American Sign Language and Interpreting Education - 2022 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Faculty Scholarship 2022
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Keith Cagle
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
K., Kurz, K., Listman, J. and Cagle,. "Program, Training and Job Opportunities for Deaf Interpretrs." TBA. (2022): 0. Print.
K., Muroski, K., Kurz, K., and Cagle,. "Student Perceptions of Communication & Learning in ASLIE at NTID." TBA. (2022): 0. Print. * «
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim, et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Lecture. *
Kurz, Kim, et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Assocation of the Deaf. National Association of the Deaf. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Robyn Dean
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Full Length Book
Dean, Robyn and Robert Pollard. The demand control schema: Interpreting as a practice profession. 1 ed. Tokyo, Japan: The English Agency (Japan) Ltd., 2022. Print.
Journal Paper
Dean, Robyn K and Robert Q Pollard. "Improving interpreters’ normative ethics discourse by imparting principled- reasoning through case analysis." INTERPRETING AND SOCIETY AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. (2022): 1-18. Print. *
Dean, Robyn K., Vince Samar, and Daniel Maffia. "Are Two Heads Better Than One? Interpreting Students’ Moral Reasoning Skills." International Journal of Interpreter Education 14. 1 (2022): 17-31. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Hosted training. Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik. Zurich, Switzerland. 16 Sep. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard. "Mental health interpreting: Clinical information and work strategies for a practice profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 3 Aug. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Content and the discontents: Broadening the definition of professional development for interpreting practitioners." Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Wellness Day. Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 23 Jul. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand Control Schema & Teleological Decision-making: A case-based approach." TerpAcademy Summit. Cirrus Inc. Online, Florida. 17 Jul. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K., et al. "I’m doing my own research”: Interpreters-turned-researchers Preconference." TerpAcademy Summit Preconference. Cirrus Inc. Online, Florida. 14 Jul. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Dean, Robyn K. "Justice reasoning: How our ethical discourse counters our ethical claims." Hosted training. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 18 Jun. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Teaching Demand Control Schema For Interpreter Educators." Faculty Training Series. Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands. 28 May 2022. Keynote Speech.
Dean, Robyn K. "Demand control schema in video remote interpreting." Training session. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 9 Apr. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard. "Introduction to Mental Health Interpreting." Online Training Series (hosted). Deaf Mental Health and Addictions. Online, NEW ZEALAND. 8 May 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "Reflective Practitioners: Putting the rigor in reflection." Hosted Training. American Sign Language Interpreting Services. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Mar. 2022. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "“Talking about ethics (and how not to…)”." Hosted training. European Federation of sign language interpreters. Online, Europe. 9 Oct. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "DEMAND CONTROL SCHEMA: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NORMATIVE ETHICS OF INTERPRETING." Hosted Training. Braska does Center on the Deaf and hard of hearing. Online, Nebraska. 13 Nov. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn K. "A slippery slope: The tropes of interpreting." Chapter Conference of the Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Online, Illinois. 16 Oct. 2021. Lecture.
Dean, Robyn. "Content and the discontents: Broadening the definition of professional development for interpreting practitioners." Mental Health Interpreter Training Alumni Series. Mental Health Interpreter Training. Online, USA. 18 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "“Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore…” How interpreting in mental health changes everything." Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters annual conference. Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters. Raliegh, NC. 1 Oct. 2022. Keynote Speech. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Faculty Departmental Research. American Sign Language and Interpreter Education department. Rochester, NY. 9 Dec. 2022. Address. ∆
Joseph Hill
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Hill, Joseph C., Su Kyong Isakson, and Christine Nakahara. "Infusing Social Justice in Interpreting Education." "Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreters Trainers." Ed. Laurie Swabey and Rachel E. Herring. Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 394-407. Print. ˜
Invited Paper
Hill, Joseph C. "Overrepresentation of Whiteness Is in Sign Language as Well: A Commentary on “Undoing Competence: Coloniality, Homogeneity, and the Overrepresentation of Whiteness in Applied Linguistics.”." Language Learning. (2022). Print. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Hill, Joseph C. "Black ASL: Racism and Audism as the Origins of Variation." Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities. University of Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 18 Nov. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Invited Article/Publication
Hill, Joseph C. and Eyasu Hailu Tamene. "Hierarchies and Constellations: Language Attitudes and Ideologies of Signed Languages." Journal of Sociolinguistics. (2022). Web. ∆
Kim Kurz
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim B., Geo Karteiser, and Peter Hauser. "Learning Constructed Actions in a Second language and Second Modality." The Fourth International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition. ISCLA. Boston, MA. 17 Jun. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Kartheiser, Geo, et al. "Learning Sign Language as a Second Language Facilities Nonlinguistic Spatial Cognitive Skills." The Fourth International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition. ISCLA. Boston, MA. 17 Jun. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Kurz, Kim B., et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 26 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 28 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Talbott, Veronika, Kierstin Muroski, and Kim B. Kurz. "DISC Personal Assessment 101 for Interpreter Educators." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. King of Prussia, PA. 28 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Craig, Paul, et al. "Navigating as a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate in Research Laboratories: Barriers and Inclusion." ROC Scientists Conference. RIT/UR. Rochester, NY. 10 Aug. 2022. Poster Session. «
Kurz, Kim B., et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Association of the Deaf. NAD. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. «
Jason Listman
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Kurz, Kim, et al. "The Profile of Deaf Interpreters in the United States." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Kurz, Kim, et al. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." National Association for the Deaf Biennial Conference. National Association for the Deaf. Orlando, FL. 1 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Hicken, Tadhg and Jason D. Listman. "Students' Perception of the Learning Assistant Model in Interpreting Program Courses." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 9 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Harris, Taylor, et al. "Black Indigenous People of Color Interpreting Students Perspective on Interpreting Training Program." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 21 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation. ˜
Kierstin Muroski
Assistant Professor
Business Studies, American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Published Game, Application or Software
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. InterpNET. Software. Omeka. 2022.
Uninvited Presentations
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "InterpNET." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 19 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Muroski, Kierstin Stager, Veronika Talbott, and Kim Kurz. "DISC Personality Assessment 101 for Interpreter Educators." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. King of Prussia, PA. 19 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "Signed Language Interpreter Education: A Comparison of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Bachelor’s Students." 15 Mar. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). *
Lisa Prinzi
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Prinzi, Lisa M. "Deaf Student–Interpreter Relationships and Feedback Practices in K-12 Mainstream Deaf Education." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2022): 0. Web. «
Book Chapter
Prinzi, Lisa M. and Jeanne M. Wells. "The Art of Performance Analysis." Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Rachel E. Herring and Laurie Swabey. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 27-37. Print.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Prinzi, Lisa M. and Kim Kurz. "An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." Proceedings of the 9/21/2022 Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Danielle I.J. Hunt. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press. «
Prinzi, Lisa M. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): Perspectives on Specialized Professional Development." Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. Ed. Ellen Goldring. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association. «
Jennifer Rodrigues
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Bonni, Betti and Rachel E. Herring, Jeni Rodrigues, Laurie Swabey. "A Place at the Table? Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Signed Language Interpreter Education in the United States." Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Insights and Innovations from the Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Ed. Laurie Swabey and Rachel E. Herring. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2022. 439-451. Print. ∆
Uninvited Presentations
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Understanding Effective Communication in Healthcare: Institutional vs. Interpreter Responsibilities for Providing Access." Conference of Interpreter Trainers. CIT. Philadelphia, PA. 20 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Rodrigues, Jeni. "The Letter or the Spirit of the Law? Barriers to Effective Communication Access in U.S. Hospitals." AMPHL 2022 Conference. Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Las Vegas, Nevada. 19 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Rodrigues, Jeni. The Letter or the Spirit of the Law? An Institutional Ethnography of Effective Communication Access in U.S. Hospitals. Diss. Gallaudet University, 2022. : ProQuest, 2022. Print.