David Meek
David Meek
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Greene, Ashley N. and David R. Meek. "Give yourself grace": From deaf education teacher preparation to classroom reality." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2024): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Greene, Ashley N., et al. "Assessing the assessors: A study of teachers\' assessment knowledge for DHH students." JADARA. (2024): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Meek, David R., et al. "A sign language journey to the land of smiles: Thailand study abroad." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2024): xxx-xxx. Web. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Donaldson, Maggie M., David R. Meek, and Michael S. Skyer. "The intersection of online distance education and deaf education: Perspectives from deaf and hard of hearing students and educators." Proceedings of the Association for College Educators-Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (ACE-DHH). Ed. n.p. San Antonio, TX: n.p..
Uninvited Presentations
Meek, David R., et al. "Mentors: Navigating through grad school together." Association for College Educators-Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. San Antonio, TX. 2 Feb. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Meek, David R. "What is Dinner Table Syndrome." Outreach & Early Childhood. Louisiana School for the Deaf. Baton Rouge, LA. 13 Dec. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Meek, David R. "The deaf community and culture & the impact of dinner table syndrome." Cultural Psychology course. RIT/NTID. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2022. Guest Lecture.
2022 Submissions
Dye, Matthew, David Meek, and Michael Skyer (2021-2023). The Intersection of Online Distance Education and Deaf Education: Perspectives from Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and Educators. Grant received/funded by COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, Federal Government.