College of Health Sciences and Technology - 2013

Faculty Scholarship 2013

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Caroline Easton

Biomedical Sciences
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Buchanan, A., et al. "Risk Factors of Violence During a 4-week Period in a Psychiatric Outpatient Population." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 201. 12 (2013): 1021-6. Print. £

Oberleitner, L.M., D.L. Mandel, and C.J. Easton. "Treatment of Co-occurring Alcohol Dependence and Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Anger Expression." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 45. 3 (2013): 313-8. Print. £

Crane, C.A., C.J. Easton, and S. Devine. "The Association Between Phencyclidine Use and Partner Violence: An Initial Examination." Journal of Addictive Diseases 32. 2 (2013): 150-7. Print. £

Crane, C.A., et al. "Relationship Status Acceptance, Alcohol Use, and the Perpetration of Verbal Aggression Among Males Mandated to Treatment for Intimate Partner Violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28. 13 (2013): 2731-48. Print. £

Stover, C.S., C.J. Easton, and T.J. McMahon. "Parenting of Men with Co-occurring Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Abuse." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28. 11 (2013): 2290-314. Print. £

Crane, C., L. Oberleitner, and C. Easton. "Sub-clinical Trauma in the Treatment of Partner Violent Offenders with Substance Dependence." Advances in Dual Diagnosis 6. (2013): 5-13. Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Easton, Caroline J. "Treating IPV Among Substance Abusers. One Size Does Not Fit All." Scholarship Series: Treating Co-occurring Addiction and Domestic Violence. University of Greenwich. Greenwich, London. 14 Dec. 2012. Keynote Speech.

Easton, Caroline J. "Best Practice Procedures for the Treatment of Clients with Co-occurring Addiction and Intimate Partner Violence." National Webinar on Addiction and Domestic Violence Treatments: JWI. JWI Webinar Series on Domestic Violence Interventions. Washington, DC. 21 Mar. 2013. Keynote Speech.

Easton, C.J., et al. "Using FaceReader, Interactive Technology and Avatar Coaches to Treat Addiction and Aggression." RIT at the LPGA. Wegmans LPGA. Rochester, NY. 6-9 Jun. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Treating Substance Abusing Male Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence with Best Practice Procedure: Moving Beyond a One Size Fits All Approach." Treating Family Violence as a Contagious Diesase: "Moving Beyond a One Size Fits All Approach". Rochester Institute of Technology College of Health Science and Technology. Rochester, NY. 11 Mar. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline J. "Treating Co-occurring Addiction and IPV: A One Size Does Not Fit All Approach." Department of Human Services Guest Lecture. The Department of Human Services and the Commissioner of Human Services. Rochester, NY. 22 Jan. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Using Interactive Technology in Treating Co-Occurring Addiction and IPV. Illustrating the Use of Avatar Coaches and the Noldus FaceReader." RIT's Effective Access Interactive Technology Conference. RIT INN and Conference Center. Rochester, NY. 11 May 2013. Keynote Speech.

Easton, Caroline. "Treating IPV Among Substance Abusing Offenders." Presentation to Monroe County's Key Stakeholders [Judges Doran/Schwartz/Elliott, Defense and State's Attorneys , Probation, Diversionary Court Staff, Ambulatory Clinic Leaders, Victim Advocacy Groups]. Monroe County's Key Stakeholders. Rochester, NY. 10 Jul. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Using Interactive Technology: FaceReader, Avatar Coaches and Educational Videos in the Treatment of Addiction and IPV." Invited Lecturer at CCSI Luncheon. Coordinated Care Services. Inc. Rochester, NY. 11 Jul. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Using a Substance Abuse-Domestic Violence Intervention to Treat Substance Using Offenders of IPV." Rochester General Hospital's Guest Lecture. Rochester General Hospital's Ambulatory Treatment Facility, Genesee Mental Health. Rochester, NY. 30 Jan. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Treating Substance Using Offenders of IPV with Evidenced Based Science." Monroe County's Office of Mental Health. The Office of the Commissioner of Mental Health. Rochester, NY. 6 Feb. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline. "Treating Addiction Among Offenders of IPV." Delphi Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. Domestic Violence Conference. Delphi. Rochester, NY. 3 May 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline J. "Addressing Co-occurring IPV and Addiction in Substance Abuse Treatment: One Size Does Not Fit All." Domestic Violence Safety Network Conference. Safenet. Erie, PA. 1 Dec. 2013. Keynote Speech.

Easton, Caroline J. "Using Innovative Technology and Avatars in the Treatment of Addiction and Aggression." Channel 13 News. Channel 13. Rochester, NY. 2 May 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline J. "One Size Does Not Fit All: Addressing Co-occurring Intimate Partner Violence and Addiction in Substance Abuse Treatment." University of Rochester School of Public Health Grand Rounds. University of Rochester School of Public Health. Rochester, NY. 6 Dec. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline J. "Treating IPV within the Context of Substance Abuse Treatment: One Size Does Not Fit All." St. Vincent's Medical Hospital Grand Rounds Lecture. St. Vincent's Medical Hospital. Erie, PA. 1 Nov. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Easton, Caroline J. "Treating Co-Occurring Addiction and IPV with Evidenced Based Practices." National Public Radio (NPR). National Public Radio. Rochester, NY. 15 Apr. 2013. Guest Lecture.

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Hamad Ghazle

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ghazle, Hamad. "Sonographic Evaluation of Normal Breast." Sonographic Recognition & Interpretation 2013. Rochester Ultrasound Society. Rochester, NY. 3 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation.

Ghazle, Hamad. "Understanding Ultrasound Tissue Harmonics." Diagnostic Radiology Conference. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 3 Apr. 2013. Guest Lecture.

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Elizabeth Kmiecinski

Associate Professor
Dietetics and Nutrition
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kmiecinski, Elizabeth and Barbra Cerio-Iocco. "Benefits of Teaching Nutrition Principles Applied to the Mediterranean Diet to Supermarket Managers." Proceedings of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics-Food/Nutrition Conference/Expo. Ed. Linda Snetselaar, PhD, RD, LD,. Chicago, Illinois: n.p., 2013. Print. ˜

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Patricia Newcomb

Physician Assistant
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Newcomb, PM, SF Cramer, and PC Leppert. "Myometrial Hyperplasia Mimics the Clinical Presentation of Uterine Fibroids: A Report of 3 Cases." International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 32. 6 (2013): 585-591. Print. *

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John Oliphant

Associate Professor
Physician Assistant
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Oliphant, John B. "The Physician Assistant Profession in Liberia." NCCPA Invitational Meeting for International Delegates. National Committee on Certification of Physician Assistants. Washington, DC. 29 May 2013. Conference Presentation.

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Daniel Ornt

Biomedical Sciences
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Ornt, DB, et al. "Impact of Frequent Hemodialysis on Anemia Management: Results from the Frequent Hemodialysis Network (FHN) Trials." Nephrol Dialysis Transpl 27. (2013): 1888-1898. Print. *

Suri, R., et al. "Risk of Vascular Access Complications with Frequent Hemodialysis: Results from the Frequent Hemodialysis Network Trials." J Am Soc Nephrol 24. (2013): 498-505. Print. *

Daugirdas, JT, et al. "Effect of Frequent Femodialysis on Residual Kidney Function: Frequent Hemodialysis Network (FHN) Trials." Kidney International 83. (2013): 949-958. Print. *

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James Perkins

Medical Illustration
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Full Length Book

Perkins, Jim, et al. Robbins Basic Pathology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Perkins, Jim and Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Perkins, Jim, et al. The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Vol. 7, Part II - Nervous System - Spinal Cord and Peripheral Motor and Sensory Systems. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Perkins, Jim, et al. The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Vol. 7, Part I - Nervous System - The Brain. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Perkins, Jim, Joseph Ianotti, and Richard Parker. The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Vol. 6, Part III - Musculoskeletal System - Biology and Systemic Diseases. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Journal Paper

Riddle, R. Scott, et al. "Retopologizing MRI and Diffusion Tensor Tractography Datasets for Real-Time Interactivity." Journal of Biocommunication 39. 1 (2013): E18-E25. Web. *

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Elizabeth Perry

Senior Lecturer
Biomedical Sciences
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kriscenski-Perry, E, AD Kovacs, and DA Pearce. "Seizure Susceptibility, Phenotype, and Resultant Growth Delay in the nclf and mnd Mouse Models of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses." The Journal of Child Neurology 28. Sep (9) (2013): 1137-41. Print. *

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Laurence Sugarman

Research Professor
Biomedical Sciences, Center for Applied Psychophysiology and Self-regulation
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Full Length Book

Sugarman, Laurence I. and William C. Wester, II. Therapeutic Hypnosis with Children and Adolescents. Second ed. Bethel, CT: Crown House Publishing Limited, 2013. Print. ∆

Journal Paper

Sugarman, Laurence I., Brian L. Garrison, and Kelsey L. Williford. "Symptoms as Solutions: Hypnosis and Biofeedback for Autonomic Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder." The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 56. 2 (2013): 152-173. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Sugarman, Laurence I., Stephen Jacobs, and Robert H. Rice. "Creating MindGamersTM: A Physiologically-Controlled, Customizable, Therapeutic Video Game to Treat Anxiety and Repetitive Behaviors in Youth with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders." Proceedings of the International Meeting for Autism Research. Ed. International Soceity for Autism Research. San Sebastien, Spain: n.p., 2013. Web. £

Garrison, Brian L., et al. "Tailoring Autonomic Biofeedback to Individual Strengths with a Dynamic Feedback Signal Set." Proceedings of the Society for Psychophysilogical Research, 2 October 2013, Florence, Italy. Ed. Robert F. Simons. Brunswick, NJ: Wiley, 2013. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Sugarman, Laurence I. "Pediatric Hypnosis Workshop." Graduate Mental Health Supervision. Regional Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Center. Oslo, Norway. 28 Oct. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Sugarman, Laurence I. "Autism, Autonomy and Autonomic Regulation: Roles for Hypnosis and Biofeedback." Child Hypnosis Congress. Milton Erickson Geselleschaft. Heidelberg, Germany. 2 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

Sugarman, Laurence I. "Autism, Autonomy and Autonomic Regulation: Roles for Hypnosis and Biofeedback." Joint Child & Adolescent Psychiatry + Pediatrics Grand Rounds. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas, TX. 20 Nov. 2013. Guest Lecture. ∆

Sugarman, Laurence I. "Director, Intermediate Workshop, National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute." Annual Workshops. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. 3 Oct. 2013. Conference Presentation.

Sugarman, Laurence I. "Director, Professional Training Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis." American Society of Clinicla Hypnosis Regional Workshop. American Soceity of Clinical Hypnosis. San Diego, CA. 11 Apr. 2013. Lecture.

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Bolaji Thomas

Biomedical Sciences
College of Health Sciences and Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Adefenwa, MA, et al. "Novel Intron 2 Polymorphism in the Melanophilin Gene is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and not Associated with Coat Color." Open Journal of Genetics 3. (2013): 195-200. Web. «

Thomas, BN and AF Fagbenro-Beyioku. "Loa Loa Microfilaremia in a Blood Donor-A Case Report." Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2. 1 (2013): 46-47. Web. «

Thomas, BN, et al. "Extensive Ethnogenomic Diversity of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) Polymorphisms." Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 7. (2013): 1-10. Web. «

Adefenwa, MA, et al. "Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) Gene in Some Goat Breeds in Tropical and Temperate Climates." Molecular Biology Reports 40. 7 (2013): 4447-4457. Web. «

Sanni, T, et al. "Molecular Diagnosis of Subclinical African Trypanosoma Vivax Infection and Association with Physiological Indices and Serum Metabolites in Extensively Managed Goats in the Tropics." Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 3. (2013): 39-45. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Thomas, BN, et al. "Endothelin-1 but not Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms are Implicated in Sickle Cell Disease." Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association for Immunologists. Ed. Pamela J. Fink. Bethesda, MD: American Association for Immunologists, 2013. Print. «

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