Faculty Scholarship 2023
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Scot Atkins
Associate Professor
Business Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Atkins, W. Scot, Richard DeMartino, and Rajendran S. Murthy. "Career Motivators and Dynamics of Entrepreneurship in the Deaf Community." Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 28. 3 (2023): 25. Print. *
Elizabeth Ayers
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Phelan, Grace and Elizabeth Ayers. "Deaf Dentists Diversifying Healthcare: Stories of Struggle and Success through a Comparative Case Report." Journal of Healthcare Communications 8. 5 (2023): n/a. Web. «
Uninvited Presentations
Ayers, Elizabeth. "Enacting an Environmental Scientist’s Footprints: 4E Cognition through Seek by iNaturalist citizen science application." TOGETHER WE THRIVE: Embracing Languages and Identities. California Educators of the Deaf. Sacramento, CA. 30 Sep. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Jill Bradbury
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Book Chapter
Bradbury, Jill Marie. "Disability Embodiment and Inclusive Aesthetics." Inclusive Shakespeares: Disability Embodiment and Inclusive Aesthetics. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 25-42. Print. *
Bradbury, Jill Marie, Andy Head, and Alexa Scott Flaherty. Thy Name Is Woman. Not published, 2023.
Uninvited Presentations
Bradbury, Jill. "Improving Access to Live Theater for DeafBlind and Deaf/Low Vision Patrons." Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability. Kennedy Center. Boston, MA. 29 Aug. 2023. Conference Presentation. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bradbury, Jill and Fred Beam. "Past, Present, and Future of Deaf Theater." Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability. Kennedy Center. Boston, MA. 27 Aug. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Bradbury, Jill Marie (2022-2023). Big Read: NTID. Grant received/funded by Big Read, National Endowment for the Arts. * ≠
Bradbury, Jill Marie and Janine Butler (2024-2026). Captioning Technology and Access to Live Theater for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences. Grant received/funded by Arts Research, National Endowment for the Arts. * ≠
Bradbury, Jill Marie (2023-2024). Bilingual Titus Andronicus. Grant proposal submitted to Vitality Grants, Rochester Area Community Foundation. * ≠
Linda Bryant
Associate Professor
Communication Studies and Services, Learning Consortium
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Mallory, James R, et al. "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Online Learners in Postsecondary Education: Part 1-Student Perspectives Pre-COVID-19." Journal of Educators Online 20. 2 (2023): 1 - 16. Web. «
Uninvited Presentations
Bryant, Linda M and James R Mallory. "Establishing a PearsonVUE Test Center for D/DB/HH: Why, How, Why Bother." Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness (SERID) 2023. SERID. Charlotte, NC. 28 Oct. 2023. Conference Presentation. ˜
Mallory, James R and Linda M Bryant. "HyFlex Teaching for DHH Learners: Experiences and Best Practices." Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness (SERID) 2023. SERID. Charlotte, NC. 28 Oct. 2023. Conference Presentation. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bryant, Linda M and Mei Kennedy. "Hybrid and Online Learning in STEM Programs." AHEAD Equity and Excellence Conference 2023. AHEAD. Portland, Oregon. 21 Jul. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Janine Butler
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Butler, Janine and Stacy Bick. "Audience Awareness and Access: The Design of Sound and Captions as Valuable Composition Practices." College Composition and Communication 74. 3 (2023): 416–445. Print. «
Butler, Janine. "Writing the Central Role of Captions in Live Performances." College English 85. 6 (2023): 498-521. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ching, Cynthia Carter, et al. "Towards Equity (Town Hall Session)." Computers & Writing. Computers & Writing. Davis, CA. 25 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Uninvited Presentations
Butler, Janine. "Advocates for a Shared Commitment to Sound, Captions, and Access in Video Composition Projects." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. 16 Feb. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Butler, Janine. "Accessible Digital, Hybrid, and In-Person Spaces with Sound and Captions." Computers & Writing. Computers & Writing. Davis, CA. 23 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Keith Cagle
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Bronk, Kim Kurz, Jason Listman, Keith Cagle and Alisha. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." Proceedings of the A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century. Ed. TBA. TBA, TBA: TBA, Print. *
Pamela Conley
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Conley, Pamela. "50th Anniversary of "Ameslan Prohibited": Celebrating Betty G. Miller's Creativity." Society for American Sign Language Journal 6. 2 (2022): 41-56. Web. «
Robyn Dean
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dean, Robyn K. "The yin and yang of respecting others’ autonomy." First Annual National Council on Interpreters in Health Care’s Language Access Congress. National Council on Interpreters in Health Care. Hosted online, USA. 29 Sep. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Dean, Robyn, et al. "Occupational health risks among sign language interpreters in video relay service settings: A growing body of evidence." American Public Health Association annual conference. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 15 Nov. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Cerulli, Catherine, et al. "Exploring the quagmire of institutional and government policies regarding confidentiality and reporting for VRS interpreters’ experiences." Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 12 Nov. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Dean, Robyn and Robert Pollard. "Mental health interpreting: Clinical information and work strategies for a practice profession." Mental health interpreter training. Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 2 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Reframing, rethinking, and reimagining work." Wisconsin chapter of the National Association for Court Reporters and Captioners. Wisconsin chapter of the National Association for Court Reporters and Captioners. Hosted online, USA. 7 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How to imagine a type of “practitioner development." TerpAcademy Summit. Cirrus, Inc. hosted online, USA. 24 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How can we continue to develop as interpreter practitioners throughout our careers?" Hosted workshop. Interpreting Pathways. Bristol, UK. 18 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe. Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe. Innsbruck, Austria. 14 Jan. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." University of Applied Sciences at Hochschule. University of Applied Sciences at Hochschule. Landshut, Germany. 19 Jan. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Wandering Minds Want to know: Designing & Crediting Rabbit Trails." RIT’s Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute. RIT’s Center for Teaching and Learning. Rochester, NY. 17 May 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." 4 part 14 hour workshop. Wisconsin Department of Human Services, Office of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. online, USA. 31 May 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Understanding and teaching ethics." Ethics in Community Interpreting (Class). University of Geneva. online, Switzerland. 13 Feb. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "DEMAND CONTROL SCHEMA: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NORMATIVE ETHICS OF INTERPRETING." 4 hour workshop. ASL Interpreter Education College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Eastern Kentucky University. Online, USA. 1 Apr. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Principled reasoning in mental health interpreting." 3 hour workshop. Monash University. Online, Australia. 29 Sep. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Dean, Robyn. "Final Report Title of the 2018 version: Out of the hot seat, into the hot seat: The cognitive effects of a no rest approach to team interpreting Title of the 2022 version: Measuring the cognitive effects of the ’20-minute rule’ in interpreting" [SPDI]. Rochester: RIT, 28 Feb. 2023. Print.
Armengot, Sara and Robyn Dean (2023-2026). "Preparing undergraduate students for work with diverse and underserved global communities: An experiential learning design.”. Grant proposal submitted to Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language, Department of Education. *
James Fugate
Assistant Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Tomaszewski, Brian, James Fugate, and Qing Maio (2023-2024). NSF-CIVIC Track B. Grant received/funded by NSF Civic Innovation Challenge, National Science Foundation. ≠
Austin Gehret
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Gehret, Austin U. and Lisa B. Elliot. "Perceptions of E-Learning by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Using Asynchronous Multimedia Tutorials." 27 Jun. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Gehret, Austin and Lisa Elliot. "Perceptions of e-Learning by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Using Asynchronous Multimedia STEM Tutorials." Proceedings of the DiscoverBMB 2023 Seattle, WA March 25-28, 2023. Ed. Alex Toker (Editor-in-Chief) and Henrik Dohlman (Deputy Editor). Rockville, MD: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Scott Gentzke
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Full Length Book
Gentzke, Scott and Christopher Kurz. Visual Reference Guide: Standards for Sign Language Storybooks. Rochester, NY: All Children Reading, 2023. Web.
Uninvited Presentations
Gentzke, Scott, et al. "Mentors: Navigating through Grad School Together." Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing International Conference: Recover, Reconnect, Reinvent. Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing. San Antonio, TX. 4 Feb. 2023. Conference Presentation. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Gentzke, Scott, et al. "Views of Gender within Deaf Education." Proceedings of the Association of College Educators - Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Recover, Reconnect, Reinvent. Ed. N/A. San Antonio, TX: n.p.. «
Gentzke, Scott. "The Impact of Deaf Adolescents' Educational Settings and Preferred Communication Modes on Their Sense of School Belonging." Diss. Gallaudet University, 2023. Print.
Linda Gottermeier
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Gottermeier, Linda, et al. "Sound Quality and Its Effects on Message Intelligibility in Telephone Audio for Hard of Hearing and Hearing Individuals" [Mitre]. Arlington, VA: Mitre, 29 Sep. 2023. Print. ≠
Patrick Graham
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Full Length Book
Graham, Patrick Joseph and Raschelle Neild. "Strategies for Promoting Independence and Literacy for Deaf Learners with Disabilities." 1st ed. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023. Print. «
Graham, Patrick Joseph. Cases on Teacher Preparation in Deaf Education. 1st ed. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023. Print. «
Invited Article/Publication
Graham, Patrick Joseph, Christopher Adam Noel Kurz, and Christi Batamula. "Finding Vygotsky in early childhood deaf education: Sociocultural bodies and conversations." American Annals for the Deaf. (2023). Print. «
Joseph Hill
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lucas, Ceil, et al. "The Segregation and Desegregation of the Southern Schools for the Deaf: The Relationship between Language Policy and Dialect Development." Language 98. 4 (2022): e173-e198. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Hill, Joseph C. "Why History Matters: The Impact of Educational and Research Decisions on Black ASL." Black Deaf Studies Symposium. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 30 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Pepsi Holmquist
Visiting Assistant Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Holmquist, Melody "Pepsi". "Mentoring Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students in academic research." RECIPES workshops. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 12 Jan. 2022. Lecture.
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
McElroy, Craig, et al. "Solution structure, dynamics and tetrahedral assembly of Anti-TRAP, a homo-trimeric triskelion-shaped regulator of tryptophan biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis." 30 Jun. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). * ≠
Bonnie Jacob
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Book Chapter
Jacob, Bonnie and Mohammad Obiedat. "The Future of Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Mathematics with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Expanding Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: Making Undergraduate Research More Inclusive. Ed. Michael Dorff, Jan Rychtàř, and Dewey Taylor. Washington, DC: MAA Press, 2023. 1-9. Web. ∆ ˜
Jacob, Bonnie and Steven Barnett (2023-2028). Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students. Grant received/funded by Bridges to the Doctorate (T32), NIH/NIGMS. ˜
Eric Kunsman
Assistant Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Kunsman, Eric T. Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY. 16 Mar. 2023. Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Street Exhibition. 4 Apr. 2023. The Glasgow Gallery of Photography CIC, Glasgow, Scotland. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Infinite Weight Present Histories. 20 Oct. 2023. West Georgia University, Carrollton, GA. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Teaching Artist Showcase (CEPA Curators). 6 Oct. 2023. CEPA GAllery, Buffalo, NY. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. f/22 pop-up exhibition. 7 Sep. 2023. South Shore Arts: The Center for Visual and Performing Arts, Munster, IN. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. 68th Rochester-Finger Lakes Exhibition (Maolly Donovan). 23 Aug. 2023. The Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Imminent Existence- Top 50 Critical Mass (Arnika Dawkins). 30 Mar. 2023. Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. The Magic Silver Show 2023 (Frances Jakubek). 7 Sep. 2023. The Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, KY. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Current 2022. 7 Dec. 2022. Ogden Museum of Art,, New Orleans, LA. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Violated Metropolis (Christopher Ryan). 7 Dec. 2022. Arabi Visual Arts, Arabi, LA. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Vision: Black and White exhibition. 1 Aug. 2023. Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Context 2023 (Karen Haas). 10 Mar. 2023. Filter Photo, Chicago, IL. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Landscape (Kevin Tully). 4 Aug. 2023. A. Smith Gallery, Johson City, TX. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. PhotoBook Works 2023 (Gregory Roybl & Alicia Bailey). 2 Mar. 2023. Spark Gallery & Abecedarian Gallery, Denver, Co. Exhibit. *
Invited Article/Publication
Kunsman, Eric T. "Life-Lines Throughout the United States, ISBN 978-1-71-538149-3." AAP Magazine, Issue #33. (2023). Print. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus Image Feature, March 2023, Page 14." Harper's Magazine. (2023). Print. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus." Light and Lens: Thinking About Photography in the Digital Age, 4th Edition, Robert Hirsch- Focal Press Books ISBN 9780367771935. (2023). Print. ∆
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus." Brave New World: New Media Art 2023, Editor Leejin Kim, CICA Press, ISBN 979-11-88671-23-6. (2023). Print. «
National/International Competition Award Winner
Kunsman, Eric T. Dodho Magazine. Best Image, Monochromatic Awards 2023. Barcelona, Spain, 2023. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Dodho Magazine. Honorable Mention, Monochromatic Awards 2023. Barcelona, Spain, 2023. «
Kunsman, Eric T. MonoVision Awards. First Place, Fine Art Series. Los Angeles, CA, 2023. «
Kunsman, Eric T. MonoVision Awards. Honorable Mention, Urban Series. Los Angeles, CA, 2023. «
Kunsman, Eric T. All About Photo Magazine. Honorable Mention, Black & White Awards Issue #33. Los Angeles, CA, 2023. «
Kunsman, Eric T. Arc Gallery & Studios. 3rd Place. San Francisco, CA, 2023. *
Kunsman, Eric T. CENTER, Santa Fe Portfolio Reviews. Nominated– Callanan Excellence in Teaching Award 2023. Santa Fe, NM, 2023. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Prix Pictet. Nominated for Prix Pictet Humans award. Paris, France, 2023. «
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Kunsman, Eric T. "Real Photo Show- Felicific Calculus" Newark: Real Photo Show, In Press. Web. https://www.realphotoshow.com/eric-kunsman-felicific-calculus/ ∆
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY" Washington DC: AARP, In Press. Web. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kunsman, Eric T. "Preparing for Portfolio Reviews, Amber Terranova with Eric Kunsman & Debe Arlook." Santa Fe Portfolio Reviews. Center. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 24 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Kunsman, Eric T and Meredith Davenport. "Street Photography, Social Documentary, and the FSA Legacy with Meredith Davenport." Interlines, Lifelines, Redlines: Social Markers of Race, Class & Economics. Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts. Providence, Rhode Island. 3 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI." Walker D. & Helen Bryant Wyman Visiting Professor in Art Fellowship. University of Wisconsin, River Falls. River Falls, WI. 12 Apr. 2023. Lecture. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY." Felicific Calculus- Solo Exhibition. Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts. Providence, Rhode Island. 29 Mar. 2023. Lecture. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "When Photography Acts As Visual Sociology and Inspires Activism,." PhotoVox. Colorado Photographic Arts Center. Denver, CO. 14 Dec. 2022. Lecture. ∆
Kunsman, Eric T. "Behind the Exhibition, Felicific Calculus." Head On Photo Festival 2022. Head On Photo Festival. Sydney, Australia. 4 Dec. 2022. Lecture. * ∆
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Kunsman, Eric T. and Debe Arlook. "Both Sides of the Table: Photography Portfolio Reviews Do’s & Dont’s (Before, During and After)." 15 Jun. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). «
Museum Collection Acquisition
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY." Archival Pigment prints, Lucia Print on Fab-Tac. Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea. (2023). *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY." Archival Pigment prints, Lucia Print on Fab-Tac. Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN. (2023). *
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
4/9/2023 -
University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI
Amount: 5,000
7/9/2023 -
Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts
Amount: 600
Christopher Kurz
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Full Length Book
Kurz, Christopher and Truc Nguyen. Create a World of Deaf Readers: Standards for Sign Language Storybooks. 1st ed. Washington DC, US: All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development, 2023. Print. ∆
Gentzke, Scott and Christopher Kurz. Visual Reference Guide: Standards for Sign Language Storybooks. 1st ed. Washington DC, US: All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development, 2023. Web. ∆
Journal Paper
Graham, Patrick, Christopher Kurz, and Christi Batamula. "Finding Vygotsky in Early Childhood Deaf Education: Sociocultural Bodies and Conversations." American Annals of the Deaf 168. 1 (2023): 80-101. Print. «
Book Chapter
Graham, Patrick and Christopher Kurz. "Dual language deaf education: Shifting to multilingual multimodal concepts." The Handbook of Dual Language Bilingual Education. Ed. J.A. Freire, C. Alfaro, and E. de Jong. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis / Routledge, 2023. Chapter 17. Print. * «
Creative Non-fiction
Golos, Debbie, et al. Bird and Monkey Go to the Woods. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Kim Kurz
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kurz, Kim B., Geo Kartheiser, and Peter Hauser. "Second language learning of depiction in a different modality: The case of sign language acquisition." Frontiers in Communication 7. (2023): 0. Web. *
Book Chapter
Kurz, Kim B. "Deaf Interpreters as Educational Interpreters." "Complexities in Educational Interpreting: An Investigation into Patterns of Practice." Ed. Leilani Johnson, et al. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Interpreting Consolidated, 2023. 19-21. Print. ∆
Viet Le
Senior Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Le, Viet Q, et al. "Extracellular H+ Ions are a Novel Signal for Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activation in Catecholaminergic Cells." ACS Chemical Neuroscience 14. 10 (2023): 1774-1784. Print. *
Jason Listman
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pirone, John, et al. "The Landscape of ASL Education." Foreign Annals 56. 2 (2023): 238-258. Print. *
Occhino, Corrine, et al. "Development of the American Sign Language Fingerspelling and Numbers Comprehension Test (ASL FaN-CT)." Language Testing 0. 0 (2023): 1-27. Web. *
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Pirone, John, et al. "The Landscape of ASL Education." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). *
Listman, Jason, et al. "Inclusive Research Environments for Deaf and Hard of Hearing English Speakers." 20 Oct. 2023. MS - manuscript (handwritten). *
James Mallory
Information and Computing Studies, Learning Consortium
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Mallory, James R., et al. "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Online Learners in Postsecondary Education: Part 1-Student Perspectives Pre COVID-19." Journal of Education Online (JEO) 20. 2, Special Edition (2023): ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6503-2041. Web. «
Published Conference Proceedings
Mallory, James and Edmund Lucas. "Teaching IoT in Both Physical and Virtual Environments." Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Md. June 2023. Ed. Diana Bairaktarova. Baltimore, Md: American Society of Engineering Education, 2023. Web. «
Mallory, James R. and Linda Bryant. "HyFlex Teaching for DHH Learners: Experiences and Best Practices." Proceedings of the Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness. Ed. Mark Sommer. Charlotte, NC: Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness, 2023. Web. ∆
Invited Paper
Bryant, Linda M. and James R. Mallory. "Establishing a PearsonVUE Test Center for D/DB/HH: Why, How, Why Bother." Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness Conference Proceedings. (2023). Web. ∆ ˜
Aron Marie
Visiting Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Marie, Aron S. "Belonging to the Deaf: Hanoi Sign Language Interpreters." Proceedings of the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Ed. N/A. Seattle, WA: n.p.. *
Marie, Aron S. "Precarious Interdependence: Sign Language Interpreting in Hà Nội, Việt Nam." Diss. University of Chicago, 2023. Print.
David Meek
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Greene, Ashley N. and David R. Meek. "\"Give yourself grace\": The experiences of new deaf and hard of hearing education teachers." American Annals of the Deaf. (2023): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Greene, Ashley N., et al. "Assessing the assessors: A study of teachers' assessment knowledge for DHH students." American Annals of the Deaf. (2023): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Meek, David R., et al. "A sign language journey to the land of smiles: Thailand study abroad." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. (2023): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Donaldson, Maggie M., David R. Meek, and Michael S. Skyer. "The intersection of online distance education and deaf education: Perspectives from deaf and hard of hearing students and educators." Proceedings of the Association for College Educators-Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (ACE-DHH). Ed. n.p. San Antonio, TX: n.p..
Uninvited Presentations
Meek, David R., et al. "Mentors: Navigating through grad school together." Association for College Educators-Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. San Antonio, TX. 2 Feb. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Meek, David R. "The deaf community and culture & the impact of dinner table syndrome." Cultural Psychology course. RIT/NTID. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Kierstin Muroski
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Wright, Kierstin Muroski and Jorden. "The Taboo Perceptions of Interpreters Working in Sexual Health Settings." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference. Ed. n/a. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "InterpNET: A New Website Database for the Field of Signed Language Interpreting." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference. Ed. n/a. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Nnaemeka Nnamani
Visiting Assistant Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Nnamani, Nnaemeka. "Calculation of thermalized component of neutron spectra in a D-D neutron generator." 13 May 2022. TS - typescript (typed). *
Nnamani, Nnaemeka, Jenna Hackett, and Gigi Zeng. "A Novel Method of Quantitative Comparison of the Benefit and the Risk of Hydrogen and Select Heavy Ions Radiotherapy on Breast Cancer Tumor Therapy Using SRIM Ion transport code." 15 May 2022. TS - typescript (typed). *
Jason Nordhaus
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
DeMarco, Orsola, et al. "The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST." Nature Astronomy 6. (2022): 1421-1432. Web. *
evolution, How negative feedback and the ambient environment limit the influence of recombination in common envelope, et al. "How negative feedback and the ambient environment limit the influence of recombination in common envelope evolution." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (2023): 15. Web. * £
Balick, Bruce, et al. "NGC 6302: The Tempestuous Life of a Butterfly." Astrophysical Journal 957. 1 (2023): 8. Web. * £
Amaro-Seoane, Pau, et al. "Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna." Living Reviews in Relativity 26. 1 (2023): 100. Web. * £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Nordhaus, Jason. "Common envelopes with planetary companions." European Astronomical Society Meeting. EAS. Krakow, Poland. 13 Jul. 2023. Keynote Speech.
Kastner, Joel, et al (2023-2025). Tracing Binary Star Metamorphosis: Chandra+JWST Imaging of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae. Grant proposal submitted to James Webb Space Telescope GO, NASA. * ≠
Nordhaus, Jason, Manuela Campanelli, and Carlos Lost (2023-2025). Collaborative Research: Breaking Barriers in Multi-messenger Astrophysics: The RITTU Partnership. Grant proposal submitted to Partnerships in Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Education, NSF. * ≠
Nordhaus, Jason and Jessica Williams (2023-2026). No Longer Lost in Translation: Removing Barriers for Deaf Participation in Physics. Grant proposal submitted to Improving Undergraduate STEM Education, NSF. * ≠
Jeanne d'Arc Ntigulirwa
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Ntigulirwa, Jeanne d'Arc, et al. "I can't Understand the Textbook: Understanding Lexile Reading Levels." NTID Professional Development Program. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, New York. 22 Feb. 2023. Lecture. ˜
Todd Pagano
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Selberg, Sigrid, et al. "Non-invasive analysis of natural textile dyes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices." Talanta 252. (2023): 123805. Print. *
Book Chapter
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Teaching Chemistry to Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities. Ed. Patricia Redden, et al. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2023. 117-131. Web. £
Journal Editor
Pagano, Todd, ed. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities. Rochester: SESD of NSTA, 2023. Web. «
Uninvited Presentations
Rogers, Reginald E., Leonard J. Macisco, and Maameyaa Asiamah. "Utilizing CNT-based nanomaterials to enhance the removal of pollutants from water systems." American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Indianapolis, IN. 27 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "A CURE for Accessibility in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience for Students who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing." American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 13 Aug. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Arias, Angela Guerrero, et al. "Illicium ekmani Distribución y Conservación en la República Dominicana, Resultados Preliminares." Semana Dominicana de Ciencia y Tecnologia 2023. El Ministerio de Educación Superior,. Santiago, Dominican Republic. 15 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Best Practices for the Advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Chemical Education." 50th Annual Meeting of NOBCChE. NOBCChE. New Orleans, LA. 12 Sep. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Gomes, Antonia, et al. "Composition of volatile compounds from rare and endangered illicium ekmanii, a species endemic to Hispaniola." NTID Student Research Fair. NTID. Rochester, NY. 21 Apr. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Macisco, Leonard J., et al. "Characterization of polyphenols in wine using 3-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy." NTID Student Research Fair. NTID. Rochester, NY. 21 Apr. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Asiamah, Maameyaa, Leonard J. Macisco, and Todd Pagano. "Removal of Indole from environmental water samples by carbon nanotubes aerogels." NTID Student Research Fair. NTID. Rochester, NY. 21 Apr. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Perez, Gibran, Ariella Knight, and Todd Pagano. "The role of active and intelligent packaging in reducing food waste." NTID Student Research Fair. NTID. Rochester, NY. 21 Apr. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Creating an Accessible Chemistry Learning Experience for Students who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing and/or Vision Impaired." Chem ED-Virtual Seminar. Chemical Institute of Canada. Okanagan, Canada. 22 Feb. 2023. Keynote Speech. £
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Teaching chemistry to students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing." American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 15 Aug. 2023. Keynote Speech. £
Mariam Paracha
Visiting Assistant Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Conner, Kenneth R., et al. "Use of Routine Emergency Department Care Practices with Deaf American Sign Language Users." The Journal of Emergency Medicine. (2023): 0. Web. *
Paracha, Mariam, et al. "Medication-Related Experience of Deaf American Sign Language Users." Health Literacy Research and Practice. (2023): 0. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Paracha, Mariam. "Medication-Related Experience of Deaf ASL Users.”." Creating the Healthiest Nation: Leading the Path Toward Equity. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA. 8 Nov. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Paracha, Mariam, et al (2022-2023). Transparent Communication: Effective, Safe, Accessible Clear Masks. Grant received/funded by Department of Education, Federal.
Paracha, Mariam, Wendy Dannels, and Walter Bubie (2023-2024). RxASL: A Mobile Application Providing Medication Engagement for Deaf Individuals.”. Grant received/funded by NTID Scholarship Portfolio Development Initiative, NTID Office of the Associate Dean of Research.
Lisa Prinzi
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI) 2022-2023: Perspectives on Specialized Professional Development." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Ed. NA. Baltimore, MD: n.p.. «
Uninvited Presentations
Prinzi, Lisa and Justin DeMartin. "The Interpreter-Administrator Relationship: A Collaborative Approach." NCRID 2023. NCRID. Charlotte, North Carolina. 17 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. «
Prinzi, Lisa. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." The Summit. TerpAcademy. Virtual, New York. 23 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." 10 Oct. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). «
Prinzi, Lisa. "The Interpreter’s Role and Deaf Students’ Autonomy in Mainstream Classrooms." 17 Oct. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). «
Jennifer Rodrigues
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Rodrigues, Jeni. "The Letter or the Spirit of the Law: An Institutional Ethnography of Deaf Patient Access in US Hospitals." Proceedings of the RID National Conference. Ed. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Rodrigues, Jeni, Keven Poore, and Corina Gutiérrez. "Relay interpreting: Incorporating the certified Deaf interpreter dimension." Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters Community Conversations Series. Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters. Rochester, New York. 15 Nov. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Uninvited Presentations
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Unpacking “Effective” Communication in Healthcare: When Compliance Isn’t Enough." RID National Conference. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Baltimore, MD. 26 Jul. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Deaf patient access to “effective” communication in Healthcare: Is compliance enough?" North Carolina RID Conference. North Carolina Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Charlotte, North Carolina. 16 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Annemarie Ross
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Book Chapter
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities, 5th Edition. Ed. Patricia Redden, et al. Washington DC, USA: American Chemical Society, 2023. 117-131. Web. ∆
Uninvited Presentations
Ross, Annemarie, et al. "A CURE for Accessibility in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience for Students who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing." American Chemical Society Fall 2023. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 13 Aug. 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Ross, Annemarie D., Thomastine A. Sarchet-Maher, and Todd Pagano. "Improving inclusivity for students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in chemistry classrooms and laboratories." 2022 Northeast Regional Meeting. American Chemical Society. Rochester, NY. 4 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ross, Annemarie, et al. "Creating an Accessible Chemistry Learning Experience for Students with Vision and Hearing Impairments." Chem ED-Virtual Seminar. Chemical Institute of Canada. Okanagan, Canada. 22 Feb. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Ross, Annemarie. "Creating Community: Overcoming Challenges." Empowering Chemists with Disabilities Symposium. University of Delaware. Newark, DE. 17 May 2023. Guest Lecture.
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Teaching chemistry to students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing." American Chemical Society Fall 2023. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 15 Aug. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Ernest Roszkowski
Principal Lecturer
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. Stem Stories – Casual Conversations With Deaf and Hard Of Hearing People. n.d. Online, Rochester. Exhibit. ≠
Roszkowski, Ernest. Deaf Art American Dream. n.d. Dyer Arts Center, 52 Lomb Memorial Dr, Rochester, NY 14623, Rochester. Exhibit. ≠
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. INSPIRED. Jun. 2023. Online, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. * ≠
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. PopSign: Learning ASL Vocabulary. 9 May 2023. Online, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ≠
Deirdre Schlehofer
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Deirdre, Schlehofer, and Hou Lina. "Mixed Methods Workshop Series." IAMS3 Summer Institute. University of Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden. 12-16 Jun. 2023. Lecture. ≠
Deirdre, Schlehofer,. "Deaf Women's Health: Global Perspectives." IAMS3 Summer Institute. University of Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden. 9 Jun. 2023. Guest Lecture. ≠
Dye, Matthew and Deirdre Schlehofer (2023-2023). IRES Track II: Translanguaging Science: Enhancing Literacy Research Through Enhanced Assessment of Proficiency and Processing. Grant received/funded by Federal, NSF. ≠
Sara Schley
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
T., Schley, S., Chua, M., Le Doux, J. M. & Fernandez,. "Incorporating human body variance in an analytically focused undergraduate biomechanics course." Biomedical Engineering Education, 3. 2 (2023): 345-351. Web. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
. n.p.. «
. n.p.. «
Kathryn Schmitz
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Berent, Gerald P., et al. "Academic verb knowledge of DHH college students and their hearing peers." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2023): 55. Web. «
Jessica Trussell
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Williams, Jessica, Thomastine Sarchet, and Dawn Walton. "What Can Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing First-Year Community College Students Teach Us About Reading?" Communication Disorders Quarterly. (2023): 0. Web. «
Invited Paper
Basas, Michella, et al. "It’s Time to Rethink Our Future: “Radical” Perspectives on Deaf Education in the United States and Beyond." American Annals of the Deaf. (2023). Print. * ∆
Steven Wright
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
S.J., Wright, and Hayden Orr. "Paternalism in Health Care Interpreting." Proceedings of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists. Ed. ABCRMS. Phoenix, Arizona: n.p.. «
S.J., Wright, and Chase Martin. "Visual Stroop Test and D/HH Adults." Proceedings of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists. Ed. ABCRMS. Phoenix, Arizona: n.p.. «
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
P, Paracha, M., Wagner, E., Brumfield, O., Winninghoff, J. Wright, S.J., Rotoli, J. & Hauser,. "Medication-related experiences of Deaf American sign language users." Dec. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). «