DDI Good News | November 2020
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Alesia Allen, Joseph Hill, Thomastine Sarchet-Maher and Peter Hauser have new roles at RIT’S National Technical Institute for the Deaf. In support of NTID’s forthcoming Antiracism and Social Justice Plan, Allen has been named assistant vice president for diversity and inclusion; Hill will serve as assistant dean for ALANA faculty recruitment and retention; Sarchet-Maher has been named assistant dean of ALANA Outreach, Access, and Success; and Hauser will serve as assistant dean of research mentoring.
Diversity Theater’s conference poster proposal was accepted for The National Academics of Sciences Engineering Medicine (NASEM) conference, on the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education which was held last month. It highlights the series of workshops Tina Chapman-DaCosta, director of Diversity Theater, co-presented with Laverne McQuiller, Interim Dean, COLA RIT Maureen Scully, Professor University of Massachusetts and Margaret Bailey, Professor, KGCOE RIT for COLA 2016-2019. In addition, Diversity Theater’s conference workshop proposal was accepted for the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) and STEM conference. The workshop took place November 7 and showcased Diversity Theater’s work in COS using Playback Theater for community building, as part of the HHMI IE grant initiatives.
Jonathan Ntheketha, associate director, Student Success and Development, MCAS has been cast in the Geva Theatre Center Recognition Radio series. He is appearing in the second play in the series, “The Bleeding Class” which started November 10th and will run through December 15th. More information can be found here: https://recognition-radio.com/
November 17th, Ntheketha will discuss “Diversity and Inclusion in Advising” as the keynoter for the Emerald Coast Academic Advising Network’s Annual Conference, titled ALL HANDS ON DECK: NAVIGATING THROUGH UNCERTAIN TIMES. Just a few days later, Nov 22nd, he will facilitate the Rochester Anti-Racism Action Coalition (RARAC) and Impact Interactive, LLC event “Uncomfortable Conversations: A Theatre-Based Virtual Workshop Confronting Privilege, Bias & Racism.”