Author Search

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For example: Peignot, Sheeler, Dufy

To search by Author, enter the last name of the author in the query field and then click the "Submit" button. You may also search by entering a series of consecutive letters in the author's name, instead of searching by the name's first letter only. For example, to search for "Monotype" you may search using "mono" or "oty." The resulting query will generate an author name list in alphabetical order. Click then on the name you are researching to view the corresponding references in Arts et Métiers Graphiques. Companies or corporate authors are also represented as authors in this database.
Elskamp , Max Belgian
Éluard , Paul French
Epstein , J.
Erdmann , Alfred
Erickson , Carl French
Ernst , Max German
Escholier , Raymond
Ettinger , Paul
Farge , Mrs. Henri
Fargue , Léon-Paul French
Farnoux-Reynaud , Lucien French
Feininger , Andreas German
Fels , Florent French
Finsler , Hans Swiss
Fischer , Hans
Flammarion French
Flannery American
Fletcher and Ellis , Inc American
Fleuret , Fernand French
Flöter , Hubertus German
Focillon , Henri French
Fonsèque , Max
Forez , Jean
Forthuny , Pascal French
Fosca , François
Foujita , Tsogouharu Japanese
Fouquet , Gaétan
Fourneau , Jean-Claude
France , Anatole French
Frélaut , Jean French
Frenzel , H.-K. German
Fresnaye , Roger de la
Freund , Gisèle German
Friborg , J.
Fridliand Soviet
Friedberger , Serge
Frigidaire American
Fry , Roger
G. , B.
Gabory , G.
Galanis , Démétrius Emmanuel French
Gallotti , Jean
Gandon , Pierre
García Lorca , Federico Spanish
Garetto Italian
Gaucheron , Roger
Geiger , Raymond
George , W.
Gignoux , Régis
Gil-Blas French
Gill , Eric English
Gillet , Louis French
Gindret , R.
Giraudoux , Jean French
Gischia , Léon
Godde , Louis
Godin , Henri Jean