Rain Bosworth
Rain Bosworth
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bosworth, Rain G, So-One Hwang, and David Corina. "Visual attention for linguistic and non-linguistic body actions in non-signing and native signing children." Frontiers in Psychology 9. (2022): 951057. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bosworth, Rain G. "Plasticity in a language-ready brain: complementary evidence from developmental deafness, blindness, and varied language experience across modalities." Society for Neurobiology of Language. Society for Neurobiology of Language. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 6 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Bosworth, Rain G and Allison Fitch (2024-2026). Deaf Preschoolers’ Exploratory Behaviors and Parent Guidance during Shared Museum Experiences. Grant proposal submitted to NICHD R15, NIH. ≠
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Schwenk, Melody, Lorna Quandt, and Rain G. Bosworth. "Sign Naïve and Native Signing Infants’ Visual Preferences for Signing Avatars." Proceedings of the Society for Research In Child Development. Ed. NA. Salt Lake City, Utah: n.p.. *
Palagano, Joseph, Lorna Quandt, and Rain G. Bosworth. "Signing and non-signing preschoolers’ gaze patterns toward dynamic sign-print storybooks." Proceedings of the Society for Research In Child Development. Ed. NA. Salt Lake City, Utah: n.p.. *
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bosworth, Rain G. and Adam Stone. "Rapid development of perceptual gaze control in hearing native signing Infants and children." Developmental Science e13086. (2021): 1-17. Web. «
Bosworth, Rain G., et al. "Automaticity of lexical access in deaf and hearing bilinguals: Cross-linguistic evidence from the color Stroop task across five languages." Cognition. (2021): 1-22. Web. «
Bosworth, Rain, Alison Fitch, and Matthew Dye (2021-2025). Do Tactile Exploratory Behaviors Predict Language Development in Deaf Signing Children? Grant received/funded by James S. McDonnell Foundation, James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF). ≠
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Bosworth, Rain G., So-One Hwang, and David P. Corina. "Native Signing and Sign-Naïve Children’s Gaze Patterns for Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Body Actions." Proceedings of the 14th meeting of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR). Ed. NA. Osaka, Japan: n.p.. ˜
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bosworth, Rain G., Adam Stone, and So-One Hwang. "Effects of Video Reversal on Gaze Patterns during Signed Narrative Comprehension." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 25. 3 (2020): enaa007. Web. «
Bosworth, Rain G., Charles E. Wright, and Karen R. Dobkins. "Analysis of the visual spatiotemporal properties of American Sign Language." Vision Research 164. (2019): 34-43. Web. «
Published Conference Proceedings
Bosworth, Rain G., et al. "Automaticity of Visual Word & Sign Processing in Deaf Bilinguals: Evidence from the Stroop Task." Proceedings of the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Ed. Annika Herrmann, et al. Hamburg, Germany: TISLR, 2019. Web. «
2019 Submissions
Journal Paper
Stone, Adam and Rain G. Bosworth. "Exploring Infant Sensitivity to Visual Language using Eye Tracking and the Preferential Looking Paradigm." Journal of Visualized Experiments 147. (2019): e59581. Web. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Marin, Andrew, Karen R. Dobkins, and Rain G. Bosworth. "Development of Face Discrimination in Infancy: An Eye Tracking Study." Proceedings of the Vision Science Society. Ed. VSS. St. Pete Beach, Florida: https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2750376. «
2018 Submissions
Journal Paper
Stone, Adam, Laura-Ann Petitto, and Rain Bosworth. "Visual sonority modulates infants’ attraction to sign language." Language Learning and Development 14. 2 (2018): 130-148. Print. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Stone, Adam and Rain G. Bosworth. "Where do the eyes look during sign-watching? The impact of early language experience on babies’ and children’s eye gaze behavior for signed narratives." Proceedings of the International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition. Ed. ICSLA. Istanbul, Turkey: n.p.. «
2017 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Tyler, Sarah C., Rain G. Bosworth, and Karen R. Dobkins. "Development of temporal order attention in children 6-36 months old." Proceedings of the Society for Research in Child Development. Ed. SRCD. Austin, Texas: n.p.. «