Anne Marie Canale Headshot

Anne Marie Canale

Senior Faculty Career Development Consultant

Faculty Career Development
Academic Affairs
Adjunct Faculty

Office Location

Anne Marie Canale

Senior Faculty Career Development Consultant

Faculty Career Development
Academic Affairs
Adjunct Faculty


Selected Publications:

  • Canale, Anne Marie, Herdklotz, Cheryl, and Wild, Lynn. Flexible Faculty Development. Inside Higher Ed., May 2, 2019
  • Canale, Anne Marie & Herdklotz, Cheryl. Invited panelists for Harvard Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) webinar, "Success After Tenure: Lessons in Engaging Mid-Career Faculty" October 26, 2018. Slides
  • Mee, Susan, Herdklotz, Cheryl, and Canale, Anne Marie. Faculty Orientation to Off-Campus and International Campus Locations. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. DOI: 10.1080/1533290X.2018.1499238, September 5, 2018
  • Mee, Susan, Herdklotz, Cheryl, and Canale, Anne Marie, presented at the 18th Distance Library Services Conference (DLSC) in San Antonio, April 2018. The DLSC focuses on the challenges and rewards of delivering library services and resources to distance students and faculty. Their presentation, Delivering a Collaborative Faculty Orientation to Off-Campus and International Campus Locations, covers their experience with a pilot International Faculty Orientation delivered remotely to RIT’s campuses in Dubai, Croatia, and Kosovo.
  • Article republished in recent anthology: Wild, L., Canale, A., & Herdklotz, C. (2018). The power of many: Mentoring networks for growth and development. In H. Zimar & J. Montgomery (Ed.), Mentorship in higher education: Practical advice and leadership theories.  Washington, DC: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).
  • Herdklotz, Cheryl, and Canale, Anne Marie. Made to Order. Inside Higher Ed. December 2017
  • Wild, Lynn, Herdklotz, Cheryl, & Canale, Anne Marie.  The power of many: Mentoring networks for growth and developmentCollege & University. April 2017

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Group dynamics explores current theories and models of how individuals work within groups. The outcome of this analysis is to allow students to learn to effectively manage, lead, and generate results from group processes. The facilitation of groups into teams to achieve stated outcomes is within the group process strategies learned. The outcome of this course is to provide students with an understanding of group dynamics and their impact on organizational interventions with emphasis on team building, facilitation tools, and techniques.
3 Credits
The process of instructional design is both an art and science. The framework of this course is to teach the students how to design instruction regardless of content area to allow learners to successfully achieve stated outcomes. The components of the course include problem identification, needs assessment, analysis of learner’s abilities, the design of measurable performance objectives, the development of assessment strategies within the design of instructional materials, and the formative and summative evaluation process.
3 Credits
Learning in the 21st century requires creating an engaging and exciting learning experience whether you are interested in online, classroom-based or blended, and delivery for a school, college or training environment. This course guides you through the process of developing and applying a learning product or solution that addresses a performance gap or educational need in any educational or training experience. The course learning outcome is to develop an instructional strategy proposal, create a learning plan that includes technology to support the learning experience and then evaluate the effectiveness of that learning plan. Course topics include: learning in the 21st century, understanding diversity in learning design, and applying assistive technologies, analyzing task and learner needs; applying instructional design principles with a focus on educational technologies, exploring innovative and emerging technologies; and evaluating strategy. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: • Demonstrate knowledge of a job analysis/needs analysis and selection of an appropriate model to accomplish learning. • Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement a learning strategy using technology, given the needs of the learners and the organization. • Describe how to conduct a formative evaluation process evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the selected learning strategy in the work environment including learner achievement and the organization's needs. • Evaluate technology used for learning and training purposes. This course is open to any graduate status student or department permission.