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Issue 54

French Issue Title
Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Issue No.
Call No.
Z119.A795 no.54
Date Published
Issue 54 Cover
p. 1 Scribe n'est pas un caractère dessiné, c'est une écriture naturelle
Scribe is not a designed character, it is natural writing
1 page(s)

p. 19 Imagerie Monétaire
Monetary Imagery
ill. 6 page(s)
Notes: Article about illustrations on Germany money during World War I.

p. 2 Les Cigarettes Celtiques
Celitque Cigarettes
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 2 Ch. Lorilleux et Cie., Encres d'Imprimerie, Pates à Rouleaux
Ch. Lorilleux & Co., Printing Inks, Roller Pastes
1 page(s)

p. 24b Paysage
1 page(s)

p. 25 La Loterie, Racontée par l'Image
The Lottery, As Told through Images
ill. 8 page(s)
Notes: Review of the exhibition at the Musée Carnavalet that chronicled the French National Lottery from 1539-1933.

p. 33 Le Point de Vue de la Nature
Nature's Point of View
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Article illustrated with close-up views of cracked cement wall textures. One image has green cellophane overlay to create the illusion of color printing.

p. 37 Le Plans des Routes de France de Trudaine et Perronet
The Maps of the Roads of France by Trudaine et Perronet
ill. 9 page(s)
Notes: Reproduces maps from the French National Archives, some of which were works drawn under the direction of Trudaine and Perronet, engineers in charge of road improvements.

p. 42b Plan de la route Paris-Le Havre 1771
Map of the road from Paris to Le Havre
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Le Plans des Routes de France de Trudaine et Perronet," AMG 54, p. 37.

p. 46 Dessins de Cézanne
Cézanne's Drawings
ill. 7 page(s)

p. 48b Étude de Cézanne
Study by Cézanne
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Dessins de Cézanne," AMG 54, p. 46.

p. 5 Berlin: 1880
Berlin: 1880
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Excerpt of Lafourge's book, treated typographically.

p. 52b Extraits du Catalogue Typographique de l'Imprimerie Danel à Lille
From the Imprimerie Danel's Typographic Catalog
4 page(s)

p. 53 La Lettre et le Décor du Livre pendant la période 1880-1905
The Letter and Book Decoration during the period of 1880-1905
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Focuses on Art Nouveau influences on typography. Mentions Morris, bu does not go into depth about his typographical conventions.

p. 57 L'Actulalité Graphique
The Graphics News
ill. 7 page(s)
Notes: Article focuses on tourism advertsiements.

p. 59 Décors d'Espagne
Spanish Decoration
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: Part of "L'Actulalité Graphique," AMG 54, p. 57.

p. 62 Evaux: Les Bains, Charme, Santé
Evaux: The Baths, Charm, Health
0 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "L'Actulalité Graphique," AMG 54, p. 57.

p. 64b Page extraite de l'album "Procédés"
Page from the album "Processes"
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "L'Actulalité Graphique," AMG 54, p. 57.

p. 65 Formats de Papier
Paper Formats
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: Urge to standardize trim paper sizes.

p. 66 Les Églogues de Virgile
The Eclogues of Virgil
1 page(s)

p. 66 Bibliothèque de Loisirs
Leisure Libraries
2 page(s)
Notes: Vendel's ideas on a new public library system to attract the average person, complete with a day care for children.

p. 67 Jules Breton et Cie. Evette Germain et Cie. Successeurs
Jules Breton and Co. Evette Germain and Co. Successors
1 page(s)

p. 67 Bibliographie
2 page(s)
Notes: Announcement of the new books that were released.

p. 68 L'Imprimerie de Vaugirard Est l'Imprimerie Typographique d'Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Vaugirard Printery Is the Typographic Press of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
1 page(s)

p. 9 Sur une exposition: Les Peintre de la Revue Blanche
On an exhibition: The Painters of the "Revue Blanche"
10 page(s)
Notes: Reproduces images, manuscript pages, sketches from the exhibition.

Issue 54