Donna Lange

Donna Lange

Associate Professor
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Information and Computing Studies

2022 Submissions

Journal Paper

Orndorf, Hayley C., et al. "Reflecting the diversity of community colleges in professional development." CBE - Life Sciences Education 21. 2 (2022): n/a. Web. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Fletcher, Linnea, Sam Johnston, and Donna Lange. "Providing Universal Access to Education & Employment—Engaging Students with Disabilities." Proceedings of the ATE Principal Investigators' Conference. Ed. n/a. Washington, DC: n.p.. ˜


Lange, Donna, Brian Trager, and James Mallory (2021-2023). Pilot Program to Prepare Adults who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing for Skilled Technical Positions in Information Technology. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, NSF.

Lange, Donna, Keith Mousley, and Brian Trager (2023-2026). DeafTEC Resource Center Renewal. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, NSF.

2019 Submissions


Lange, Donna A and Denise Kavin (2018-2020). Collaborative Research: Opening the Pathway to Technician Careers: A Conference for Biology Teachers of Deaf Students. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, National Science Foundation. ≠

Uninvited Presentations

Lange, Donna and Brittany Comegna. "Improving Access to STEM Education and Employment for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students – An Update on DeafTEC Resources." California Educators of the Deaf Conference. California Educators of the Deaf. Riverside, CA. 6 Apr. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna, Hira Pauliin, and Mike Sauter. "Best Practices for Teaching Student Veterans." HI-TEC. High Impact Technology Exchange Conference. St Louis, MO. 24 Jul. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna, et al. "Top Ten Things Student Veterans Would like Faculty to Know." California Community College Veterans Summitt. Foundation for California Community Colleges. Monterey, CA. 21 Mar. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜

2018 Submissions


PI, Donna Lange,, Denise Kavin, Co-PI, and Keith Mousely, Co-PI (2019-2021). DeafTEC Resource Center. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, National Science Foundation. ≠

Uninvited Presentations

Barger, Marilyn and Donna Lange. "NSF’s Advanced Technological Education Program: Funding Innovative Equity Initiatives at Community Colleges." National Summit for Educational Equity. National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity. Arlington, VA. 17 Apr. 2018. Conference Presentation. *

2012 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Lange, Donna. "Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People: An Untapped Resource for Employment in ICT." Winter 2012 ICT Educator Conference. NSF ATE National and Mid-Pacific ICT Centers. San Francisco, CA. 5 Jan. 2012. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna. "Diverse User Innovation Communities Panel." Diversity as an Innovation Resource Workshop. Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in IT. Washington, DC. 19 Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Lange, Donna, Myra Pelz, and Gary Long. "Improving the Success of Deaf Students in STEM." 2012 STEMtech Conference. Johnson County Community College. Kansas City, MO. 30 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna, Myra Pelz, and Ann Hager. "Applying Universal Design Principles in a Mainstreamed Classroom." National Educators Workshop. Ivy Tech Community College. Fort Wayne, IN. 6 Nov. 2012. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna and Myra Pelz. "The DeafTEC Center." Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf. American School for the Deaf. Hartford, CT. 30 Apr. 2012. Conference Presentation.