Emily Gammon

Emily Gammon headshot.

Emily Gammon

Task Stones

Relationship Focus: Human-to-Tools/Digitally Mediated

Focused work is best accomplished when stress is well managed. By using a system of physical objects which directly correlate to a person’s capacity for work, individuals can minimize worry about taking on more than they can handle. Individually, a stone is an elegant representation of the task it marks; as a whole, the set serves as a visual reminder to the user, and those around them of, “what’s on your plate.” The Task Stones come in three sizes. The smallest stones are made to mark quick and easy tasks, the medium stones represent moderate tasks, and the largest stones represent the tasks of greatest importance. To further elevate the form of the Stones and clearly visualize their workload, users will be able to categorize their tasks using a computer interface and the use of LED lights.