Author Search

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For example: Peignot, Sheeler, Dufy

To search by Author, enter the last name of the author in the query field and then click the "Submit" button. You may also search by entering a series of consecutive letters in the author's name, instead of searching by the name's first letter only. For example, to search for "Monotype" you may search using "mono" or "oty." The resulting query will generate an author name list in alphabetical order. Click then on the name you are researching to view the corresponding references in Arts et Métiers Graphiques. Companies or corporate authors are also represented as authors in this database.
Iribe , Paul
Ishill , Joseph American
Istel , Paul
Jacno , Marcel French
Jacob , J. L. French
Jacob , Max
Jacobson , John
Jacomet , Daniel French
Jais , Lucien
Jaloux , Edmond
Jou , Louis French
Jourde French
Jouvet , Louis
K. , F.
K. , M.
Kanaga , Consuelo American
Kardas , German
Kauffer , Edward McKnight American
Kefer , Pierre
Kempenaer Dutch
Kertész , André American
Kessler , Rudolf German?
Kesting , Edmund German
Klingsor , Tristan
Klingspor , Gebrüder German
Kollar , François French
Kösler , Otto German
Kozianka Dutch
Kramer , Rudolf German
Krawczynski , A. Polish
Krull , Germaine French
Kunstler , Charles
L'Oréal French
L. , L.
La Tour , Georges de French
Labbé , M.
Laborde , Charles French
Laboureur , J.-E. French
Lacheroy , Henri French
Lacretelle , Jacques de
Lafourge , Jules French
Lahure , French
Laloue , A.
Landau , Ergy French
Lanot , F. de French
Larbaud , Valery
Larrive French
Latour , Alfred French
Lauer , Philippe French
Laurencin , Marie French
Le Campion , Valentin
Le Charles French
Le Corre , Lucienne
Léautaud , Paul
Lebedeff , Vladimir Russian
LeFébure , Pierre French
Lefournier , Mathilde
Léger , Fernand French
Legrand , Edy