Tiffany Panko

Tiffany Panko

Research Associate Professor
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Liberal Studies

2023 Submissions

Journal Paper

Helm, Kaila V.T., et al. "Maternal health experiences of Black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Women's Health Issues 33. 6 (2023): 610-617. Print. «

Uninvited Presentations

Stewardson, Jenna, et al. "Family planning practices in the deaf and hard of hearing community: Findings from the reproductive health experiences survey." 151st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. 151st American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 13 Nov. 2023. Conference Presentation.

Mazique, Rachel, et al. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to be Born." Fram Signature Lecture. RIT. Rochester, NY. 5 Oct. 2023. Poster Session.

Kane, Emma, et al. "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Perspectives of Sex Education Policies and Approach." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists. American Society for Microbiology. Phoenix, AZ. 17 Nov. 2023. Poster Session.

Stewardson, Jenna, et al. "Perspectives of menstrual stigma and alternative menstrual products within the Rochester deaf community." 151st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 13 Nov. 2023. Poster Session.

Wagner, Rhiannon, et al. "Deaf culture’s influences on menstrual attitudes, experiences, and preferences." 151st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 13 Nov. 2023. Poster Session.

2022 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Making virtual health care accessible to the deaf community: Findings from the telehealth survey." Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. (2022): 0. Print. «

Panko, Tiffany L, et al. "Deaf women’s experiences of pregnancy and perinatal healthcare access: A qualitative study." BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. (2022): 0. Web. «

Helm, Kaila VT, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. (2022): 0. Print. «

Helm, Kail, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. (2022): TBD. Print. «

Book Chapter

Mazique, Rachel, Tiffany L. Panko, and Jess A. Cuculick. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to be Born." The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature. Ed. Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022. 221-246. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Panko, Tiffany L, et al. "Navigating the Job Market: From Academia, Industry & Government Opportunities." Deaf/HH Scientists ROC Conference. RIT and URMC. Rochester, NY. 11 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.

Austin, Saundra Johnson, et al. "Business and Community Partners Panel Discussion." Zero Barriers in STEM Education: Accessibility and Inclusion Program. Smithsonian Science Education Center. Washington, DC. 14 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation.


Edlund, John, et al (2023-2024). Comprehension of Cardiac Consent - Similarities and Differences between Hearing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Populations. Grant proposal submitted to Convergence Accelerator Research, National Science Foundation. *

Uninvited Presentations

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Public health need for deaf healthcare providers and healthcare interpreters." Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses Conference. Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses. Las Vegas, NV. 20 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.

Paracha, Mariam, Tiffany L Panko, and LeeAnne Valentine. "Roundtable: How to Increase Access for Women and BIPOC in Health Care?" Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses Conference. Association for Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses. Las Vegas, NV. 19 Aug. 2022. Conference Presentation.

Doane, Ella, et al. "Deaf LGBT adults’ health literacy: Possible effect of stigma." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

McFadden, Trinity, et al. "Navigating COVID-19: Elucidating BIPOC student perspectives." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Disparities in cardiovascular knowledge in the Deaf community: Importance of accessibility." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Effects of language deprivation on deaf adults cognitive health." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Doane, Rachel, Corrine Occhino, and Tiffany L Panko. "Abortion Stigma in the Deaf Community." RIT Undergraduate Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 28 Jul. 2022. Poster Session.

D'Aurio, Toni and Tiffany L Panko. "Perspectives of Comfort in Interpreting Reproductive Health Care." RIT Undergraduate Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 3 Aug. 2022. Poster Session.

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Making virtual health care accessible to the deaf community: Findings from the telehealth survey." Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. (2021): TBD. Print. ˜

Panko, Tiffany L., et al. "The Deaf Community's Experiences Navigating COVID-19 Pandemic Information." Health Literacy Research and Practice 5. 2 (2021): e162-e170. Web. *

Rotoli, Jason M., et al. "Emergency Medical Services Communication Barriers and the Deaf American Sign Language User." Prehospital Emergency Care. (2021): 1-13. Web. «

Invited Paper

Panko, Tiffany L., Shazia Siddiqi, and Jason Rotoli. "Supporting the deaf community: Do they have access to breastfeeding resources?" Breastfeeding Resiliency, Engagement, and Empowerment Newsletter. (2021). Web. ˜


Panko, Tiffany. Discovery Quest Exhibition. 2021. Dayton Society of Natural History, Dayton, OH. Exhibit.

Panko, Tiffany. Faces of Science: Ambassadors for Equity. 2021. Museum of Science, Boston, MA. Exhibit.

Panko, Tiffany. #IfThenSheCan The Exhibit. 2021. NorthPark Center, Dallas, TX. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Panko, Tiffany, Jeanne Alhusen, and Kristi Kirschner. "Disability and Pregnancy: Health Care Providers." The Accessibility of Motherhood: A Virtual Workshop on Disability and Pregnancy. NIDILRR Administration for Community Living. Washington, DC. 2 Nov. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Cureaux, Mechelle, et al. "Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate: Lessons Learned." Texas STEMinar Series. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, TX. 21 Apr. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Uninvited Presentations

Chandanabhumma, Paul, et al. "Contributions of health information accessibility to health literacy among deaf individuals." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Center. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "COVID-19: Telehealth for the deaf." American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 24 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Helm, Kaila, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 24 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Effects of language deprivation on deaf adults cognitive health." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Campus. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Disparities in cardiovascular knowledge in the Deaf community: Importance of accessibility." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Campus. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

McFadden, Trinity, et al. "Navigating COVID-19: Elucidating BIPOC student perspectives." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Campus. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Doane, Ella, et al. "Deaf LGBT adults’ health literacy: Possible effect of stigma." Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University Medical Campus. Boston, MA. 1 Nov. 2021. Poster Session.

Schecter, Arielle, et al. "Facilitators and barriers to safe sex and effective contraception in deaf women: A mixed methods study." Family Medicine Education Consortium. Family Medicine Education Consortium. Philadelphia, PA. 9 Oct. 2021. Poster Session.

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf women’s contraceptive practices." National Sexual Health Conference. United States National Sexual Health Conference. Washington, DC. 6 Oct. 2021. Poster Session.

Doane, Rachel, et al. "Language deprivation impact on deaf women’s access to reproductive health." National Sexual Health Conference. United States National Sexual Health Conference. Washington, DC. 6 Oct. 2021. Poster Session.

Contreras, Jessica, et al. "Mentoring Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate: COVID and Beyond." Understanding Interventions Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers Conference. Understanding Interventions, Inc.. Kendall Park, NJ. 8 Jul. 2021. Poster Session.

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Panko, Tiffany L., et al. "Deaf Community’s Challenges with COVID-19: Health Information Access Issues." Health Literacy Research and Practice. (2020): TBD. Print. «

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Non-medical COVID-19-related personal impact in medical ecological perspective: A global multileveled, mixed method study." PLOS One. (2020): TBD. Print. «

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Risk of COVID-19-related bullying, harassment and stigma among healthcare workers: an analytical cross-sectional global study." BMJ open 10. 12 (2020): 0. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students’ Health Literacy." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community’s Experience of COVID-19." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Strategies among Pregnant People and their Partners." Proceedings of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, January 2021, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Catherine Bradley and Roberto Romero. New York, NY: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021. Print.

Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Worldwide COVID-19-related Knowledge, Impact, and Worry in Pregnant People and their Partners." Proceedings of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, January 2021, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Catherine Bradley and Roberto Romero. New York, NY: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021. Print.


Panko, Tiffany. Contemporary Women in STEM. 2020. International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago, IL. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Panko, Tiffany L. "Reflecting on the Scalpel as a Deaf Physician Scientist." Guest presentation. International Museum of Surgical Science. Chicago, IL. 12 Nov. 2020. Guest Lecture.

Uninvited Presentations

Panko, Tiffany L. "Reproductive Injustice in the Deaf Community." JusticeNOW2020. SPARK. Atlanta, GA. 21 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Hidden Disparity in Health Literacy Among Deaf College Students." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. 9 Nov. 2020. Poster Session.

Sahetapy, Surya, et al. "Deaf Community’s Access to Internet and eHealth Literacy." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. 9 Nov. 2020. Poster Session.

Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students' Health Literacy." Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 20 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community's Experience of COVID-19." Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Boston University. Boston, MA. 19 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation.