About the Director
Joseph R. Fornieri, Professor of Political Science
- RIT/
- Center for Statesmanship, Law, and Liberty/
- About the Director

Dr. Joseph R. Fornieri is Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology and the Director of the Center for Statecraft, Law, and Liberty, a non-partisan organization that seeks to enhance the study of political greatness and responsible citizenship at the secondary and college levels. An award-winning instructor, Fornieri teaches classes in American political thought and leadership, rhetoric, political philosophy, and the First Amendment. Dr. Fornieri was a member of the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, 1809-2009. The same year he was awarded a Fulbright as a Lecturer at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic. He is the author of a several books on the Sixteenth President, including Abraham Lincoln’s Political Faith and Abraham Lincoln, Philosopher Statesman. He is also co-author and editor of An Invitation to Political Thought with his now deceased college mentor, Kenneth L. Deutsch. His recent books include: Free Speech: Core Court Cases, Abraham Lincoln: Core Documents and American Statesmanship, Principles and Practices of Leadership from Notre Dame University Press. A former High School teacher, Fornieri’s mission includes outreach to secondary teachers and students throughout the country. He is now working on a book comparing and contrasting the political thought and leadership of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. On the side, he enjoys cigars and plays in a blues band with his brother Peter and his nephew Joseph.