College of Engineering Technology - 2013

Faculty Scholarship 2013

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Amanda Bao

Associate Professor
Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Li, Hang, et al. "Ultrathin, Molecular-Sieving Graphene Oxide Membranes for Selective Hydrogen Separation." Science 342. 6154 (2013): 95-98. Web. * «

Published Conference Proceedings

Bao, Yu and Andrew Rietz. "Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction in Fully Integral Abutment Bridges with HP Driven Piles." Proceedings of the 7th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference. Ed. Siamak Yazdani, Amarjit Singh. Honolulu, HI: Research Publishing Services, 2013. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Bao, Amanda (Yu). "Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction in Bridges with HP Piles." Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Western New York Fall Conference. Association for Bridge Construction and Design. Buffalo, NY. 15 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Jeanne Christman

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Christman, Jeanne and Antonio Mondragon-Torres. "Embedded Systems Design Curriculum Conversion from Quarters to Semesters." Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education. Ed. IEEE. Oklahoma City, OK: IEEE, 2013. Web. ˜

Christman, Jeanne and Antonio Mondragon. "A Comprehensive Embedded Systems Design Course and Laboratory." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education. Ed. IEEE. Austin, TX: IEEE, 2013. Web. *

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Betsy Dell

Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Book Chapter

Garrick, Robert D., et al. "Creating Technology Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education. Ed. Charles Wankel and Patrick Blessinger. Cambridge, MA: Emerald Publishing, 2013. 263-306. Print. « ≠

Published Conference Proceedings

Dell, Elizabeth M., Jeanne W. Christman, and Sandra Murphy. "A First Year Experience Discovery Course for Women in Engineering Technology." Proceedings of the Women in Engineering Pro-Advocates Network National Conference. Ed. WEPAN. Atlanta, GA: n.p., 2013. Web. «

Dell, Elizabeth M., et al. "Increasing Engagement in the Materials Science Classroom Through the Use of Guided Inquiry in a Technology Rich Learning Environment." Proceedings of the International Materials Education Symposium. Ed. Granta. Cambridge, UK: n.p., 2013. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Dell, Elizabeth. "Creating Technology Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference. HETL. Orlando, FL. 4 Jan. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

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Carlos Diaz-Acosta

Associate Professor
Packaging Science
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Matuana, Laurent M. and Carlos A. Diaz. "Strategy To Produce Microcellular Foamed Poly(lactic acid)/Wood-Flour Composites in a Continuous Extrusion Process." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 52. 34 (2013): 12032-12040. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Diaz, Carlos A. "Modification of Bio-based Plastics through Microcellular Foaming." Proceedings of the 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging 2013. Ed. Mika Vaha-Nissi. Espoo, Finland: n.p., 2013. Print. £

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Michael Eastman

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Gupta, Surrendra K., et al. "TiPi Scholars Program for transfer students from two-year colleges." Proceedings of the ASEE ST. Lawrence Section Conference. Ed. ASEE. Buffalo, NY: ASEE, 2013. Web. «

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md Abdullah al Faruque

Associate Professor
Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Faruque, M.A.A. and R. Balachandar. "Effect of Injection and Suction on Mean Velocity and Bed Stability in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the CACAM 2013, June 2nd - 6th, 2013, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Ed. Unknown. Saskatchewan, Canada: n.p., 2013. Web. *

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Robert Garrick

Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Full Length Book

Villasmil, Larry and Robert Garrick. Mechanics of Fluids and Fluid Power. 1st ed. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2013. Print. *

Book Chapter

Garrick, Robert, et al. "Creating Technology Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Classroom Technologies: Classroom Response Systems and Mediated Discourse Technologies. Ed. Patrick Blessinger and Charles Wankel. Bingley, United Kingdom, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2013. 263-304. Print. « ≠

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Dell, Elizabeth, et al. "Increasing Engagement in the Materials Science Classroom Through the Use of Guided Inquiry in a Technology Rich Learning Environment." 5th International Materials Education Symposium. Materials Education. Cambridge, United Kingdom, UK. 4 Apr. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Dell, Elizabeth, Robert Garrick, and Larry Villasmil. "Creating Technology-Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) Association Conference. Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) Association. Orlando, FL. 13 Jan. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

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Changfeng Ge

Packaging Science
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Full Length Book

Ge, Changfeng and Andrew Hurley. Package Development with SolidWorks. 2013 ed. Mission, KS: SDC, 2013. Print. *

Journal Paper

Ge, Changfeng. "A Comparative Study Between Felted and Triaxial Compressed Polymer Foams on Cushion Performance." Journal of Cellular Plastics 49. 6 (2013): 521-533. Print. *

Ge, Changfeng, Yujie Cheng, and Yan Shen. "Application of the Finite Elemental Analysis to Modeling Temperature Change of the Vaccine in an Insulated Packaging Container during Transport." PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 67. 5 (2013): 544-552. Print. *

Ge, Changfeng. "Application of Experimental Modal Analysis to Determine Damping Properties for Stacked Corrugated Boxes." Mathematical Problems in Engineering. (2013): 1-8. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Ge, Changfeng, Thomas Kausch, and Daniel Goodwin. "Effect of the Package Height and Testing Speed on the Compression Test of A Corrugated Box." Proceedings of the 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging 2013. Ed. Mika Vaha-Nissi. Helsinki, Helsinki: IAPRI, 2013. Print. «

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Daniel Goodwin

Packaging Science
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Goodwin, Daniel, et al. "Shock and Vibration Protection Based on Biocushion Performance Curves." Proceedings of the 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, 10 - 13 June 2013, Helsinki Finland. Ed. Mika Vaha-Nissi. Helsinki, Finland: VTT Finland, 2013. Print.

Invited Paper

Goodwin, Daniel. "How to Teach Vibration 101." TEST Engineering and Management. (2013). Print. ˆ

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James Hurny

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Koontz, Warren. "Artificial Reverberation Using Multi-port Acoustic Elements." Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 20. 1 (2013) Print. «

Koontz, Warren. "Multiport Acoustic Models with Applications in Audio Signal Processing." Journal of Audio Engineering Society 61. 10 (2013): 727-736. Print. «

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SungYoung Kim

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kim, Sungyoung, et al. "Inter-subject Differences in Personalized Technical Ear Training and the Influence of an Individually Optimized Training Sequence." Acoustical Science and Technology 34. 6 (2013): 424-431. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Watanabe, Takayuki, Masahiro Ikeda, and Sungyoung Kim. "Active Field Control Using Sound Field Generation Techniques: Case Study of A Live Concert at A Virtual Renaissance Church." Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics. Ed. ICA. Montreal, Quebec: ICA, 2013. Print. ∆

Kim, Sungyoung, et al. "Subjective Evaluation of Multichannel Sound with Surround-Height Channels." Proceedings of the 135th Audio Engineering Society Convention. Ed. AES. New York, New York: Audio Engineering Society, 2013. Web. *

Kim, Sungyoung, et al. "Rendering an Immersive Sound Field Using a Virtual Height Loudspeaker: Effect of Height-related Room Impulse Responses." Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). Ed. GCCE. Makuhari, Japan: IEEE, 2013. Print. *


Beghin, Matt Haimovitz & Tom. Virtual Salon. Dirs. Sungyoung Kim and Wieslaw Woszczyk. 5 Jun. 2013. Multimedia Room (MMR) at the Schulich School of Music of McGill University, Montreal. Performance.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kim, Sungyoung. "Virtual Acoustics in Action: Turning a Classroom into a Concert Hall." Rochester Engineering Symposium. Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies and RIT. Rochester, New York. 23 Apr. 2013. Lecture. ˜

Kim, Sungyoung. "Rise and Shine: Multichannel Audio Beyond Stereo." NYSETA Fall Conference 2013. New York State Engineering Technology Association. Alfred, New York. 25 Oct. 2013. Lecture.

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Spencer Kim

Associate Professor
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kim, Spencer. "Transforming Undergraduate Curriculum for Green Plastics Manufacturing Technology (GPMT)." Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference for ASEE, 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, June 23-26, Atlanta, GA. Ed. American Society of Engineering Education. Washington, DC: n.p., Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kim, Spencer. "Optimization of 3-D Printing Parameters for Development of Biodegradable Hybrid Materials." SPE Environmental Division. Society of Plastics Engineers. New Orleans, LA. 20 Mar. 2013. Conference Presentation. £

Kim, Spencer. "Transforming Curriculum for Workforce Development in Green Plastics Manufacturing Technology (GPMT)." 2013 CCLI/TUES PI Conference. National Science Foundation (NSF). Washington, DC. 21 Jan. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

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Ti-Lin Liu

Associate Professor
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Liu, Ti Lin,. "Teaching Linkage Design and Analysis with Working Model 2D Simulation Tool." International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management System. . Cocoa Beach, FL. 25 Mar. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

Liu, Ti Lin,. "Teaching IMpact Stress and Deflection in Strength of Materials." NYSETA Spring 2013. NYSETA. Fulton, New York. 18 Apr. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

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Drew Maywar

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Baveja, P., et al. "All-Optical SOA-Based Wavelength Converters with Sub-mW Pumping." IEEE Photonic Technology Letters 25. (2013): 78-80. Print. * £ ≠

Xiao, Y., D. Maywar, and G. P. Agrawal. "Propagation of Few-Cycle Pulses in Nonlinear Kerr Media: Harmonic Generation." Optics Letters 38. (2013): 724-726. Print. * £ ≠

Xiao, Y., D. N. Maywar, and G. P. Agrawal. "Time Transformation Approach to Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Dispersive Media: Inclusion of Delayed Raman Nonlinearity." Physical Review A 87. (2013): 63816. Print. * £ ≠

Published Conference Proceedings

Xiao, Y., D. N. Maywar, and G. P. Agrawal. "Propagation of Few-Cycle Pulses in Nonlinear Kerr Media: Harmonic Generation." Proceedings of the Conference for Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Ed. M. Wraback. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2013. Print. * £ ≠

Xiao, Y., D. N. Maywar, and G. P. Agrawal. "Time Transformation Approach to Nonlinear Pulse Propagation: Kerr and Delayed Raman Response." Proceedings of the Conference for Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Ed. M. Wraback. San Jose, CA: n.p., Print. * £ ≠

Journal Editor

Matsuo, Y., et al, ed. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Tokyo: Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2013. Print.

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Antonio Mondragon

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Mondragon, Antonio F. "An Agile Embedded Systems Capstone Course: Overview, Experiences, and Lessons Learned." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education 2013. Ed. IEEE Education Society, ASEE. Oklahoma City, OK: IEEE Education Society, ASEE, 2013. Print. «

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F, et al. "A Digital Bandgap." Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Ed. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Columbus, OH: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2013. Print. «

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F, Adriana Becker-Gomez, and Joe Bungo. "The ARM Developer Day: Engaging Engineering Students through Industry-relevant Hands-On Workshops." Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Ed. American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA: American Society for Engineering Education, 2013. Print. «

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F, et al. "The Embedded Development Tools You Did Not Have When Growing Up." Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Ed. American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA: American Society for Engineering Education, 2013. Print. «

Mondragon, Antonio F and Jeanne W Christman. "A Comprehensive Embedded Systems Design Course and Laboratory." Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education. Ed. IEEE Computer Society. Austin, TX: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. Print. «

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F, et al. "Formulation, Analysis, and Hardware Implementation of Chaotic Dynamics Based Algorithm for Compression and Feature Recognition in Digital Images." Proceedings of the Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems. Ed. SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics. Burlingame, CA: SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. Print. «


Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F. ARM Student Design Contest. 4 May 2013. 2013 Imagine RIT, Rochester. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F. "How TI Technology is Being Used Throughout an Embedded Systems Curriculum." 2013 US & Canada Analog Design Contest Engibous Summit. Texas Instruments. Dallas, TX. 23 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

Mondragon-Torres, Antonio F. "Power Line Communications." NYSETA 2012 Fall Meet. NYSETA. Rochester, NY. 24 Oct. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

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Bruce Myers

Associate Professor
School of Media Sciences
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Myers, Bruce Leigh. "Adoption of Technologies for Contract Color Proofing in Commercial Printers." Visual Communications Journal 49. Fall (2013): 3-7. Print. £

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Mark Olles

Associate Professor
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Maqsoodi, Noorullah, et al. "Joint Reaction Forces in the Distal Radioulnar Joint (DRUJ) Pre and Post Osteotomy." 19th Annual McNair Research Conference. Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program. Niagara Falls, NY. 11-13 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. ˜

Maqsoodi, Noorullah, et al. "Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint Reactive Force as a Result of Ulnar Impaction Syndrome Osteotomies." Undergraduate Research Symposium 2013. RIT. Rochester, NY. 2 Aug. 2013. Conference Presentation. ˜

Maqsoodi, Noorullah, et al. "Measurement of Joint Reaction Forces in the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint." 40th Annual Fall Scientific Paper Session of the Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY. 9 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation. ˜

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Nick Paulus

School of Media Sciences
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Book Chapter

Paulus, Nicholas. "OAJ From A to Z: How to Succeed at Launching an OA Journal." Library Publishing Toolkit. Ed. Allison Brown. Geneseo, NY: IDS Project Press, 2013. 223-232. Print. *

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Alan Raisanen

Associate Professor
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Raisanen, Alan, et al. "High Performance Silicon Free-Standing Anodes Fabricated by Low-Pressure and Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition onto Carbon Nanotube Electrodes." Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development 15 August. (2013): 10. Print. * ˆ

Published Conference Proceedings

Raisanen, Alan, et al. "First Report on Quantum Dot Coated CMOS CID arrays for the UV and VUV." Proceedings of the UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVIII, Aug 25 2013, San Diego CA. Ed. Oswald H. Siegmund. San Diego, CA: SPIE, 2013. Print. £

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Manian Ramkumar

Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Ramkumar, S. Manian, et al. "Effect of BGA Re-Balling and its Influence on Ball Shear Strength." Proceedings of the IPC APEX Conference. Ed. IPC. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2013. Print.

Ramkumar, S. Manian and Andrew Daya. "Effect of Mixed Alloy BGA Reballing on Board Level Drop Test Reliability." Proceedings of the SMTA International Conference. Ed. Surface Mount Technology Association. Fort Worth, TX: n.p., 2013. Print.

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

3/26/2013 - 8/31/2015
     Department of Labor/UoR
     Amount: $159,748 ≠

9/23/2013 - 11/22/2013
     NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
     Amount: $9,493 ≠

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Michael Riordan

School of Media Sciences
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions


Riordan, Michael. Sarah. Dec. 2013. Faces Exhibition/Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, VT. Exhibit. ˜

Riordan, Michael. New Beginning. Jul. 2013. Alter Ego Exhibit/Kiernan Gallery, Lexington, VA. Exhibit. ˜

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Jeffrey Rogers

Associate Professor
Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Rogers, Jeff. "Can Facility Managers Impact the Expected Budgetary Outcomes of Robust Asset Management Programs." Facilities 31. 1 (2013): 56-67. Web. *

Rogers, Jeff, Jenifer Schneider, and Frank Radio. "Fall Fatality Rate by Managing Risk Associated with Working at Heights." International Journal of Facility Management 4. 1 (2013): 1-13. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Rogers, Jeff, et al. "Integrated Municipal Sanitation Systems for Efficient Management of Public Water and Sanitation Services." Proceedings of the 2013 International Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Management. Ed. ASEM. Minneapolis, MN: n.p., 2013. Web. *

Rogers, Jeffrey, et al. "Integrated Municipal Sanitation Systems for Efficient Management of Public Water & Sanitation Services." Proceedings of the 2013 International Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Mgmt, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 13. Ed. Unknown. Minneapolis, MN: n.p., 2013. Print. «

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Jennifer Schneider

Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Published Review

Schneider, J. "Enhancing Health and Safety Through Management Systems Design." Rev. of Worker Health & Safety on Offshore Windfarms, by unknown. Special Report 310, Transportation Research Board: National Academies Press 2013: Chapter 5. Print. £

Published Conference Proceedings

Schneider, J., C. Romanowski, and K. Stein. "Decision Making to Support Local Emergency Preparation, Response, and Recovery." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST '13). Ed. unknown. Waltham, MA: IEEE, 2013. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schneider, J. and L. Daley. "Emergency Planning for Childcare Centers." Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Rochester Area Committee. Rochester, NY. 1 Nov. 2013. Keynote Speech.

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Larry Villasmil

Associate Professor
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Book Chapter

Garrick, Robert, et al. "Creating Technology Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education, Volume 6E. Ed. Charles Wankel and Patrick Blessinger. Bingley BD16 1WA, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013. 263-306. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kim, Spencer, et al. "Increasing Engagement in the Materials Science Classroom Through the Use of Guided Inquiry in a Technology Rich Learning Environment." 5th International Materials Education Symposium. University of Cambridge. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 5 Apr. 2013. Conference Presentation. £

Dell, Elizabeth, Robert Garrick, and Larry Villasmil. "Creating Technology-Rich Learning Environments for the Classroom." 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) Association Conference. University of Central Florida. Orlando, Florida. 15 Jan. 2013. Conference Presentation. £

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Scott Wolcott

Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Wolcott, Scott. "Treatment of High Strength Organic Wastewater Using Green Walls." 10th International Phytotechnology Conference. SUNY ESF/International Phytotechnology Society. Syracuse, NY. 2 Oct. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

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