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Issue 46

French Issue Title
Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Issue No.
Call No.
Z119.A795 no.46
Date Published
46 Cover
p. 1 L'Exposition Internationale de Bruxelles
International Exhibition of Brussels
1 page(s)

p. 18b Page de Jean Cocteau, extraite des "Enfants Terribles"
Page by Jean Cocteau, from "Terrible Children"
1 page(s)

p. 19 Traits de Plume
ill. 5 page(s)
Notes: Article about calligraphic writing and drawing with a quill.

p. 2 Arts et Métiers Graphiques met en souscription: "Cuisine" par H. J. Laroche
Arts et Métiers Graphiques puts into subscription: "Cuisine" by H. J. Laroche
1 page(s)

p. 24 Enseignes
Shop signs
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 24b Enseigne pour le "Boeuf à la Mode"
Sign for the "The Cow in Style"
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Enseignes," AMG 46, p. 24. Picture of a cow dressed in boots, a scarf, and a veil.

p. 28b Un papier collé d'avant-guerre, de Picasso
A pre-war collage by Picasso
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Les Papiers Collés de Picasso," AMG 46, p. 29.

p. 29 Les Papiers Collés de Picasso
Picasso's Collages
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 34 Photogrammes
ill. 3 page(s)
Notes: Illustrated with photograms by Man Ray, Tabard, Mazenrod, Boucher.

p. 36b Étoile
Étoile (star) typeface
3 page(s)

p. 37 Machines à dessiner
Drawing machines
ill. 8 page(s)
Notes: Includes several illustrations by Albrecht Dürer.

p. 45 Imagerie Populaire Religieuse
Popular Religious Imagery
ill. 9 page(s)
Notes: Reproduces popularly woodcuts of the life of Christ and that of the saints.

p. 5 Deux Ballades Brétonnes
Two Breton Ballads
4 page(s)

p. 50b Une image religieuse d'Épinal de Pellerin
A religious print by Pellerin d'Épinal [Saint Victoria]
1 page(s)

p. 54 Affiche en U.R.S.S.
The Poster in the U.S.S.R.
ill. 4 page(s)

p. 58 Publicité
ill. 3 page(s)
Notes: Author's impressions on advertising imagery.

p. 60b Couverture de Nathan pour la revue "Maisons et Jardins"
Nathan's cover for "House and Gardens" magazine
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "L'Actualité Graphique," AMG 46, p. 61.

p. 61 L'Actualité Graphique
The Graphics News
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Advertisements for textiles, clothing, Nouvelle Revue Française are featured. Film stills from an animated commercial are reproduced.

p. 65 Le Procédé Plastotypique Clot
Clot's Plastotypique Process
1 page(s)
Notes: Describes a new engraving process with a rubber plate, that is able to print on uncoated, textured paper.

p. 65 Cigarettes Week-end
Weekend Cigarettes
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 66 L'Interieur du présent numéro a été tiré sur papier couché deux cotés de la maison Jules Breton & Cie., Evette Germain et Cie, successeurs.
The interior of this issue was printed on double-side coated paper from the house of Jules Breton & Cie., Evette Germain et Cie, successors.
1 page(s)

p. 66 Les Grandes Ventes
Great Sales
3 page(s)
Notes: Documents the sale and auction of rare books.

p. 66 Les Églogues de Virgile
The Eclogues of Virgil
1 page(s)

p. 67 Encres d'Imprimerie, Pates à Rouleaux, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie.
Encres D'Imprimerie, Roller Pastes, Ch. Lorilleux & Co.
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 68 L'Imprimerie de Vaugirard Est l'Imprimerie Typographique d'Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Vaugirard Printery Is the Typographic Press of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
1 page(s)

p. 9 Bonnard
ill. 10 page(s)

Issue 46