About RIT's Office of Project Lead The Way

RIT is a Project Lead The Way Higher Education and Training Partner.

Project Lead The Way is a nonprofit organization that provides transformative learning experiences for Pre-K – 12 students and teachers through pathways in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science. Learn more about Project Lead The Way

RIT's Office of Project Lead The Way works with students, parents, teachers, and schools to offer pathways to undergraduate and graduate RIT credit while providing mini-grants to schools for their Project Lead The Way program.

Our Team

Sarah Pillittere

Sarah is the contact for undergraduate college credit, teacher professional development, graduate credit, mini-grant questions, and information specific to your school.

Sarah Pillittere
Associate Director Operations Professional Development
George Zion

George provides full oversight of RIT's Office of Project Lead The Way and is a Professor in RIT's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology.

George Zion, Ph.D.
Director, Project Lead The Way
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology