Master of Science in Secondary Education - 2022 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Faculty Scholarship 2022
Master of Science in Secondary Education
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Scott Gentzke
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Beam, Fred, et al. "Incorporating the arts across the curriculum." Ways of Making It Stick: Best Practices for Visual Learners. Ed. Debbie Golos, et al. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 2024. 283-313. Print.
Uninvited Presentations
Gentzke, Scott, Maddie Schieber, and Danny Biland. "Integrating the Arts in STEM: Maximizing Achievement for Deaf Learners in All Settings." California Educators of the Deaf (CAL-ED). California Educators for the Deaf (CAL-ED). Burbank, CA. 1 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Invited Article/Publication
Gentzke, Scott. "Supporting Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing to Reject Discrimination and Bullying." Mainstream News. (2022). Web.
Patrick Graham
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Graham, Patrick, et al. "Cultural Diversity in Deaf Education Teacher Training: Stories of Graduate Students." Proceedings of the American College Educators for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ed. Julie Delkamiller. Omaha, NE: n.p.. «
Graham, Patrick, Chris Kurz, and Jennifer Gentzke. "Dispositions in Deaf Education: Contributing to Teaching Effectiveness." Proceedings of the Association of College Educators for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ed. Julie Delkamiller. Omaha, NE: n.p.. «
Kurz, Chris, et al. "World Around You: Crowdsourcing multilingual storybook platform." Proceedings of the Alaska Society for Technology in Education. Ed. Susan Steele. Anchorage, AK: n.p.. *
Graham, Patrick, Chris Kurz, and David Meek (2021-2022). MSSE STEM Video Series. Grant received/funded by NRSC, NRSC.
Christopher Kurz
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Koulidobrova, Elena, et al. "Revisiting gradability in ASL." Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics. Ed. n/a. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistics, 2022. Print. «
Creative Non-fiction
Golos, Debbie, et al. Cat and Monkey Go to the Mountains. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Cow and Monkey Go to the Farm. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Duck and Monkey Go to the Beach. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Turtle and Monkey Go to the River. World Around You, 2022. ≠
Golos, Debbie, et al. Goat and Monkey Play at Home. World Around You, 2022. ≠
David Meek
Visiting Assistant Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Dye, Matthew, David Meek, and Michael Skyer (2021-2023). The Intersection of Online Distance Education and Deaf Education: Perspectives from Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and Educators. Grant received/funded by COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, Federal Government.
Sara Schley
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sara, Schley, and Marchetti, Carol. "Moving From Access to Inclusion by Making Communication a Priority." The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership, and Change 8. 2 (2022): 1-10. Web. *
Michael Stinson
Research Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Montan, Spencer, et al. "Impacts of captioning and speech-to-text on communication during the pandemic." Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the National Association of the Deaf,. Ed. T. Miller. Orlando, FL.: n.p.. *
Jessica Trussell
Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Williams, Jessica, Thomastine Sarchet, and Dawn Walton. "Reading and writing instruction for academically at-risk deaf and hard of hearing first-year college students." Community College Review 50. 1 (2022): 30-50. Print. «
Beal, Jennifer S., Jessica Williams Trussell, and Dawn Walton. "Four American Sign Language Learner Groups: Are They Really Different?" The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 27. 3 (2022): 283-296. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Williams, Jessica. "Fostering STEM literate DHH students." Deaf Blind Limitless. Alabama Institute for the Deaf and BLind. Mobile, AL. 20 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Williasm, Jessica. "Purposeful texts and purposeful planning: Raising the bar for reading instruction." Deaf Blind Limitless. Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. Mobile, AL. 20 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation.