Performing Arts - 2022 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Faculty Scholarship 2022

Performing Arts

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Erin Auble

Principal Lecturer
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2022 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Auble, Erin. "Webinar." "Recruiting the Next Generation". Guild of Scenic Artists. na, na. 25 Sep. 2022. Address.

Auble, Erin. "Webinar." "A Visual Approach to Teaching Scenic Art". Guild of Scenic Artists. na, na. 24 Apr. 2022. Address.

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Jill Bradbury

Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2022 Submissions


Bradbury, Jill Marie (2022-2023). Protactile Theater Children's Play. Grant received/funded by Grants for Arts, National Endowment for the Arts. ≠

Bradbury, Jill Marie (2023-2025). Protactile Theater. Grant received/funded by Support for Organizations, New York State Council on the Arts. * ≠

Bradbury, Jill Marie (2022-2023). Immersive, Accesible, and Inclusive \\\"Hamlet\\\". Grant received/funded by Clarity Hard of Hearing Fund, Rochester Area Community Foundation. ≠

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Luane Haggerty

Principal Lecturer
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2022 Submissions

Book Chapter

Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis and Dr. Aaron Kelstone. "Use of the Body in Playwrighting." Physical approached to play creation. Ed. Hilary Bucs. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 2022. 100-124. Web. ∆


Haggerty, Luane, et al. Physical Theater Master Class. 26 Jun. 2022. IRT Theater, New York. Performance.

Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. Anthony and Cleopatra. 22 Jul. 2022. Highland Bowl Theater, Rochester. Performance.

Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. Here and Now. 23 Sep. 2022. The Little Theater Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester. Performance.

Haggerty, Dr. Luane Davis. In The Heights. By Lin Manuel Miranda. 15 Apr. 2022. Panara Theater NTID, Rochester. Performance.

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Andy Head

Assistant Professor
Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2022 Submissions


Jacobs-Jenkins, Branden. Everybody. 10-13 Nov. 2022. Ingle Auditorium, Rochester. Performance. ˜

Invited Article/Publication

Head, Andy and Gary Jacobs. "The Compositor: How Hybrid Productions Will Create a New Job Title in Theatre." Theatre/Practice. (2023). Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Head, Andy and Gary Jacobs. "The Compositor: How Hybrid Productions Will Create a New Job Title in Theatre." 42nd Annual Mid-America Theatre Conference. MATC. Cleveland, OH, United States. 5 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation. ∆

Head, Andy. "Embracing the ‘Virtual’ in She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms." 2022 Annual Conference. Association for Theatre in High Education. Detroit, Michigan. 30 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation. *

National/International Competition Award Winner

Head, Andy. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival National Committee. Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Award for "Angels in America: Millennium Approaches". Washington, DC, 2022.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Kushner, Tony. "Invited Production: Angels in America: Millennium Approaches." Proceedings of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival - Region 2 Festival 54. Ed. Andy Head. Online, Online: n.p.. ˜

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