National Technical Institute for the Deaf - 2022
Faculty Scholarship 2022
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Erin Auble
Principal Lecturer
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Auble, Erin. "Webinar." "Recruiting the Next Generation". Guild of Scenic Artists. na, na. 25 Sep. 2022. Address.
Auble, Erin. "Webinar." "A Visual Approach to Teaching Scenic Art". Guild of Scenic Artists. na, na. 24 Apr. 2022. Address.
Joseph Bochner
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bochner, Joseph, et al. "Phoneme Categorization in Prelingually Deaf Adult Cochlear Implant Users." Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (2022): article is "in press". Print. *
Bochner, Joseph, Mark Indelicato, and Pralhad Konnur. "Effect of Sound Quality on the Accuracy of Telephone Captions Produced by Automatic Speech Recognition: A Preliminary Investigation." American Journal Audiology. (2022): article is "in press". Print. *
Rain Bosworth
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bosworth, Rain G, So-One Hwang, and David Corina. "Visual attention for linguistic and non-linguistic body actions in non-signing and native signing children." Frontiers in Psychology 9. (2022): 951057. Print. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Schwenk, Melody, Lorna Quandt, and Rain G. Bosworth. "Sign Naïve and Native Signing Infants’ Visual Preferences for Signing Avatars." Proceedings of the Society for Research In Child Development. Ed. NA. Salt Lake City, Utah: n.p.. *
Palagano, Joseph, Lorna Quandt, and Rain G. Bosworth. "Signing and non-signing preschoolers’ gaze patterns toward dynamic sign-print storybooks." Proceedings of the Society for Research In Child Development. Ed. NA. Salt Lake City, Utah: n.p.. *
Bosworth, Rain G and Allison Fitch (2024-2026). Deaf Preschoolers’ Exploratory Behaviors and Parent Guidance during Shared Museum Experiences. Grant proposal submitted to NICHD R15, NIH. ≠
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bosworth, Rain G. "Plasticity in a language-ready brain: complementary evidence from developmental deafness, blindness, and varied language experience across modalities." Society for Neurobiology of Language. Society for Neurobiology of Language. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 6 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Jill Bradbury
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Bradbury, Jill Marie (2022-2023). Protactile Theater Children's Play. Grant received/funded by Grants for Arts, National Endowment for the Arts. ≠
Bradbury, Jill Marie (2023-2025). Protactile Theater. Grant received/funded by Support for Organizations, New York State Council on the Arts. * ≠
Bradbury, Jill Marie (2022-2023). Immersive, Accesible, and Inclusive \\\"Hamlet\\\". Grant received/funded by Clarity Hard of Hearing Fund, Rochester Area Community Foundation. ≠
Linda Bryant
Associate Professor
Learning Consortium
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Bryant, Linda M. "Engaging Learners with the Optimal Video Format: Best practices for video-based instructional materials." Instructional Technology Council. ITC. Virtual, Conference. 12 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Janine Butler
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Butler, Janine. "Strategies for Accessing and Articulating Voices through Digital Writing Research Projects." Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Writing and Rhetoric: Centering Positionality in Computers and Writing Scholarship. Ed. Crystal VanKooten and Victor Del Hierro. Denver, Colorado: WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado, 2022. 65–85. Print. ˜
Uninvited Presentations
Butler, Janine. "The Creation of Inclusive Sonic Composition Spaces: How Students Access and Compose With Voices in Videos." Conference on College Composition and Communication. NCTE. Virtual, Virtual. 9 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Butler, Janine (2021-2022). Current Designs and Affordances of Theater Captions as Perceived by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Audiences and Theater Personnel. Grant received/funded by Scholarship Portfolio Development Initiative (SPDI), NTID Office of the Associate Dean of Research.
Keith Cagle
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
K., Kurz, K., Listman, J. and Cagle,. "Program, Training and Job Opportunities for Deaf Interpretrs." TBA. (2022): 0. Print.
K., Muroski, K., Kurz, K., and Cagle,. "Student Perceptions of Communication & Learning in ASLIE at NTID." TBA. (2022): 0. Print. * «
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim, et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Lecture. *
Kurz, Kim, et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Assocation of the Deaf. National Association of the Deaf. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
David Cohn
Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Cohn, David. Tinker Nature 1. Jul. 2022. Plymouth Center for the Arts, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Massachusetts. Exhibit. *
Cohn, David. Untitled 1; Untitled 2. 9 Aug. 2022. Image City Photography Gallery, Rochester. Exhibit. *
Pamela Conley
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Conley, Pamela R. "Parents of deaf children often miss out on key support from the Deaf community." In Press. TS - typescript (typed).
Creative Non-fiction
Conley, Pamela R. Solving Mysterlies of Language Access and Power with Nancy Drew. Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature (ISSN: 2690-7089), 2022.
Jessica Cuculick
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Panko, Tiffany, et al. "Experiences of pregnancy and perinatal healthcare access of women who are deaf: a qualitative study." An international journal of obstetrics and gynecology 130. 5 (2023): 514-521. Print. «
Velarde, Minerva Rivas, Caroline Jagoe, and Jessica Cuculick. "Video Relay Interpretation and Overcoming Barriers in Health Care for Deaf Users: Scoping Review." Journal of Medical Internet Research 24. 6 (2022): e32439. Print. *
Book Chapter
Mazique, Rachel, Tiffany L. Panko, and Jessica A. Cuculick. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to Be Born." "The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature." Ed. B.W. Capo and L. Lazzari. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 221-246. Print. ∆ ˆ
Robyn Dean
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Full Length Book
Dean, Robyn and Robert Pollard. The demand control schema: Interpreting as a practice profession. 1 ed. Tokyo, Japan: The English Agency (Japan) Ltd., 2022. Print.
Journal Paper
Dean, Robyn K and Robert Q Pollard. "Improving interpreters’ normative ethics discourse by imparting principled- reasoning through case analysis." INTERPRETING AND SOCIETY AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. (2022): 1-18. Print. *
Dean, Robyn K., Vince Samar, and Daniel Maffia. "Are Two Heads Better Than One? Interpreting Students’ Moral Reasoning Skills." International Journal of Interpreter Education 14. 1 (2022): 17-31. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Hosted training. Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik. Zurich, Switzerland. 16 Sep. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard. "Mental health interpreting: Clinical information and work strategies for a practice profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 3 Aug. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Content and the discontents: Broadening the definition of professional development for interpreting practitioners." Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Wellness Day. Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 23 Jul. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand Control Schema & Teleological Decision-making: A case-based approach." TerpAcademy Summit. Cirrus Inc. Online, Florida. 17 Jul. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K., et al. "I’m doing my own research”: Interpreters-turned-researchers Preconference." TerpAcademy Summit Preconference. Cirrus Inc. Online, Florida. 14 Jul. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Dean, Robyn K. "Justice reasoning: How our ethical discourse counters our ethical claims." Hosted training. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 18 Jun. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Teaching Demand Control Schema For Interpreter Educators." Faculty Training Series. Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands. 28 May 2022. Keynote Speech.
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand control schema in video remote interpreting." Training session. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 9 Apr. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard. "Introduction to Mental Health Interpreting." Online Training Series (hosted). Deaf Mental Health and Addictions. Online, NEW ZEALAND. 8 May 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Reflective Practitioners: Putting the rigor in reflection." Hosted Training. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Mar. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "“Talking about ethics (and how not to…)”." Hosted training. European Federation of sign language interpreters. Online, Europe. 9 Oct. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "DEMAND CONTROL SCHEMA: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NORMATIVE ETHICS OF INTERPRETING." Hosted Training. Braska does Center on the Deaf and hard of hearing. Online, Nebraska. 13 Nov. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "A slippery slope: The tropes of interpreting." Chapter Conference of the Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Online, Illinois. 16 Oct. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn. "Content and the discontents: Broadening the definition of professional development for interpreting practitioners." Mental Health Interpreter Training Alumni Series. Mental Health Interpreter Training. Online, USA. 18 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "“Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore…” How interpreting in mental health changes everything." Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters annual conference. Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters. Raliegh, NC. 1 Oct. 2022. Keynote Speech. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Faculty Departmental Research. American Sign Language and Interpreter Education department. Rochester, NY. 9 Dec. 2022. Address. ∆
Matthew Dye
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Caselli, Naomi K., et al. "Perceptual optimization of language: Evidence from American Sign Language." Cognition 224. (2022): 0. Web. «
Dye, Matthew W. G. and Brennan Terhune-Cotter. "Development of visual sustained selective attention and response inhibition in deaf children." Memory & Cognition. (2022): 0. Web. *
Book Chapter
Hirshorn, Elizabeth A., et al. "Reading in deaf individuals: Examining the role of the visual word form area." "Changing Brains: Essays on Neuroplasticity in Honor of Helen J. Neville." Ed. Aaron J. Newman and Giordana Grossi. None, NA: Routledge, 2023. 0. Print. ∆ ˜
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Normoyle, Aline, et al. "Open-source pipeline for skeletal modeling of sign language utterances from 2D video sources." Proceedings of the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 14. Ed. None. None, NA: n.p.. «
Uninvited Presentations
Cormier, Kayla, et al. "Cognitive outcomes in young deaf adults who use cochlear implants compared to typical hearing peers." 2022 ASHA Convention. ASHA. New Orleans, LA. 17 Nov. 2022. Poster Session. *
Lisa Elliot
Research Associate Professor
Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Alonzo, Oliver, et al. "Reading-assistance tools among deaf and hard-of-hearing computing professionals in the U.S.: Their reading experiences, interests and perceptions of social accessibility." ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 15. 2 (2022): 1-31. Web. *
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "Experiment 2B: Effects of Caption Accuracy on Comprehension and Judgment of Video Simulations of an IP-CTS Prototype by Hard of Hearing Adults" [MITRE]. McClean VA: FCC, MITRE Corporation, 28 Oct. 2021. Print.
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Gehret, Austin U and Lisa B Elliot. "Perceptions of E-Learning by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Using Asynchronous Multimedia Tutorials." 18 May 2022. TS - typescript (typed). *
James Fugate
Assistant Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Laury, Dino J. and James R. Fugate. "Fall 2022 Middle Atlantic Section Conference." Proceedings of the ASEE Middle Atlantic Section, Harrisburg, PA, November 11-12, 2022. Ed. Harrisburg, PA: n.p..
Laury, Dino J. and James R. Fugate. "Fall 2022 Middle Atlantic Section Conference." Proceedings of the ASEE Middle Atlantic Section, Harrisburg, PA, November 11-12, 2022. Ed. Harrisburg, PA: n.p..
Austin Gehret
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Gehret, Austin U. and Lisa B. Elliot. "Perceptions of E-Learning by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Using Asynchronous Multimedia Tutorials." 18 May 2022. TS - typescript (typed). «
Scott Gentzke
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Beam, Fred, et al. "Incorporating the arts across the curriculum." Ways of Making It Stick: Best Practices for Visual Learners. Ed. Debbie Golos, et al. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 2024. 283-313. Print.
Uninvited Presentations
Gentzke, Scott, Maddie Schieber, and Danny Biland. "Integrating the Arts in STEM: Maximizing Achievement for Deaf Learners in All Settings." California Educators of the Deaf (CAL-ED). California Educators for the Deaf (CAL-ED). Burbank, CA. 1 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Invited Article/Publication
Gentzke, Scott. "Supporting Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing to Reject Discrimination and Bullying." Mainstream News. (2022). Web.
Patrick Graham
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Graham, Patrick, et al. "Cultural Diversity in Deaf Education Teacher Training: Stories of Graduate Students." Proceedings of the American College Educators for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ed. Julie Delkamiller. Omaha, NE: n.p.. «
Graham, Patrick, Chris Kurz, and Jennifer Gentzke. "Dispositions in Deaf Education: Contributing to Teaching Effectiveness." Proceedings of the Association of College Educators for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ed. Julie Delkamiller. Omaha, NE: n.p.. «
Kurz, Chris, et al. "World Around You: Crowdsourcing multilingual storybook platform." Proceedings of the Alaska Society for Technology in Education. Ed. Susan Steele. Anchorage, AK: n.p.. *
Graham, Patrick, Chris Kurz, and David Meek (2021-2022). MSSE STEM Video Series. Grant received/funded by NRSC, NRSC.
Luane Haggerty
Principal Lecturer
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis and Dr. Aaron Kelstone. "Use of the Body in Playwrighting." Physical approached to play creation. Ed. Hilary Bucs. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 2022. 100-124. Web. ∆
Haggerty, Luane, et al. Physical Theater Master Class. 26 Jun. 2022. IRT Theater, New York. Performance.
Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. Anthony and Cleopatra. 22 Jul. 2022. Highland Bowl Theater, Rochester. Performance.
Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. Here and Now. 23 Sep. 2022. The Little Theater Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester. Performance.
Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. In The Heights. By Lin Manuel Miranda. 15 Apr. 2022. Panara Theater NTID, Rochester. Performance.
Laural Hartman
Senior Lecturer
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Hartman, Laural. Incidental Exposure. 18 Jun. 2022. Cobblestone Art Center, Farmington. Installation.
Hartman, Laural, Aaron, Swindle, and Youmee Lee. Exploring Deaf Geographies. 21 Jan. 2022. Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Hyattsville. Exhibit.
Hartman, Laural. Longterm Visitor. 9 May 2022. St John Fisher University, Rochester. Exhibit.
Andy Head
Assistant Professor
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Jacobs-Jenkins, Branden. Everybody. 10-13 Nov. 2022. Ingle Auditorium, Rochester. Performance. ˜
Invited Article/Publication
Head, Andy and Gary Jacobs. "The Compositor: How Hybrid Productions Will Create a New Job Title in Theatre." Theatre/Practice. (2023). Web. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Head, Andy and Gary Jacobs. "The Compositor: How Hybrid Productions Will Create a New Job Title in Theatre." 42nd Annual Mid-America Theatre Conference. MATC. Cleveland, OH, United States. 5 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Head, Andy. "Embracing the ‘Virtual’ in She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms." 2022 Annual Conference. Association for Theatre in High Education. Detroit, Michigan. 30 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
National/International Competition Award Winner
Head, Andy. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival National Committee. Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Award for "Angels in America: Millennium Approaches". Washington, DC, 2022.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Kushner, Tony. "Invited Production: Angels in America: Millennium Approaches." Proceedings of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival - Region 2 Festival 54. Ed. Andy Head. Online, Online: n.p.. ˜
Joseph Hill
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Hill, Joseph C., Su Kyong Isakson, and Christine Nakahara. "Infusing Social Justice in Interpreting Education." "Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreters Trainers." Ed. Laurie Swabey and Rachel E. Herring. Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 394-407. Print. ˜
Invited Paper
Hill, Joseph C. "Overrepresentation of Whiteness Is in Sign Language as Well: A Commentary on “Undoing Competence: Coloniality, Homogeneity, and the Overrepresentation of Whiteness in Applied Linguistics.”." Language Learning. (2022). Print. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Hill, Joseph C. "Black ASL: Racism and Audism as the Origins of Variation." Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities. University of Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 18 Nov. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Invited Article/Publication
Hill, Joseph C. and Eyasu Hailu Tamene. "Hierarchies and Constellations: Language Attitudes and Ideologies of Signed Languages." Journal of Sociolinguistics. (2022). Web. ∆
Corinna Hill
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Hill, Corinna S. and Bruce Johansen, Ph.D. "A Gift to All Deaf Minnesotans: A History of St. Paul’s Charles Thompson Memorial Hall." Minnesota History Magazine 68. 4 (2023): 120-133. Web. «
Pepsi Holmquist
Visiting Assistant Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Michel, Lea, et al. "Haemophilus influenzae Protein D antibody suppression in a multi-component vaccine formulation." FEBS Open Bio. (2022): 1-12. Web. «
Jones, Seth P., et al. "Vaccine target and carrier molecule nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D dimerizes like the close Escherichia coli GlpQ homolog but unlike other known homolog dimers." Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. (2022): 1-10. Web. «
Invited Article/Publication
Brenner, Anne and Susannah C. Moore. "Faces of Mass Spectrometry: Melody "Pepsi" Holmquist." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. (2022). Web. ∆
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
McGinnity, Grace, et al. "Probing the potential interactions between two protein vaccine candidates from Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae." Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2022. Ed. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). Philadelphia, PA: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).
Bonnie Jacob
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Jacob, Bonnie. "A Mother-Mathematician Meets the COVID-19 Era." Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 12. 1 (2022): 130-138. Web. £
Jacob, Bonnie C. and Jobby Jacob. "Graphs whose $l_p$-optimal rankings are $l_{\infty}$ optimal." Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 117. paper 4 (2022): 1-17. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jacob, Bonnie. "Power domination on graphs: failure and reconfiguration." Hobart William Smith Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium. Hobart William Smith Colleges. Geneva, NY. 1 Feb. 2022. Guest Lecture. ∆
Jacob, Bonnie. "A summer research program supporting students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing." Joint Mathematics Meetings Special Session on Programs that Support Student Research. American Mathematical Society. (virtual), (virtual). 6 Apr. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Jacob, Bonnie. "Toward a universal approach for the zero forcing span of a graph." Joint Mathematics Meetings Special Session on The Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for a Graph, Zero Forcing, Throttling, and Related Topics II. American Mathematical Society. (virtual), (virtual). 8 Apr. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Pamela Kincheloe
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kincheloe, Pamela J. "Signs and Wonders." Modern Language Association. MLA. Washington, DC, DC. 7 Jan. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Eric Kunsman
Assistant Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus." Loupe Sustainability. 13 (2022): 14-27. Print. * ˆ
Kunsman, Eric T. "Eric Kunsman, Felicific Calculus." Analog Explorations, Point A to Point B Winter 2021/2022. 2 (2021): 4-11. Print. ˜ ˆ
Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art... Will Give... 16 Jun. 2022. Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY. 16 Mar. 2022. Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, CICA Museum, South Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gimpo-si, Yangchon-eup, Hagun-ri,. Exhibit. «
Kunsman, Eric T. Infinite Weight/Present Histories: National Juried Photography Exhibition. 7 Oct. 2022. University of West Georgia, The Vault Gallery, Newnan. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. The National: Best Contemporary Photography 2022. 17 Sep. 2022. Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Art in B&W. 11 Mar. 2022. 3 Square Art, Fort Collins. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Social Fabric. 22 Aug. 2022. St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Forgotten. 3 Jun. 2022. Southeast Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Borderlands. 9 Sep. 2022. Kaiser Gallery, Cleveland, OH. Exhibit. *
Kunsman, Eric T. LensCulture, Critics Award winners from B&W 2022. 1 Sep. 2022. PhEST – International Photography Festival – Monopoli, Monopoli, Italy. Installation. *
Kunsman, Eric T. (2022-2022). Provost Lecturer Professional Development Grant– Rochester Institute of Technology. Grant received/funded by Provost Lecturer Professional Development Grant, RIT. *
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Burnstine, Susan. "Black+White Magazine (UK) Issue 266- American Connection; Eric T. Kunsman, By Susan Burnstine" [Black+White Magazine (UK)]. London, UK: Black+White Magazine (UK) Issue 266, In Press. Print. ˜
Calder, Tracy. "Interview published in Black+White Magazine (UK) Issue 270- Sixty Seconds with Eric T. Kunsman, By Tracy Calder" [Black+White Magazine]. London, UK: Black+White Magazine (UK) Issue 271, In Press. Print. ˜
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY" [All About Photo]. Paris, France: All About Photo, In Press. Print. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY" [All About Photo]. Paris, France: All About Photo, 7 Jan. 2022. Print. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Dodho Magazine, Monochromatic 2022 Book" [Dodho Magazine]. Barcelona, Spain: Dodho Magazine, In Press. Print. *
National/International Competition Award Winner
Kunsman, Eric T. 3 Square Art. Honorable Mention, Art in B&W. Fort Collins, CA, 2022. *
Kunsman, Eric T. LensCulture. Critics’ Pick- LensCulture Critics Choice Awards. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022. «
Kunsman, Eric T. CENTER, Santa Fe Portfolio Reviews. Nominated, Callanan Excellence in Teaching Award 2022. Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2022. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Houston Center for Photography. Honorable Mention– Houston Center for Photography Fellowship 2022. Houston, Texas, 2022. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Rhode Island Center for Photography. Honorable Mention– Rhode Island Center for Photography, 8th International Call for Entries, Providence, RI. Providence, RI, 2022. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art. Honorable Mention– Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art, Salon des Refusés, Wausau, WI. Wausau, WI, 2022. *
Kunsman, Eric T. Photolucida. Finalist– Photolucida Critical Mass 2022 Top 200, Portland, OR. Portland, OR, 2022. «
Kunsman, Eric T. Photolucida. Top 50– Photolucida Critical Mass 2022, Portland, OR. Portland, OR, 2022. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art... Will Give..." TPS Talks. Texas Photo Society. Houston, Texas. 7 Jan. 2022. Lecture. ˜
Kunsman, Eric T. "Before Noon." Social Fabric Exhibition. St. Joseph's University, Merion Hall Gallery. Philadelphia, PA. 22 Sep. 2022. Lecture. *
Kunsman, Eric T. "Urban landscapes, ethnographic seeing." IVSA Conference 2022, EXPANDING THE VISUAL FIELD: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN VISUAL SCHOLARSHIP, ARTS AND ACTIVISM. INTERNATIONAL VISUAL SOCIOLOGY ASSOCIATION. Online, online. 17 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Kunsman, Eric T. "Felicific Calculus: Technology as a Social Marker of Race, Class, & Economics in Rochester, NY." International Symposium for Visual Culture & Exhibition 2022. Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, CICA Museum. Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. 27 Mar. 2022. Lecture. «
Christopher Kurz
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Koulidobrova, Elena, et al. "Revisiting gradability in ASL." Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics. Ed. n/a. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistics, 2022. Print. «
Creative Non-fiction
Golos, Debbie, et al. Cat and Monkey Go to the Mountains. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Cow and Monkey Go to the Farm. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Duck and Monkey Go to the Beach. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Turtle and Monkey Go to the River. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Goat and Monkey Play at Home. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Kim Kurz
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim B., Geo Karteiser, and Peter Hauser. "Learning Constructed Actions in a Second language and Second Modality." The Fourth International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition. ISCLA. Boston, MA. 17 Jun. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Kartheiser, Geo, et al. "Learning Sign Language as a Second Language Facilities Nonlinguistic Spatial Cognitive Skills." The Fourth International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition. ISCLA. Boston, MA. 17 Jun. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Kurz, Kim B., et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 26 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 28 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Talbott, Veronika, Kierstin Muroski, and Kim B. Kurz. "DISC Personal Assessment 101 for Interpreter Educators." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 28 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Craig, Paul, et al. "Navigating as a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate in Research Laboratories: Barriers and Inclusion." ROC Scientists Conference. RIT/UR. Rochester, NY. 10 Aug. 2022. Poster Session. «
Kurz, Kim B., et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Association of the Deaf. NAD. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Donna Lange
Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Orndorf, Hayley C., et al. "Reflecting the diversity of community colleges in professional development." CBE - Life Sciences Education 21. 2 (2022): n/a. Web. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Fletcher, Linnea, Sam Johnston, and Donna Lange. "Providing Universal Access to Education & Employment—Engaging Students with Disabilities." Proceedings of the ATE Principal Investigators' Conference. Ed. n/a. Washington, DC: n.p.. ˜
Lange, Donna, Brian Trager, and James Mallory (2021-2023). Pilot Program to Prepare Adults who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing for Skilled Technical Positions in Information Technology. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, NSF.
Lange, Donna, Keith Mousley, and Brian Trager (2023-2026). DeafTEC Resource Center Renewal. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, NSF.
Jason Listman
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim, et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Kurz, Kim, et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Association for the Deaf Biennial Conference. National Association for the Deaf. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Hicken, Tadhg and Jason D. Listman. "Students' Perception of the Learning Assistant Model in Interpreting Program Courses." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 9 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Harris, Taylor, et al. "Black Indigenous People of Color Interpreting Students Perspective on Interpreting Training Program." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
James Mallory
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Starin, Kristen, Amanda Picioli, and James Robert Mallory. "Using Accessibility Technology to Engage Your Students and Enhance Communication in Your Technical Classroom." American Society for Engineering Education. (2022): 21-23. Web. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Mallory, James R, et al. "Training and Placing DHHDB Non-Technical Adults in the Technical Workforce." Proceedings of the Southease Regional Institute on Deafness. Ed. SERID Review Board. Altamonte Springs, Fla: n.p., 2022. Web. «
Aron Marie
Visiting Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Marie, Aron, et al. "What Notion Of Community Do Language Interpreters Respond To?" Proceedings of the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Ed. N/A. Seattle, Washington: n.p.. *
Rachel Mazique
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Mazique, Rachel, Tiffany L. Panko, and Jess A. Cuculick. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to be Born." The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature. Ed. Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022. 221-246. Print. ∆
David Meek
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Dye, Matthew, David Meek, and Michael Skyer (2021-2023). The Intersection of Online Distance Education and Deaf Education: Perspectives from Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and Educators. Grant received/funded by COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, Federal Government.
Keith Mousley
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Mousley, Keith and Donna Lange (2019-2022). DeafTEC Resource Center. Grant received/funded by NSF, NSF.
Kierstin Muroski
Assistant Professor
Business Studies, American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Published Game, Application or Software
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. InterpNET. Software. Omeka. 2022.
Uninvited Presentations
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "InterpNET." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 19 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Muroski, Kierstin Stager, Veronika Talbott, and Kim Kurz. "DISC Personality Assessment 101 for Interpreter Educators." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 19 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "Signed Language Interpreter Education: A Comparison of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Bachelor’s Students." 15 Mar. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). *
Jason Nordhaus
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Wilson, Emily and Jason Nordhaus. "Convection reconciles the difference in efficiencies between low-mass and high-mass common envelopes." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516. 2 (2022): 2189-2195. Web. * £
Guidarelli, Gabriel, et al. "The formation of discs in the interior of AGB stars from the tidal disruption of planets and brown dwarfs." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511. 4 (2022): 5994-6000. Web. * £
Amaro-Seoane, Pau, et al. "Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna." Living Reviews in Relativity. (2022): 1-100. Web. * £
Muirhead, Philip, Jason Nordhaus, and Maria Drout. "Revised Stellar Parameters for V471 Tau, A Post-common Envelope Binary in the Hyades." The Astronomical Journal 163. 1 (2022): 1-8. Web. * £
Wilson, Emily and Jason Nordhaus. "Convection reconciles the difference in efficiencies between low-mass and high-mass common envelopes." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516. 2 (2022): 2189-2195. Web. *
Nordhaus, Jason, Manuela Campanelli, and Carlos Lousto (2023-2028). Collaborative Research: Breaking Barriers in Multi-messenger Astrophysics: The RITTU Partnership. Grant proposal submitted to PAARE, National Science Foundation. ˜
Nordhaus, Jason, Philip Muirhead, and Maria Drout (2022-2023). Brief But Spectacular: New Windows into the Physics of Common Envelope Evolution FASED Supplement. Grant received/funded by Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities, National Science Foundation. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Nordhaus, Jason and Jessica Williams. "Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals Diversifying the STEM Workforce through Increased Access to STEM Education." ISLAND. Princeton University. Princeton, New Jersey. 17 Sep. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Nordhaus, Jason. "Tidal disruption and disk formation in the cores of giant stars." Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae 8. APN. Virtual, Virtual. 6 Oct. 2021. Keynote Speech.
Nordhaus, Jason. "Convection and Tidal Disruption in Common Envelopes." Astrophysics Colloquium. Keele University. Keele, United Kingdom. 3 Nov. 2021. Address.
Todd Pagano
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Catalyzing the Advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Chemical Education." Journal of College Science Teaching 52. 1 (2022): 3-8. Print. £
Selberg, Sigrid, et al. "Non-invasive analysis of natural textile dyes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices." Talanta 252. (2022): 1-11. Print. *
Book Chapter
Ross, Annemarie D., et al. "Teaching Chemistry to Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." "Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities." Ed. Patricia Redden, et al. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2022. 125-142. Web. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Catalyzing the diversification of the chemical sciences." Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE). Canadian Society for Chemistry. Calgary, Canada. 15 Jun. 2022. Keynote Speech. £
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Best practices for the Advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, respect in chemistry and chemical engineering education." American Chemical Society's Northeast Regional Meeting. American Chemical Society. Rochester, NY. 4 Oct. 2022. Keynote Speech. £
Ross, Annemarie D., Thomastine A. Sarchet-Maher, and Todd Pagano. "Improving inclusivity for students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in chemistry classrooms and laboratories."." American Chemical Society’s Northeast Regional Meeting. American Chemical Society. Rochester, NY. 4 Oct. 2022. Keynote Speech. £
Uninvited Presentations
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Understanding Value and Embracing Change as Catalysts for Diversifying the Chemical Sciences." American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Diego, CA. 22 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation. £
Gomes, Antonia, et al. "Composition of Volatile Compounds from Rare and Endangered Illicium species, Endemic to Hispaniola." American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Diego, CA. 21 Mar. 2022. Poster Session. £
Macisco, Leonard J., et al. "Characterization of phenols in wine using 3-D fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics." RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 28 Jul. 2022. Poster Session. £
Gomes, Antonia, et al. "Composition of Volatile Compounds from Rare and Endangered Illicium species, Endemic to Hispaniola." American Chemical Society’s Northeast Regional Meeting. American. Rochester, NY. 3 Oct. 2022. Poster Session. £
Macisco, Leonard J., et al. "Characterization of phenols in wine using 3-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics." American Chemical Society’s Northeast Regional Meeting. American Chemical Society. Rochester, NY. 3 Oct. 2022. Poster Session. £
Macisco, Leonard J., et al. "Characterization of phenols in wine using multidimensional fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics." 48th Rochester Academy of Science Annual Fall Scientific Paper Session. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY. 29 Oct. 2022. Poster Session. £
Rogers, Reginald E. and Todd Pagano. "Best practices for the Advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in chemical engineering education." American Institute of Chemical Engineer’s Annual Meeting. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Phoenix, AZ. 4 Nov. 2022. Conference Presentation. £
Tiffany Panko
Research Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Helm, Kail, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. (2022): TBD. Print. «
Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Making virtual health care accessible to the deaf community: Findings from the telehealth survey." Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. (2022): 0. Print. «
Panko, Tiffany L, et al. "Deaf women’s experiences of pregnancy and perinatal healthcare access: A qualitative study." BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. (2022): 0. Web. «
Helm, Kaila VT, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. (2022): 0. Print. «
Book Chapter
Mazique, Rachel, Tiffany L. Panko, and Jess A. Cuculick. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to be Born." The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature. Ed. Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022. 221-246. Print. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Panko, Tiffany L, et al. "Navigating the Job Market: From Academia, Industry & Government Opportunities." Deaf/HH Scientists ROC Conference. RIT and URMC. Rochester, NY. 11 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Austin, Saundra Johnson, et al. "Business and Community Partners Panel Discussion." Zero Barriers in STEM Education: Accessibility and Inclusion Program. Smithsonian Science Education Center. Washington, DC. 14 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Uninvited Presentations
Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Public health need for deaf healthcare providers and healthcare interpreters." Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses Conference. Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses. Las Vegas, NV. 20 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Paracha, Mariam, Tiffany L Panko, and LeeAnne Valentine. "Roundtable: How to Increase Access for Women and BIPOC in Health Care?" Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses Conference. Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses. Las Vegas, NV. 19 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Doane, Ella, et al. "Deaf LGBT adults’ health literacy: Possible effect of stigma." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.
McFadden, Trinity, et al. "Navigating COVID-19: Elucidating BIPOC student perspectives." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.
Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Disparities in cardiovascular knowledge in the Deaf community: Importance of accessibility." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.
Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Effects of language deprivation on deaf adults cognitive health." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.
Doane, Rachel, Corrine Occhino, and Tiffany L Panko. "Abortion Stigma in the Deaf Community." RIT Undergraduate Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 28 Jul. 2022. Poster Session.
D'Aurio, Toni and Tiffany L Panko. "Perspectives of Comfort in Interpreting Reproductive Health Care." RIT Undergraduate Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 3 Aug. 2022. Poster Session.
Edlund, John, et al (2023-2024). Comprehension of Cardiac Consent - Similarities and Differences between Hearing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Populations. Grant proposal submitted to Convergence Accelerator Research, National Science Foundation. *
Mariam Paracha
Visiting Assistant Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Paracha, Mariam, et al. "Prevalence and Incidence of Nonmotor Symptoms in Individuals with and without Parkinson's Disease." Movement Disorders 9. 7 (2022): 961-966. Print. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Panko, Tiffany, et al. "Navigating the Job Market: From Academia, Industry & Government Opportunities." The Open Road: Creating Opportunities for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scientists Conference. Deaf Roc. Rochester, NY. 11 Aug. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Paracha, Mariam, et al. "Challenges in Mentoring and Establishing Productive Training Environments." The Open Road: Creating Opportunities for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scientists Conference. Deaf Roc. Rochester, NY. 11 Aug. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Uninvited Presentations
Paracha, Mariam, Tiffany Panko, and LeeAnne Valentine. "Roundtable: How to Increase Access for Women and BIPOC in Health Care?" Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses Conference. Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses. Las Vegas, NV. 19 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Lisa Prinzi
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Prinzi, Lisa M. "Deaf Student–Interpreter Relationships and Feedback Practices in K-12 Mainstream Deaf Education." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2022): 0. Web. «
Book Chapter
Prinzi, Lisa M. and Jeanne M. Wells. "The Art of Performance Analysis." Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Rachel E. Herring and Laurie Swabey. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 27-37. Print.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Prinzi, Lisa M. and Kim Kurz. "An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." Proceedings of the 9/21/2022 Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Danielle I.J. Hunt. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press. «
Prinzi, Lisa M. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): Perspectives on Specialized Professional Development." Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. Ed. Ellen Goldring. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association. «
Jennifer Rodrigues
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Bonni, Betti and Rachel E. Herring, Jeni Rodrigues, Laurie Swabey. "A Place at the Table? Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Signed Language Interpreter Education in the United States." Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Laurie Swabey and Rachel E. Herring. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 439-451. Print. ∆
Uninvited Presentations
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Understanding Effective Communication in Healthcare: Institutional vs. Interpreter Responsibilities for Providing Access." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. Philadelphia, PA. 20 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Rodrigues, Jeni. "The Letter or the Spirit of the Law? Barriers to Effective Communication Access in U.S. Hospitals." AMPHL 2022 Conference. Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Las Vegas, Nevada. 19 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Rodrigues, Jeni. The Letter or the Spirit of the Law? An Institutional Ethnography of Effective Communication Access in U.S. Hospitals. Diss. Gallaudet University, 2022. : ProQuest, 2022. Print.
Annemarie Ross
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
D., Ross, Annemarie, et al. "Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." 14 Aug. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). ∆
Ernest Roszkowski
Principal Lecturer
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. Casual Conversations With Deaf and Hard Of Hearing People. Aug. 2022., Rochester. Exhibit. ≠
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. What Makes Us Different. Jun. 2022. 10th International Conference on Family-Centered Early Intervention, Rochester. Exhibit.
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. Angels in America: Millennium Approaches - Live Stream. 28-30 Jan. 2022. Panara Theatre, Rochester. Performance.
Roszkowski, Ernest, et al. Angels in America: Millennium Approaches - Live Stream. 28-30 Jan. 2022. Panara Theatre, Rochester. Performance.
Deirdre Schlehofer
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Deirdre, Schlehofer,. "History of Deaf Women in Rochester." The ASL Program. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 18 Oct. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Deirdre, Schlehofer. "Celebrating 20 years of ABRCMS in 2022: Student Presentations in Social and Behavioral Sciences and Public Health." Proceedings of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritzed Scientists. Ed. None. Anaheim, CA: n.p..
Uninvited Presentations
Deirdre, Schlehofer,. "Herstory of Deaf Women's Studies." The ASL Program. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 21 Oct. 2021. Guest Lecture.
Sara Schley
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sara, Schley, and Marchetti, Carol. "Moving From Access to Inclusion by Making Communication a Priority." The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership, and Change 8. 2 (2022): 1-10. Web. *
Michael Stinson
Research Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Montan, Spencer, et al. "Impacts of captioning and speech-to-text on communication during the pandemic." Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the National Association of the Deaf,. Ed. T. Miller. Orlando, FL.: n.p.. *
Jessica Trussell
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Williams, Jessica, Thomastine Sarchet, and Dawn Walton. "Reading and writing instruction for academically at-risk deaf and hard of hearing first-year college students." Community College Review 50. 1 (2022): 30-50. Print. «
Beal, Jennifer S., Jessica Williams Trussell, and Dawn Walton. "Four American Sign Language Learner Groups: Are They Really Different?" The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 27. 3 (2022): 283-296. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Williams, Jessica. "Fostering STEM literate DHH students." Deaf Blind Limitless. Alabama Institute for the Deaf and BLind. Mobile, AL. 20 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Williasm, Jessica. "Purposeful texts and purposeful planning: Raising the bar for reading instruction." Deaf Blind Limitless. Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. Mobile, AL. 20 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Steven Wright
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
National/International Competition Award Winner
Wright, S. J., et al. ABCRMS. Best in Behavioral Health. Anaheim, CA, 2022. £
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
S.J., Wright, and Rabeharison, M. "Designated interpreting: Emic perspectives in Deaf academia." Jun. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). «
Wright, S. Jordan, et al. "Deaf LGBTQ+ Adult’s health literacy: The effects of stigma." Sep. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). «