AMS Taskstream

RIT Taskstream Access

To directly access Taskstream by Watermark™, please click the icon:
taskstream by watermark TM Sign In

  1. Click the Taskstream by Watermark™ icon
  2. Programs/Departments you have access to are listed on the Taskstream Welcome page
    1. Click Program Assessment Plan or Administrative Unit to view the workspace
    2. Click on folders (left column) in the workspace to view information
    3. Click on the RIT logo (top left corner of the screen) to return to the Welcome page
  3. Save your work and Log out at the end of your session by clicking  white icon on a blue background. The icon is a circle surrounding a 3 by 3 block of white dots 
  4. Close the browser

About Taskstream

Taskstream by Watermark is a web-based assessment management system used by RIT to store assessment reporting documents and data to assist in continuous improvement efforts. Units and programs can manage their assessment plans in a Taskstream workspace. Taskstream facilitates the documentation of the contributions that each of the university’s units and programs make toward achieving the goals of the institution as a whole in terms of institutional effectiveness.

Taskstream features include:

  • Assessment plan creation and review
  • Mapping to goals and learning outcomes
  • Reporting and tracking of recommendations and improvements
  • Curriculum mapping
  • Accreditation

Benefits of AMS

Manages Documents and Processes: Simplifies documentation process and reduces paper footprint

Accreditation Reporting: Streamlines management of institution-wide accreditation reporting

Collaboration and Review: Engages community in outcomes assessment and continuous improvement initiatives

Quality and Improvement: Ensures quality and supports engagement in continuous improvement

Acceptable Browsers

Windows: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 
Mac: Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome 
iPad/iOS: Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 
Android: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome