Current Exhibits

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Past Exhibition

Campus design, like urban design, treats the entirety as a whole comprising discrete elements. At RIT, our buildings, infrastructure, campus loop, paths, ponds, and pavilions contribute to the campus genius loci or the spirit of place. Long known as Brick City, our campus[...]

Past Exhibition

Mushroom mycelium – sometimes likened to the root structure of plants - has the unique ability to grow into a shape encouraged by its surroundings. Here that capability is utilized to form light shades that will maintain their structure and stability during use, but decompose in[...]

Past Exhibition

Thematic Form Studies 2, an exhibit of new paintings by R. Roger Remington, opens at RIT’s Grid Space/University Gallery on February 12, 2024. In these paintings Remington continues his personal exploration of formal visual elements The work is a continuing blend of systematic[...]

Past Exhibition

This exhibition explores and highlights the Ramsey-Lemon Family Archive as an example of Black life in response to historical events in the 20th century as depicted by photographs from Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist and RIT Alumni Bernie Boston. To be Black in America[...]