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Issue 44

French Issue Title
Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Issue No.
Call No.
Z119.A795 no.44
Date Published
Issue 44
p. 1 1935: Offrez de Cigares et Cigarettes de la Régie Française
1935: Give Régie Française Cigars and Cigarettes
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 1 La Petite Foire des Arts Décoratifs du "Printemps"
The Little Decorative Arts Fair at Printemps
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 13 Lithographies de Vuillard
Lithographs by Vuillard
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 18 Une Écriture Pictographique: Tentures Guerrières et Tentures Funéraires du Dahomey
A Pictographic Writing: Dahomey War Hangings and Funeral Hangings
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: The Dahomey are the indiginous people of Benin, Africa.

p. 19 Grandville, le Précurseur
Grandville, the Precursor
ill. 7 page(s)
Notes: Mac Orlan argues that Grandville's fantastic drawings signal the beginning of Surrealism.

p. 2 Surpuissance Typographique: Deberny et Peignot
Typographic Strength: Deberny et Peignot
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 22b La Planche en Couleurs de Grandville
Color Plate by Grandville
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Grandville, le Précurseur," AMG 44, p. 19.

p. 26 Aerostrade
ill. 2 page(s)
Notes: Report on method of placing signs in the form of giant letters on railroad beds, in order to make city names visible from the air.

p. 28 Plans d'Urbanisme
City Planning
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 28b Plan de Suresnes
Map of Surenses
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Plans d'Urbanisme," AMG 44, p. 28.

p. 29 Restif de la Bretonne: apprenti, prote et imprimeur
Restif de la Bretonne: apprentice, foreman and printer
ill. 8 page(s)

p. 36b Couverture de Altman pour les "Contes du Chat Perché"
Cover by Altman for "Tales of the Perched Cat"
1 page(s)

p. 37 Jean Oberlé, Illustrateur
Jean Oberlé, Illustrator
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 42 De l'Impression en Couleurs
On Color Printing
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 42b Photographie de Pierre Boucher, tirage effectué en hélio-chromie
Photograph by Pierre Boucher, printed by helio-chromy
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "De l'Impression en Couleurs," AMG 44, p. 42.

p. 43 La Joie de Vivre
The Joy of Living
ill. 5 page(s)
Notes: Calls for collaboration between fine artists and animators to produce artistic animations.

p. 48 Oniromancie Graphique
Captured Dreams
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: On a collection of drawings that depict dream fantasies.

p. 48b Planche extraite de "Nouvelle Clef des Songes"
Plate from "The New Key to Dreams"
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Oniromancie Graphique,: AMG 44, p. 48.

p. 49 Les Manuscrits de Jacques Cartier
The Manuscripts of Jacques Cartier
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 5 Alphabets Romantiques
Romantic Alphabets
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: A random collection of ornate display faces from Fond. Laurent and Deberny and J. Midolle.

p. 54 Les Affiches au Salon d'Automne
Posters from the Autumn Salon
ill. 2 page(s)
Notes: Posters by Picart-le-Doux, Tautel, Nygh, Roland Ansieau, Emile Hugon, René Méry.

p. 56 Graffiti Abyssins
Abyssian Graffiti
ill. 2 page(s)

p. 58 L'Oeil du Bibliophile
The Eye of the Booklover
ill. 2 page(s)

p. 58b Planche extraite des "Oeuvres Complètes de Maupassant"
Plate from "The Complete Works of Maupassant"
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "L'Oeil du Bibliophile," AMG 44, p. 58.

p. 60 À propos d'un concours: Affiches pour la Loterie Nationale
Concerning a competition: Posters for the National Lottery
ill. 2 page(s)

p. 62 L'Actualité Graphique
The Graphics News
ill. 5 page(s)
Notes: Reproductions of the winners for the Salon des Arts Ménagers posters and a page devoted to ads for Quillet, a encyclopedic dictionary.

p. 64b Couverture du catalogue d'encres mates simili-creux Lefranc
Cover of the catalog of gravure inks by Lefranc
1 page(s)

p. 66 Les Églogues de Virgile
The Eclogues of Virgil
1 page(s)

p. 66 Un Atelier Cassandre
A Cassandre Workshop
1 page(s)
Notes: Announcement that Cassandre will begin teaching design.

p. 66 Jules Breton et Cie.
Jules Breton and Co.
1 page(s)

p. 66 L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui
Today's Architecture
1 page(s)

p. 67 Encres d'Imprimerie, Pates à Rouleaux, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie.
Encres D'Imprimerie, Roller Pastes, Ch. Lorilleux & Co.
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 67 Exposition Daragnès
Daragnès Exhibition
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 68 L'Imprimerie de Vaugirard Est l'Imprimerie Typographique d'Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Vaugirard Printery Is the Typographic Press of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
1 page(s)

p. 9 Charles Péguy, Typographe
Charles Péguy, Typographer
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Writes about Péguy who was the publisher and editor of "Cahiers de la Quinzaine" book series.

Issue 44