College of Science - 2022
Faculty Scholarship 2022
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Rema Amawi
Color Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Murdoch, Rema M. Amawi, Michael J. "Effects of pill colors on human perception and expectation of drugs' efficacy." Color Research & Application 47. 5 (2022): 1200-1215. Web. *
Murdoch, Rema M. Amawi, Michael J. "Understanding Color Associations and Their Effects on Expectations of Drugs’ Efficacies." Pharmacy 10. 4 (2022): 82. Web. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Amawi, Rema M. and Michael J. Murdoch. "Relating Color Associations to Pill Colors and Expected Efficacy." Proceedings of the Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. CIC30. Springfield, VA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2022. Web. *
Charles Bachmann
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Roth, Benjamin D., et al. "Leaf Bidirectional Transmittance Distribution Function (BTDF) Estimates and Models for Select Deciduous Tree Species." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60. (2022): 4401214. Web. * £
Shiltz, Dylan J. and Charles M. Bachmann. "An Alternative to Hapke\'s Macroscopic Roughness Correction." Icarus 390. (2023): 115240. Web. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Lee, Chris H., et al. "Goniometric and Polarized Imaging Spectroscopic Lab Measurements of Spacecraft Materials." Proceedings of the AMOS Technical Conference, September 27-30, 2022, Maui, HI. Ed. AMOSTech. Mauii, HI: n.p., Web. £
Nathaniel Barlow
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Huber, Colin M., Nathaniel S. Barlow, and Steven J. Weinstein. "On the response of neutrally stable flows to oscillatory forcing with application to liquid sheets." Physics of Fluids 34. (2022): 104106: 1-20. Print. *
Huber, Colin M., Nathaniel S. Barlow, and Steven J. Weinstein. "On the two-dimensional extension of one-dimensional algebraically growing waves at neutral stability." Wave Motion 116. (2022): 103083:1-20. Print. *
Reinberger, W. Cade, et al. "On The Power Series Solution to The Nonlinear Pendulum." The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 75. 4 (2022): 347–369. Print. *
Mishkatul Bhattacharya
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sharma, S., A. Kani, and M. Bhattacharya. "PT symmetry, induced mechanical lasing, and tunable force sensing in a coupled-mode optically levitated nanoparticle." Physical Review A 105. (2022): 43505. Print. *
Le, D. H., et al. "Conservation of extremal ellipticity for coherent single mode Gaussian beams propagating in rotationally invariant media." Optics Communications 503. (2022): 127465. Print. *
Meher, N., A. K. Jha, and M. Bhattacharya. "Direct Measurement of Atomic Entanglement via Cavity Photon Statistics." Annalen der Physik 534. (2022): 2100395. Web. *
Le, D. H., et al. "Conservation of extremal ellitpticity for coherent single mode Gaussian beams propagating in rotationally invariant media." Optics Communications 503. (2022): 127465-7. Print. *
Sharma, S., A. Kani, and M. Bhattacharya. "PT symmetry, induced mechanical lasing, and tunable force sensing in a coupled-mode optically levitated nanoparticle." Physical Review A 105. (2022): 43505. Print. *
Meher, N., M. Bhattacharya, and A. K. Jha. "Direct measurement of atomic entanglement via cavity photon statistics." Annalen der Physik 534. (2022): 2100395. Print. *
Xiao, K., et al. "Q-switching of an optical tweezer phonon laser." Journal of Physics B 55. (2022): 245401. Print. *
Eli Borrego
Assistant Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Helliwell, Emily, et al. "Transgenic soybeans expressing phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-binding proteins show enhanced resistance against the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae." Frontiers in Microbiology. (2022): 1. Print. *
Borrego, Eli, et al. "Oxylipin biosynthetic gene families of Cannabis sativa." PLOS ONE. (2023): 1. Print. *
Lucia Carichino
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Verticchio, Alice Vercellin, et al. "Physiology-Enhanced Data Analytics to Evaluate the Effect of Altitude on Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Hemodynamics." Photonics 9. 3 (2022): 158. Web. *
Feng Cui
Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Rynkiewicz, Patrick, et al. "Functional binding dynamics relevant to the evolution of zoonotic spillovers in endemic and emergent Betacoronavirus strains." Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 40. 21 (2022): 10978-10996. Web. ˜
Kc, Kishan, et al. "Predicting Biomedical Interactions with Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Networks." IEEE/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 19. 2 (2022): 676-687. Web. ˜
Pratik Dholabhai
Associate Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Grant, Michael, et al. "Integrating Atomistic Simulations and Machine Learning to Design Multi-principal Element Alloys with Superior Elastic Modulus." Journal of Materials Research 37. (2022): 1497. Web. *
Luan, Brian and Pratik P. Dholabhai. "First Principles Modeling of CO2 Adsorption on (100), (010), and (001) Surfaces of Wollastonite for Applications in Enhanced Rock Weathering." Surface Science 724. (2022): 122143. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dholabhai, Pratik P. "Defect Formation and Interface Charge Transfer at Misfit Dislocations in CeO2/MgO Heterostructure." MRS Spring Meeting 2022. Materials Research Society. Hawaii, HI. 23 May 2022. Conference Presentation. £
Mark Fairchild
Color Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Shen, C., et al. "Measuring display observer metamerism." The Visual Computer 38. (2022): 3301-3310. Print. *
Hellwig, L., D. Stolitzka, and M.D. Fairchild. "Extending CIECAM02 and CAM16 for the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch Effect." Color Research and Application 47. (2022): 1096-1104. Print. *
Hellwig, L. and M.D. Fairchild. "Brightness, lightness, colorfulness, and chroma in CIECAM02 and CAM16." Color Research and Application 47. (2022): 1083-1095. Print. *
Xie, H., R. Wanat, and M.D. Fairchil. "Perceived color gamut in images: From boundary to difference." Frontiers in Neuroscience 16. (2022): 907679. Print. *
Smith, N.S. and M.D. Fairchild. "Virtual colour atlas." Color Research and Application 47. (2022): 817-826. Print. *
Canham, T., et al. "Physiologically personalized color management for motion picture workflows." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 131. 2 (2022): 8-16. Print. *
Y.Yuan, , M.J. Murdoch, and M.D. Fairchild. "A multi-primary lighting system for customized color stimuli." Color Research and Application 47. (2022): 74-91. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Hellwig, L. and M.D. Fairchild. "Revising CAM16-UCS." Proceedings of the IS&T 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: n.p., Print. «
Shen, C. and M.D. Fairchild. "Weighted geometric mean (WGM) method: A new chromatic adaptation model." Proceedings of the IS&T 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: n.p., Print. «
Fairchild, M.D. "Reversibility of corresponding colors in sensory chromatic adaptation." Proceedings of the IS&T 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: n.p., Print. «
Hellwig, L., D. Stolitzka, and M.D. Fairchild. "Why achromatic response is not a good measure of brightness." Proceedings of the IS&T 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: n.p., Print. «
Xie, H. and M.D. Fairchild. "Representing color as multiple independent scales: Brightness vs. saturation." Proceedings of the IS&T 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: n.p., Print. «
Shen, C., A. Palke, and M.D. Fairchild. "Color origin of color change sapphire." Proceedings of the Geological Society of America CONNECTS 2022. Ed. GSA. Denver, CO: n.p., Print. *
Xie, H. and M.D. Fairchild. "The Luther Condition for all: Evaluating colorimetric camera design for personalized color imaging." Proceedings of the AIC 2022 Sensing Colour. Ed. AIC. Toronto, ON: n.p., Print. *
Shen, C. and M.D. Fairchild. "Measuring display observer metamerism." Proceedings of the AIC 2022 Sensing Colour. Ed. AIC. Toronto, ON: n.p., Print. *
Hellwig, L., et al. "Brightness and vividness of high dynamic range displayed imagery." Proceedings of the SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. Ed. SID. San Diego, CA: n.p., Print. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Hellwig, L. and M.D. Fairchild. "Chromatic adaptation to heterochromatic illumination." Proceedings of the Optica Fall Vision Meetin. Ed. Optica. Rochester, NY: n.p.. *
Xie, H. and M.D. Fairchild. "Isolating saturation and hue for equally bright colors." Proceedings of the VSS 2022. Ed. VSS. St. Pete Beach, FL: n.p.. «
Shen, C., et al. "Measuring display observer metamerism." Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International 2022. Ed. CGI. Geneva, Switzerland: n.p.. *
Susan Farnand
Associate Professor
Color Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kuzio, Olivia R. and Susan P. Farnand. "Toward Practical Spectral Imaging beyond a Laboratory Context." Heritage 5. 4 (2022): 4140-4160. Print. «
Kuzio, Olivia and Susan Farnand. "Comparing Practical Spectral Imaging Methods for Cultural Heritage Studio Photography." ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 16. 1 (2022): 1-13. Web. «
Published Conference Proceedings
Kuzio, Olivia R. and Susan P. Farnand. "Beyond RGB: A spectral image processing software application for cultural heritage studio photography." Proceedings of the IS&T's Archiving 2022 Online. Ed. IS&T. Springfield, VA: IS&T, 2022. Web. *
Kuzio, Olivia R. and Susan P. Farnand. "Simulating the Effect of Camera and Lens Choice for Color Accurate Spectral Imaging of Cultural Heritage Materials." Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2022, Toronto, Canada. Ed. AIC. Toronto, Canada: AIC, 2022. Web. *
Dimoff, Dara and Susan P. Farnand. "Representative Color of Skin Tones and Natural Objects." Proceedings of the Color and Imaging 2022, Scottsdale AZ. Ed. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ: IS&T, 2022. Web. «
Invited Paper
Kuzio, Olivia R. and Susan P. Farnand. "Two is Better Than One: True color museum imaging using dual illumination." Designing Lighting. (2022). Web. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Farnand, Susan P. "Color appearance of facial images." Color and Imaging Conference. IS&T. Scottsdale, AZ. 14 Nov. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Scott Franklin
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Alaee, Dina Zohrabi, et al. "How physics textbooks embed meaning in the equals sign." American Journal of Physics 90. 273 (2022): online. Web. «
Teresa Gibson
Professor of Practice
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Gibson, Teresa B. "A Dynamic Analysis of Medication Adherence." The Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy 28. 12 (2022): 1392-1399. Print. *
Haff, Nancy, et al. "Association Between Cost-Saving Prescription Policy Changes and Adherence to Chronic Disease Medications: an Observational Study." Journal of General Internal Medicine 37. (2022): 531-538. Print. «
Thornhill, Martin H, et al. "Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Infective Endocarditis Before Invasive Dental Procedures." Journal of the American College of Cardiology 11. (2022): 1029-1041. Print. *
Livingston, Nicholas A, et al. "The Impact of COVID-19 and Rapid Policy Exemptions Expanding on Access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD): A Nationwide Veterans Health Administration Cohort Study." Drug Alcohol Depend 241. (2022): 109678. Web. *
Emmett Ientilucci
Associate Professor
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Jha, Sudhanshu Shekhar, Rama Rao Nidamanuri, and Emmett J. Ientilucci. "Influence of atmospheric modeling on spectral target detection through forward modeling approach in multi-platform remote sensing data." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 183. (2022): 286-306. Web. *
Zhao, Runchen, Emmett Ientilucci, and Peter Bajorski. "A Statistical Temperature Emissivity Separation Algorithm for Hyperspectral System Modeling." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL) 19. (2022): 1-5. Print. * £
Zhao, Runchen and Emmett Ientilucci. "A Full-Spectrum Spectral Imaging System Analytical Model with LWIR TES Capability." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. (2022): 10. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Ientilucci, Emmett, et al. "Development of test methods for hyperspectral cameras characterization in the P4001 standards development." Proceedings of the SPIE Algorithms, Technologies, and Applications for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging XXVIII. Ed. Miguel Velez-Reyes and David W. Messinger. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2022. Print.
Gartley, Mike and Emmett Ientilucci. "Temporally adjusted atmospheric compensation (TAAC) for space-based multi-spectral imagery." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Earth Observing Systems XXVII. Ed. James J. Butler. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2022. Print. ˜
Canas, C., et al. "Empirical validation of a hyperspectral systems model for subpixel target detection using data from a new UAS field collection." Proceedings of the SPIE Imaging Spectrometry. Ed. Emmett Ientilucci. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2022. Print. ˜
Ientilucci, Emmett J. "Proceedings Volume 1223, Imaging Spectrometry XXV." Proceedings of the Optical Engineering + Applications,. Ed. Emmett J. Ientilucci. San Diego, CA: SPIE, 2022. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ientilucci, Emmett. "Remote Sensing, Data Collection, and Hyperspectral Imaging." International Workshop on Remote Sensing and Applications. Technology Innovation Hub, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), and IEEE GRSS Kolkata Chapter. Kolkata, India. 12 Aug. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Ientilucci, Emmett. "Hyperspectral Image Analysis." Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Summer School 2022. Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), King Mongkut’s University of Technology. Bangkok, Thailand. 18 Jun. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Couwenhoven, Scott and Emmett Ientilucci. "A Weakly-supervised, Multi-task Deep Learning Framework For Shadow Mitigation in Remote Sensing Imagery." Proceedings of the IGARSS 2022. Ed. Hean Teik Chuah. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: n.p.. *
Lo, Eddie and Emmett Ientilucci. "Hyperspectral Object Detection using Neural Networks." Proceedings of the IGARSS 2022. Ed. Hean Teik Chuah. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysis: n.p.. *
Conran, David and Emmett Ientilucci. "A Vicarious Technique for Understanding HSI Misregistration Using Convex Mirrors." Proceedings of the IGARSS 2022. Ed. Hean Teik Chuah. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysis: n.p.. *
Chakraborty, D., et al. "Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images using Deep Feature Extraction and Active Learning." Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP). Ed. M. Tanveer. Indore, India: n.p.. *
Koranne, V., et al. "Segmentation of Smoke Plumes Using Fast Local Laplacian Filtering." Proceedings of the Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP). Ed. Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri. Nagpur, India: n.p.. *
Rangnekar, A., et al. "SpecAL: Towards Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery." Proceedings of the Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS). Ed. Erik Blasch. Cambridge, MA: n.p.. *
John Kerekes
Research Professor
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Prox, Lauren, et al. "Integrating Satellite and Sensor Measurements to Understand Urban Air Quality: A Case Study of PM2.5 in Asunción, Paraguay." EM: The Magazine for Environmental Managers. (2022): 1-7. Web. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Canas, Chase, et al. "Empirical validation of a hyperspectral systems model for subpixel target detection using data from a new UAS field collection." Proceedings of the Imaging Spectrometry XXV: Applications, Sensors, and Processing. Ed. Emmett Ientilucci and Christine Bradley. San Diego, CA: SPIE, 2022. Web. £
Nicola Lanata
Assistant Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lanatà, Nicola, et al. "Efficient implementation of the Gutzwiller variational method." Phys. Rev. B 85. (2012): 35133. Print. *
Jones, Alfred J. H., et al. "Observation of Electrically Tunable van Hove Singularities in Twisted Bilayer Graphene from NanoARPES." Adv. Mater. 32. (2020): 2001656. Print. *
Jones, Alfred J. H., et al. "Visualizing band structure hybridization and superlattice effects in twisted MoS2/WS2 heterobilayers." 2D Mater. 9. (2022): 15032. Print. *
Lanatà, Nicola. "Operatorial formulation of the ghost rotationally invariant slave-boson theory." Phys. Rev. B 105. (2022): 45111. Print. *
Chikina, Alla, et al. "One-dimensional electronic states in a natural misfit structure." Phys. Rev. Materials 6. (2022): L092001. Print. *
Kara Maki
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bernetski, Kimberly A., et al. "Predicting actuated contact line pinning forces and the elimination of hysteresis under AC electrowetting." Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 26. (2022): 94. Print. £
Nishant Malik
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Rana, Kamal, Nishant Malik, and Ugur Ozturk. "Landsifier v1.0: a Python library to estimate likely triggers of mapped landslides." Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22. (2022): 3751–3764. Print. * ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Malik, Nishant. "Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems." Frontiers in Geosciences. Los Alamos National Lab. Los Alamos, NM. 21 Nov. 2022. Lecture.
David Messinger
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Huang, Sihan and David Messinger. "An Unsupervised Laplacian Pyramid Network for Radiometrically-Accurate Data Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imagery." Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 14. 8 (2022): 1. Web. £
Huang, Sihan and David Messinger. "An Unsupervised Cascade Fusion Network for Radiometrically- Accurate Vis-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Sharpening." Remote Sensing 14. (2022): 4390. Web. £
Zawacki, Alexander, et al. "Fragments under the Lens: A Case Study of Multispectral versus Hyperspectral Imaging for Manuscript Recovery." Digital Philology 12. 1 (2023): 123-143. Web. £
Matt Miri
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry and Materials Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Honeycutt, D. S., et al. "Effects of alkyl and phenyl-substituted 1,3-propanediols on the synthesis and properties of polyesters with 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid." Polymer. (2022): 124584 (1 – 12). Print. *
Laura Munoz
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Munoz, Laura, Mark Ampofo, and Elizabeth Cherry. "Controllability of Voltage- and Calcium-Driven Alternans in a Cardiac Ionic Model." Proceedings of the Computing in Cardiology. Ed. Christine Pickett. Tampere, Finland: n.p., 2022. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Munoz, Laura. "Controllability of a Nonlinear Dynamical Model of a Cardiac Myocyte." Dynamics Days. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. 8 Jan. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Munoz, Laura. "Controllability of Voltage- and Calcium-Driven Cardiac Alternans in a Nonlinear Map Model." Conference on the Life Sciences. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Pittsburgh, PA. 13 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Munoz, Laura. "Controllability of Voltage- and Calcium-Driven Alternans in a Cardiac Ionic Model." Computing in Cardiology. CinC. Tampere, Finland. 6 Sep. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Michael Murdoch
Associate Professor
Color Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Royer, Michael, et al. "Improved Method for Evaluating and Specifying the Chromaticity of Light Sources." LEUKOS. (2022): 1-18. Web. *
Yuan, Yue, Michael J Murdoch, and Mark D. Fairchild. "A multiprimary lighting system for customized color stimuli." Color Research and Application 47. 1 (2022): 74-91. Web. *
Royer, Michael, et al. "Improved Method for Evaluating and Specifying the Chromaticity of Light Sources." LEUKOS 19. 1 (2023): 35-52. Web. «
Amawi, Rema and Michael J Murdoch. "Effects of pill colors on human perception and expectation of drugs' efficacy." Color Research and Application 47. 5 (2022): 1200-1215. Web. *
Amawi, Rema and Michael J Murdoch. "Understanding Color Associations and Their Effects on Expectations of Drugs’ Efficacies." Pharmacy 10. 4 (2022): 82. Web. *
Weymouth, Abigayle and Michael J Murdoch. "Speed perception of dynamic lighting around daylight." Journal of the International Colour Association 31. (2022): 30-39. Web. *
Yuan, Yue, Michael J Murdoch, and Mark D. Fairchild. "A multiprimary lighting system for customized color stimuli." Color Research and Application 47. 1 (2022): 74-91. Web. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Amawi, Rema and Michael J Murdoch. "Relating Color Associations to Pill Colors and Expected Efficacy." Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference. Ed. Jérémie Gerhardt and Anya Hurlbert. Scottsdale, AZ: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2022. Web. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Murdoch, Michael J. "Color in Layers: From Pepper’s Ghost to Augmented Reality." AIC 2022 Sensing Color. AIC. Toronto, Canada. 15 Jun. 2022. Keynote Speech. ∆
Murdoch, Michael J. "Color from Real Reality to Extended Reality." 3rd International Symposium for Color Science and Art. Tokyo Polytechnic University. Tokyo, Japan. 12 Mar. 2022. Keynote Speech. ∆
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Li, Zilong and Michael J Murdoch. "Improving Naturalness in Transparent Augmented Reality with Image Gamma and Black Level." Proceedings of the 30th Color and Imaging Conference,. Ed. Jérémie Gerhardt and Anya Hurlbert. Scottsdale, AZ: Society for Imaging Science and Technology. «
Dina Newman
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Wright, L. Kate, et al. "Teaching Meiosis with the DNA Triangle Framework: A Classroom Activity that Changes How Students Think about Chromosomes." Biochem Mol Biol Educ 50. (2022): 44-54. Print. *
Collison, Christina Goudreau, et al. "Reformed Experimental Activities (REActivities): Gauging the Fidelity of Implementation in a Reformed Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory." J Chem Ed 99. 5 (2022): 2032-2043. Print. *
Wright, L. Kate, et al. "The DNA Landscape: Development and Application of a New Framework for Visual Communication about DNA." CBE - Life Sci Educ 21. 3 (2022): ar47:1-8. Web. * ≠
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Newman, Dina L., et al. "The Power of Analogies." Proceedings of the 2022 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Ed. Tina Goudreau Collison. Rochester, NY: n.p.. *
Wright, L. Kate, Cole Dwyer, and Dina L. Newman. "The Protein Landscape: A Tool for Exploring Visual Literacy in Biochemistry." Proceedings of the 2022 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Ed. Tina Goudreau Collison. Rochester, NY: ACS. *
Shima Parsa Moghaddam
Assistant Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Izaguirre, Michael, Luke Nearhood, and Shima Parsa. "Quantifying Uniform Droplet Formation in Microfluidics Using Variational Mode Decomposition." Fluids 7. 5 (2022): 174. Print. *
Michael Radin
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Full Length Book
Radin, Michael A. ANALYZING MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS - DETECTION & FORMULATION. First ed. Tuck Link, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2023. Print. * £
Michael Richmond
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Aivazyan, V. and et al. "GRANDMA Observations of ZTF/Fink Transients during Summer 2021." arXiv. (2022): 1-22. Web.
Nourridine Siewe
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Siewe, Nourridine and Avner Friedman. "Combination therapy for mCRPC with immune checkpoint inhibitors, ADT and vaccine: A mathematical model." PLoS ONE 17. 1 (2022): e0262453. Web. *
Susan Smith
Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Orfanides, Gabriella, Andrea Patterson, and Susan Smith Pagano. "Characterizing stopover behavior, physiological condition, and haemosporidian infection status of Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) at a Lake Ontario stopover site." Proceedings of the AFO 100 Years: Association of Field Ornithologists Annual Conference. Ed. Association of Field Ornithologists. Plymouth, MA: Association of Field Ornithologists.
Pagano, Susan Smith, Gabriella Orfanides, and Andrea Patterson. "Spring migration stopover patterns in Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) at a northern lakeshore site." Proceedings of the AFO 100 Years: Association of Field Ornithologists Annual Conference. Ed. Association of Field Ornithologists. Plymouth, MA: Association of Field Ornithologists.
Macisco, Leonard James, et al. "Characterizing phenols in wine using multidimensional fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics." Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science Fall Scientific Paper Session. Ed. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY: Rochester Academy of Science.
Walter, Lauren and Susan Smith Pagano. "A preliminary study of avian window strikes on the RIT campus." Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science Fall Scientific Paper Session. Ed. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY: Rochester Academy of Science.
Hoh, Rachael, et al. "Physiological condition of passerines during fall and spring migration near Lake Ontario." Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science Fall Scientific Paper Session. Ed. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY: Rochester Academy of Science.
Orfanides, Gabriella, et al. "Using radio-telemetry to assess stopover patterns of two songbird species at a Lake Ontario stopover site." Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science Fall Scientific Paper Session. Ed. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY: Rochester Academy of Science.
Gerald Takacs
School of Chemistry and Materials Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
al., G. A. Takacs, et. "Sarah Oakes*, Ryan Keeley*, Hunter Heineman*, Tom Allston, Joel Shertok, Michael Mehan, Gregory K. ThompVacuum UV (VUV) Photo-Oxidation of Polyethersulfone (PES)." Technologies 10. 2 (2022): 49. Print. *
al., G.A. Takacs, et. "Heineman H*, Omar O*, Rippel B*, K Enhancing the Wettability of Polyetheretherketone (Peek) Membrane with Ozone for Improving Fuel Cell Performance." Journal of Energy and Power Technology 4. 4 (2022): 13. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Bailey, A.V. and G.A. Takacs. "A. Bailey and G.A. Takacs, “Online Educational Experiences with “Clean Energy: Hydrogen Fuel Cells”." Proceedings of the 2022 STEM/STREAM & Education Conference. Ed. Paulyne Stayberg, HUIC Conference Coordinator, Derek Leong, HUIC Conference Coordinator, and Ross McCallum Derek, HUIC Conference Coordinator. Honolulu, Hawaii:, 2022. Web. *
Jan van Aardt
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Zhang, Fei, et al. "Evaluation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) of Broadacre Crops Using UAS-Based LiDAR Point Clouds and Multispectral Imagery." IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 15. (2022): 18. Web. * £ ≠
Published Conference Proceedings
Zhang, Fei, et al. "WHITE MOLD AND WEED DETECTION IN SNAP BEANS USING UAS-BASED LIDAR." Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS. Ed. N/A. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: n.p., Web. ≠
Crista Wadsworth
Assistant Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Raisman, Jordan C., et al. "Evolutionary paths to macrolide resistance in a Neisseria commensal converge on ribosomal genes through short sequence duplications." Plos One 17. 1 (2022): e0262370. Print. £
Reilly, Emily, et al. "Draft Genome Sequences of Three Antibiotic-Producing Soil Bacteria, Staphylococcus pasteuri WAM01, Peribacillus butanolivorans WAM04, and Micrococcus yunnanensis WAM06, with Growth-Inhibiting Effects against Commensal Neisseria Strains." Microbiology Resource Announcements 11. 10 (2022): e00627-22. Print. £
Mozrall, Angeline R., et al. "Isolation, Whole-Genome Sequencing, and Annotation of Two Antibiotic-Producing and -Resistant Bacteria, Enterobacter roggenkampii RIT 834 and Acinetobacter pittii RIT 835, from Disposable Masks Collected from the Environment." Microbiology Resource Announcements 11. 10 (2022): e00757-22. Print. ˜
Goytia, Maira and Crista B. Wadsworth. "Canary in the Coal Mine: How Resistance Surveillance in Commensals Could Help Curb the Spread of AMR in Pathogenic Neisseria." mBio 13. 5 (2022): e01991-22. Print. ˜
John Whelan
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Abbott, R, et al. "Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data." The Astrophysical Journal Letters 941. (2022): L30. Print. * ≠
Wagner, Katelyn J., et al. "Template lattices for a cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1." Classical and Quantum Gravity 39. (2022): 75013. Print. * ≠
Tony Wong
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Wong, Tony E., et al. "Evidence for Increasing Frequency of Extreme Coastal Sea Levels." Frontiers in Climate. (2022): 1-12. Web. *
Hough, Alana and Tony E Wong. "Analysis of the Evolution of Parametric Drivers of High-End Sea-Level Hazards." Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography. (2022): 117–134. Web. *
Wong, Tony E., et al. "MimiBRICK.jl: A Julia package for the BRICK model for sea-level change in the Mimi integrated modeling framework." Journal of Open Source Software 7. 76 (2022): 4556. Web. ˜
Srikrishnan, Vivek, et al. "Uncertainty analysis in multi-sector systems: Considerations for risk analysis, projection, and planning for complex systems." Earth’s Future 10. (2022): 15. Web. *
Rennert, Kevin, et al. "Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2." Nature. (2022): 1-42. Web. *
Wong, Tony E., et al. "Sea Level and Socioeconomic Uncertainty Drives High-End Coastal Adaptation Costs." Earth's Future 10. (2022): e2022EF003061. Web. *
Leslie Kate Wright
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Newman, Dina L., et al. "Visual Literacy of Molecular Biology Revealed through a Card Sorting Task." Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. (2023): e00198-22. Web. *
Wright,, Leslie Kate, et al. "The DNA Landscape: Development and Application of a New Framework for Visual Communication about DNA." CBE—Life Sciences Education 21. 3 (2022): 21:ar47, 1-8. Web. *
Michael Zemcov
Associate Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sun, Fengwu, et al. "ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: ALMA-Herschel Joint Study of Lensed Dusty Star-forming Galaxies across z ≃ 0.5 - 6." The Astrophysical Journal 932. 2 (2022): 36. Web. * £
Butler, Victoria, et al. "Measurement of the Relativistic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Correction in RX J1347.5-1145." The Astrophysical Journal 932. 1 (2022): 15. Web. * £
Takimoto, Kohji, et al. "Polarization Spectrum of Near-Infrared Zodiacal Light Observed with CIBER." The Astrophysical Journal 926. 1 (2022): 16. Web. * £
Published Conference Proceedings
Mercado, Dale, et al. "Development of a Fourier transform spectrometer for the calibration of THz on-chip spectrometers." Proceedings of the Proceedings Volume 12190, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI. Ed. Jonas Zmuidzinas, Jian-Rong Gao. Montreal, Canada: SPIE, 2022. Web. *
Benjamin Zwickl
Associate Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Alaee, Dina Zohrabi, Micah K. Campbell, and Benjamin M. Zwickl. "Impact of Virtual Research Experience for Undergraduates Experiences on Students’ Psychosocial Gains during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Physical Review Physics Education Research 18. (2022): 10101. Web. *
Bennett, Ridge, Dina Zohrabi Alaee, and Benjamin M. Zwickl. "Analysis of Physics Students' Subfield Career Decision-Making Using Social Cognitive Career Theory." Proceedings of the 2022 Physics Education Research Conference. (2022): 51-56. Web. «
Verostek, Michael, et al. "Making Expert Cognitive Processes Visible: Planning and Preliminary Analysis in Theoretical Physics Research." Proceedings of the 2022 Physics Education Research Conference. (2022): 469-474. Web. «
Alaee, Dina Zohrabi and Benjamin Zwickl. "A Qualitative Analysis of Concept Maps Through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Programs." Proceedings of the 2022 Physics Education Research Conference. (2022): 525-530. Web. «
Flores, Mark, et al. "Factors Influencing Help Seeking and Help Avoidant Behaviors and Physics and Life Science Majors." Proceedings of the 2022 Physics Education Research Conference. (2022): 176-181. Web. «