and Xumin Liu. "Data-Dependent QoS-Based Service Selection." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. Ed. Quan Z. Sheng, Eleni Stroulia, Samir Tata, Sami Bhiri. Benff, AB: Springer, 2016. Print. *

Liu, Xumin, Shaleen Agarwal, Chen (Cherie) Ding, Qi Yu. "An LDA-SVM Active Learning Framework for Web Service Classification." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services. Ed. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec. San Francisco, CA: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Rahman, Md Shahinur, Chen Ding, Xumin Liu, Chi-Hung Chi,. "A Testbed for Collecting QoS Data of Cloud-Based Analytic Services." Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing. Ed. IEEE. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2016. Print. *

Bullard, Joseph, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Xumin Liu, Qi Yu, Rubén A. Proaño,. "Towards Early Dementia Detection: Fusing Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Clinical Data." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality. Ed. Kristy, Lyle H. Ungar, Hollingshead. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2016. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Liu, Xumin, Rajendra Raj, Alex Pantaleev, Chunmei Liu. "Incorporating Service-Oriented Programming into the Computer Science Curriculum using Course Modules." Proceedings of the Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE): Research and Practice. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation\'s Division of Undergraduate Education. ∆

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Stanislaw Radziszowski

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lange, Alexander, Ivan Livinsky, and StanisÅ‚aw Radziszowski. "Computation of the Ramsey Numbers R(C_4, K_9) and R(C_4, K_10)." Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 97. (2016): 139-154. Print. £

DybizbaÅ„ski, Janusz, Tomasz Dzido, and StanisÅ‚aw Radziszowski. "On Some Three-Color Ramsey Numbers for Paths." Discrete Applied Mathematics 204. (2016): 133-141. Print. £

FurmaÅ„czyk, Hanna, Marek Kubale, and StanisÅ‚aw Radziszowski. "On Bipartization of Cubic Graphs by Removal of an Independent Set." Discrete Applied Mathematics 209. (2016): 115-121. Print. £

Zhu, Rujie, Xiaodong Xu, and StanisÅ‚aw Radziszowski. "A Small Step Forwards on the ErdÅ‘s-Sós Problem Concerning the Ramsey Numbers R(3,k)." Discrete Applied Mathematics 214. (2016): 216-221. Print. £

Collins, Alex F., et al. "Zarankiewicz Numbers and Bipartite Ramsey Numbers." Journal of Algorithms and Computation 47. (2016): 63-78. Print. £

Book Chapter

Xu, Xiaodong and Stanisław Radziszowski. "On Some Open Questions for Ramsey and Folkman Numbers." Graph Theory, Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems. Ed. Ralucca Gera, Stephen Hedetniemi, and Craig Larson. Switzerland, Switzerland: Springer, 2016. 43-62. Print. ∆

Published Review

Radziszowski, Stanisław. "MR3480561." Rev. of On the Ramsey Number of the Triangle and the Cube, by American Mathematical Society. Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet 26 Sep. 2016: MR3480561. Web.

Radziszowski, Stanisław. "MR3379536." Rev. of On the vertex Folkman numbers Fv(2,…,2r;r−1) and Fv(2,…,2r;r−2), by American Mathematical Society. Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet 12 Feb. 2016: MR3379536. Web.

Published Conference Proceedings

Hu, Peizhao, et al. "Evaluation of Homomorphic Primitives for Computations on Encrypted Data for CPS Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE Smart City Security and Privacy, CPS Week'16 workshop, Vienna, Austria. Ed. IEEE. Vienna, Austria: IEEE, 2016. Web. £

Hu, Peizhao, et al. "Homomorphic Proximity Computation in Geosocial Networks." Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data,BigSecurity INFOCOM'16 workshop, San Francisco, CA. Ed. IEEE. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2016. Web. £

Tran, Xuan, Marcin Lukowiak, and StanisÅ‚aw Radziszowski. "Effectiveness of Variable Bit-Length Power Analysis Attacks on SHA-3 Based MAC." Proceedings of the MILCOM'2016, Baltimore MD, November 2016. Ed. MILCOM. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2016. Web. £

Werner, Gordon, et al. "Implementing Authenticated Encryption Algorithm MK-3 on FPGA." Proceedings of the MILCOM'2016, Baltimore MD, November 2016. Ed. MILCOM. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2016. Web. £

Full Patent

Kurdziel, Michael, et al. "Customizable Encryption Algorithm Based on a Sponge Construction with Authenticated and Non-authenticated Modes of Operation." U.S. Patent 9,438,416. 6 Sep. 2016.

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Rajendra Raj

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Alshehri, Suhair, Sumita Mishra, and Rajendra K. Raj. "Using Access Control to Mitigate Insider Threats to Healthcare Systems." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI),. Ed. Wai-Tat Fu, et al. Chicago, IL: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Mishra, Sumita, et al. "A Modular Approach to Teaching Critical Infrastructure Protection Concepts to Engineering, Technology and Computing Students." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Ed. Steve Frezza and Dipo Onipede. Erie, PA: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Schneider, Jennifer, et al. "Mapping a Community Resilience Management System: Building Operational Knowledge." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). Ed. Lance Fiondella and Kenneth Crowther. Boston, MA: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Romanowski, Carol, et al. "Response and Recovery: A Quantitative Approach to Emergency Management." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). Ed. Lance Fiondella and Kenneth Crowther. Boston, MA: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Romanowski, Carol, et al. "A Multidisciplinary Predictive Model for Managing Critical Infrastructure Disruptions." Proceedings of the Critical Infrastructure Protection X: 10th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2016. Ed. Mason Rice and Sujeet Shenoi. Arlington, VA: Springer International Publishing, 2016. Print. *

Liu, Xumin, et al. "Incorporating Service-Oriented Programming into the Computer Science Curriculum." Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Ed. N/A. New Orleans, LA: ASEE, 2016. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Liu, Xumin, et al. "Incorporating Service-Oriented Programming into the Computer Science Curriculum using Course Modules." Proceedings of the Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE): Research and Practice. Ed. N/A. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation's Division of Undergraduate Education. ∆

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Carlos Rafael Rivero Osuna

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Rivero, Carlos R., et al. "Mapping RDF Knowledge Bases Using Exchange Samples." Knowl.-Based Syst.. (2016): 47-66. Web. *

Hernández, Inma, et al. "CALA: ClAssifying Links Automatically based on their URL." Journal of Systems and Software. (2016): 130-143. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Jagadeesan, Yogesh, Peizhao Hu, and Carlos R. Rivero. "PLOMaR: An Ontology Framework for Context Modeling and Reasoning on Crowd-sensing Platform." Proceedings of the PerCom Workshops. Ed. ?. Sydney, -: n.p., Web. *

Cimmino, Andrea, Carlos R. Rivero, and David Ruiz. "Improving Link Specifications using Context-Aware Information." Proceedings of the Workshop on Linked Data on the Web. Ed. Sören Auer, Tim Berners-Lee, Christian Bizer, Tom Heath. Montreal, Canada: CEUR, 2016. Web. *

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Carol Romanowski

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Mishra, S., et al. "A Modular Approach to Teaching Critical Infrastructure Protection Concepts to Engineering, Technology and Computing students." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education 2016. Ed. IEEE. Erie, PA: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Schneider, J, et al. "Mapping a Community Resilience Management System: Building Operational Knowledge." Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2016, Waltham MA). Ed. IEEE. Boston, MA: IEEE, Web. *

Romanowski, C., et al. "Response and Recovery: A Quantitative Approach to Emergency Management." Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2016, Waltham MA). Ed. IEEE. Boston, MA: IEEE, 2016. Web. *

Romanowski, C., et al. "The Community as Responder: A Multidisciplinary Predictive Model for Managing Critical Infrastructure Disruptions." Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, Arlington, Virginia. March 2016. Ed. Mason Rice, Sujeet Shenoi. Arlington, VA: Springer, 2016. Print. *

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Richard Zanibbi

Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kanadje, Manish, et al. "Assisted Keyword Indexing for Lecture Videos Using Unsupervised Keyword Spotting." Pattern Recognition Letters 71. 1 (2016): 8-15. Print. *

Riedl, Christoph, et al. "Detecting Figures and Part Labels in Patents: Competition-based Development of Graphics Recognition Algorithms." Int'l J. Document Analysis and Recognition 19. 2 (2016): 155-172. Print. *

Mouchere, Harold, et al. "Advancing the State-of-the-Art for Handwritten Math Recognition: The CROHME Competitions, 2011-2014." Int'l J. Document Analysis and Recognition 19. 2 (2016): 173-189. Print. *

Hu, Lei and Richard Zanibbi. "MST-based Visual Parsing of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions." Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. (2016): 337-342. Print. *

Hu, Lei and Richard Zanibbi. "Line-of-sight Stroke Graphs and Parzen Shape Context features for Handwritten Math Formula Representation and Symbol Segmentation." Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. (2016): 180-186. Print. *

Mouchere, Harold, et al. "ICFHR 2016 CROHME: Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions." Int\'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. (2016): 607-612. Print. *

Zanibbi, Richard, et al. "Multi-stage Math Formula Search: Using Appearance-based Similarity Metrics at Scale." Proc. ACM SIGIR. (2016): 145-154. Print. «

Zhu, Siyu and Richard Zanibbi. "A Text Detection System for Natural Scenes with Convolutional Feature Learning and Cascaded Classification." Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). (2016): 625-632. Print. «

Zanibbi, Richard, et al. "NTCIR-12 MathIR task overview." Proc. NTCIR-12. (2016): 299-308. Web. ∆

Invited Paper

Davila, Kenny, et al. "Tangent-3 at the NTCIR-12 MathIR Task." Proc. NTCIR-12. (2016). Web. £

Journal Editor

Zanibbi, Richard, ed. IET Computer Vision. London, UK: IET, 2016. Print. *

Zanibbi, Richard, ed. Int'l J. Document Analysis and Recognition. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2016. Print. *

Published Game, Application or Software

Davila, Kenny, et al. Tangent 0.3.1. Software. Publicly released prototype (available online). 2016.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Hu, Lei and Richard Zanibbi. International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). IAPR Int'l. Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition: 2016 Best Poster Award. Shenzhen, China, 2016.

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